ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
13 September 2024

The Editorial Board / Kureychik Viktor Mikhaylovich

Kureichik Viktor Mikhaylovich, PhD, Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), Member of the Academy of Engineering Science of Russian Federation, Member of the International Academy of Informatization (MAI), Member of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Kureichik V.M. was born on 2 November 1945. He graduated from the Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering (former Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute) in 1967 with a Diploma in specialty "Calculating and deciding devices and apparatus". He received a Candidate of Engineering Science degree in 1971 and a Doctor of Engineering Science degree in 1978 from Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute.

V.M. Kureichik has been working at TSURE from January 1968 as an engineer, a chief of laboratory, a chief of Design Office, a chief of department of Research Institute. From 1979 to 1999 he was a Department Chair of CADS. In 1982 he became a professor, from 1982 to 1987 he was elected to the position of Dean of the College of Microelectronics and Electronics Engineering. In 1987 V.M. Kureichik founded the chair of CADS and had been its chairperson to 1999. From 1993 he is an active Member of Russian Academy of Natural Science. In 1999 V.M. Kureichik was promoted to the position of the Vice Rector for Informatics and director of Rostov Regional Center of New Information Technologies. In 2003 V.M. Kureichik was promoted to the position of the Vice Rector for Research. From 2006 he was promoted to the position of Deputy Director of Taganrog Technological Institute, Southern Federal University for Research.

Fields of research: physical design of artificial intelligence in CADS, genetic algorithms and their use in CADS. V.M. Kureichik is a chief of section of the Department of Radio-Electronics and Control Systems of North Caucasus Research Center of High School. He created a research direction on genetic methods of optimization.

V.M. Kureichik is the author of more than 600 papers including monographs and inventions. He is the president of Russian CADS Association; three times Soros Professor (1998, 1999, 2000) on Mathematics, member of American mathematics Society (1980-1996), Member of American Bibliographic Institute.

V.M. Kureichik is a member of the editorial boards of important scientific journals of Russia: “Programmnye produkty i sistemy”, “Otkrytoe obrazovanie”, “Informatsionnye tekhnologii”, “Izvestiya SFedU. Engeneering Sciences”; chief editor of the national academic and scientific-methodological journal “Informatika, vychislitelnaya tekhnika i inzhenernoe obrazovanie”.

He was on leave in Syracuse, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Dayton, New-York universities in 1978-79. In 1992 he gave lectures on CADS in Michigan State University, USA. In 1993-94 V.M. Kureichik made research on genetic algorithms according to the program in USA. V.M. Kureichik made program reports in USA, Germany, France, Poland, Bulgaria and Hungary. In 1998, 2000 and 2006 he took part in world-wide exhibition CEBIT. On 20 April 2000 he was elected an Active Member of the Academy of Engineering Science of Russian Federation. His biography was published in the edition "Who Is Who in the World" in 2001.

Honors and titles

· Silver and bronze medals of the VDHKh for developing industrial CAD.

· An award pin “For Excellence in work” for achievements in High Education of USSR in 1984.

· A medal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Russia for a scientific discovery in Intelligent CAD in 1995.

· “Honored Science Worker of Russian Federation” in 1997.

· A Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS).

· A badge of honor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences “for achievements in Science and Economics development” 1999.

· A silver anniversary medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences – 10 years, 1990-2000.

· A commemorative medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences “The author of a scientific discovery” for amplification of the theory of automated design systems for VLSI based on evolutionary modeling.

· A Medal of the Order of Merit for the Motherland, 2nd degree, award №59194, 2002.

· An award pin “Honorary Worker of Highest Vocational Education of the Russian Federation” achievements in Education in 2005.

· A Member of the Academy of Engineering Science of Russian Federation.

· A Member of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences.

· Vice-President of the Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence.,_%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80_%D0%9C%D0%B8%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87


1. Kureychik V.M. Geneticheskie algoritmy i ikh primenenie [Genetic algorithms and their applications]. 2nd ed., Taganrog, TSURE Publ., 2002. (in Russ.)

2. Kureychik V.M., Gladkov L.A., Zinchenko L.A., Kureychik V.V. Metody geneticheskogo poiska [Methods for genetic search]. Taganrog, TSURE Publ., 2002. (in Russ.)

3. Kureychik V.M., Gladkov L.A., Zinchenko L.A., Kureychik V.V. Optimizatsionnye struktury pri proektirovanii na osnove metodov gomeostatiki, evolyutsionnogo razvitiya i samoorganizatsii [Optimization structures when design based on evolutionary, synergetic and homeostatic methods]. Part 2, Taganrog, TSURE Publ., 2003. (in Russ.)

4. Emelyanov V.V., Kureychik V.V., Kureychik V.M. Teoriya i praktika evolyutsionnogo modelirovaniya [Theory and practice of evolutionary modeling]. Moscow, Fizmatlit Publ., 2003, 432 p. (in Russ.)

5. Kureychik V.M., Gladkov L.A., Kureychik V.V., Lebedev B.K. Optimizatsiya na osnove evolyutsionnogo i neyrosetevogo modelirovaniya [Optimizatoin based on evolutionary and neural network modeling]. Taganrog, TSURE Publ., 2004. (in Russ.)

6. Kureichik V.M., Kureichik V.V. Genetic algorithms. Hartung-Gorre Verlag Konstanz, 2004.

7. Gladkov L.A., Kureychik V.M., Kureychik V.V. Geneticheskie algoritmy [Genetic algorithms]. Rostizdat Publ., Rostov-on-Don, 2004. (in Russ.)

8. Kureychik V.M., Malyukov S.P., Obzhelyanskiy S.A. Avtomatizatsiya proektirovaniya magnitnykh golovok dlya ustroystv nakopleniya informatsii [Automated design of magnetic heads for data storage devices]. Tutorial, Taganrog, TSURE Publ., 2004. (in Russ.)

9. Kureychik V.M., Lebedev B.K., Lebedev O.B., Chernyshov Yu.O. Adaptatsiya na osnove samoobucheniya [Adaptation based on self-education]. Tutorial, Rostov-on-Don, RGASKhM Publ., 2004. (in Russ.)

10. Kureychik V.M., Gladkov L.A., Kureychik V.V. Diskretnaya matematika [Discrete Mathematics]. Part 1. A set theory. Tutorial, Taganrog, TSURE Publ., 2005. (in Russ.)

11. Kureychik V.M., Vagin V.N., Lebedev B.K., Tarasov V.B. Intellektualnye sistemy [Intelligent systems]. Multi-author book. Moscow, Fizmatlit Publ., 2005. (in Russ.)

12. Kureychik V.M., Kureychik V.V., Gladkov L.A. Geneticheskie algoritmy algoritmy [Genetic algorithms]. Tutorial, 2nd ed. Moscow, Fizmatlit Publ., 2006, 320 p. (in Russ.)

13. Kureychik V.M., Lebedev B.K., Lebedev O.B. Poiskovaya adaptatsiya. Teoriya i praktika [Search engine adaptation. Theory and Practice]. Moscow, Fizmatlit Publ., 2006. (in Russ.)

14. Kureychik V.M., Kureychik V.V., Gladkov L.A., Sorokoletov P.V. Bioinspirirovannye metody v optimizatsii [Bio-inspired methods in optimizatoin]. Moscow, Fizmatlit Publ., 2009.

15. Kureichik V.M., Malioukov S.P., Kureichik V.V., Malioukov A.S. Genetic Algorithms for Applied CAD Problems. Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publ., 2009.

16. Rodzin S., Kureychik V.M., Kureychik V.V. Evolyutsionnye vychisleniya: Teoriya, modeli, algoritmy, parallelism [Evolutionary computation: basics, models, algorithms, parallelism]. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publ., 2011. (in Russ.)

17. Kureychik V.M., Gladkov L.A., KureychikV.V. Evolyutsionnoe modelirovanie i geneticheskie algoritmy. Metody poiska optimalnykh resheniy na osnove inspiririrovannykh prirodoy system [Evolutionary modeling and genetic algorithms. Search methods of optimal decisions based on nature inspired systems]. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publ., 2011, 260 p. (in Russ.)

18. Kazharov A., Kureychik V.M. Bioinspirirovannye algoritmy. Reshenie optimizatsionnykh zadach [Bio-inspired algorithms. Solving optimized problems]. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publ., 2011, 80 p. (in Russ.)

19. Lebedev O.B., Kureychik V.M., Lebedev B.K. Adaptatsiya v zadachakh proektirovaniya topologii: obzor, analiz algoritmov i metodov resheniya optimizatsionnykh zadach proektirovaniya [Adaptation in topology design problems: review, analysis of algorithms and solving methods for optimized problems of design ].LAP LAMBERT Academic Publ., 2012. (in Russ.)

20. Kureychik V.M., Rodzin S.I., Kureychik V.V. Teoriya evolyutsionnykh vychisleniy [Basics of evolutionary computation]. 2012. (in Russ.)

21. Kureychik V.M., Potarusov R., Gonkalves Zh. Geneticheskie metody upakovki elementov v bloke [Genetic methods of block elements packing]. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publ., 2013, 136 p. (in Russ.)