Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: object(oriented programming
- Authors: Кочеров М.С.
- Authors: Климов Ю.А.
- The object-oriented programming trends in the design of KuMir Authors: Леонов А.Г.
- Development of an information processing prototype in respect of its cost Authors: Скрипачев В.О., Чулкин М.О.
- Object-oriented technologies in the method of aircraft body automated design Authors: Припадчев А.Д., Быкова И.С.
- Optimal feedback control for one class of nonlinear systems via quadratic criterion Authors: Афанасьев А.П., Емельянова И.И., Дзюба С.М., Пчелинцев А.Н.
- Implementing metalinguistic abstraction to support OOP using C Authors: Дергачев А.М., Жирков И.О., Логинов И.П., Кореньков Ю.Д.
- The development software for input of initial data during simulation Authors: Чернышев С.А., Антипова С.А.