Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Oparin G.A.
Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory SB of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Author in:
- Development and application of the distributed softfare packages Co-authors: Feoktistov A.G., Sidorov I.A.
- The language for description of problem domain model in the software packages Co-authors: Feoktistov A.G., Горский С.А.
- Input language of the object-oriented knowledge base of GRID-system Co-authors: Feoktistov A.G., Вартанян Э.К.
- Parallel computing toolkit for solving boolean equations on multi-core processors Co-authors: Богданова В.Г.
- Integrated toolkit for organization of the problem-oriented distributed computing Co-authors: Feoktistov A.G., Novopashin A.P.
- Metamonitoring system for high-performance computing environment Co-authors: Novopashin A.P., Sidorov I.A., Skorov V.V.