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The Editorial Board / Tarassov Valery Borissovich
Valery В. Tarassov, PhD, Associate Professor, Academician of International Academy of Systems Studies, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Informatization, Vice-President of Russian Association for Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, Member of Scientific Council of Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence.
Valery B. Tarassov was born in Moscow on February 16, 1955. Graduated from Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School (actually Bauman Moscow State Technical University, BMSTU) in 1978. He received his PhD in 1982. The title of his dissertation is «Development of Fuzzy Mathematics Models to Enable Design and Engineering». In 1978-1992 he has been working with various departments of Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School. Since 1992 he is the associate professor at CIM department of BMSTU. Actually he is the deputy director of CIM department responsible for research work.
Dr Valery B. Tarassov is also the professor at the Department of Information Technologies of MATI-Tsiolkowsky Russian State Technological University. Besides, he delivers lectures at Applied Mathematics Department of Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) and IBS Master Courses. He was the supervisor of 9 PhD theses.
From 1995 to 1997 he was a visiting professor of the University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambresis (France).
Dr Valery B. Tarassov is the member of the editorial board of the Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, Software and Systems, the founder of book series «Sciences of Artificial» in Editorial URSS.
His scientific interests include Artificial Intelligence, CIM, Intelligent Lifecycle and Enterprise Engineering, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Soft Computing, Granular Computing, Multi-Valued Logics, Multi-Agent Systems, Networked Organizations, Cognitive Measurement.
Не has authored or co-authored 6 books (in Russian): «Approaches to the Modeling of Thinking» (2014); «Mathematical Psychology» (2010); «Fuzzy Hybrid Systems»(2007); «From Multi-Agent Systems to Intelligent Organizations» (2002); «Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Virtual Educational Institutions» (2001); «Fuzzy Sets in Control and Artificial Intelligence Models» (1986). The monograph «From Multi-Agent Systems to Intelligent Organizations» has been awarded in 2004 by Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence as the best book in AI and its applications.
He has participated at 5 volumes «Intelligent Systems» printed by leading Russian mathematical publishers PhysMathLit (2007-2013) and co-edited the Proceedings of International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications and Knowledge Discovery (SCAKD’11, Moscow, Higher School of Economics, 25 June 2011). Dr Valery B.Tarassov is the author of more than 250 papers, including about 50 papers in English.
He is the co-chairman of biannual International Conferences on Integrated Systems and Soft Computing in AI held in Kolomna, Pospelov International Symposia on Hybrid and Synergetic Intelligent Systems, RAFSSC All-Russian Conferences on Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, BMSTU International Conferences on Intelligent Systems and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Tver International Summer School and Workshop for students, post-graduate students and young scientists «Intelligent Systems and Technologies: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives».
Dr Valery B.Tarassov is the member of numerous program committees of international conferences, such as International Conferences of Applications of Fuzzy Systems (ICAFS), International Conferences on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in System, Decision and Control (ICSCCW), World Conferences on Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation (WCIS), International Conferences on Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems (OSTIS), International Conferences «Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution» (KDS), International Conferences on Soft Computing and Measurement (SCM), International Congress on Intelligent Systems and Information Technologies (ISIT), Russian National Conferences in AI (CAI), Russian Conferences on Enterprise Engineering and Knowledge Management (EE&KM), etc.
1. Tarassov V.B., Svyatkina M.N. Using Zadeh’s Granulation Concept: Granular Logics and Their Application to Sensor Data Analysis// Recent Developments and New Directions in Soft Computing. – New York: Springer Verlag, 2014. – P.453-466.
2. Tarassov V.B., Svyatkina M.N. Cognitive Measurements: the Future of Intelligent Systems// Software and Systems. – 2013. – №4. – С.74-82.
3. Tarassov V.B. Granular Ontologies, Perception-Based Time Models and Fuzzy Temporal Reasoning with Words// Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in System Analysis, Decision and Control (ICSCCW’2013, Izmir, Turkey, September 2-3, 2013)/ Ed. by R.A.Aliev, K.W.Bonfig, M.Jamshidi, I.B.Turksen.– Kaufering: b-Quadrat Verlag, 2013. – P.23-24.
4. Tarassov V.B., Svyatkina M.N. Cognitive Measurements for Intelligent Systems// Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in System Analysis, Decision and Control (ICSCCW’2013, Izmir, Turkey, September 2-3, 2013)/ Ed. by R.A.Aliev, K.W.Bonfig, M.Jamshidi, I.B.Turksen.– Kaufering: b-Quadrat Verlag, 2013.– P.189-202.
5. Fedotova A.V., Tarassov V.B. Development and Interpretation of Spiral Lifecycle’s Model: a Granular Computing Approach. Part 1. Lifecycle Granulation and Spiral Representation// Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in System Analysis, Decision and Control (ICSCCW’2013, Izmir,Turkey, September 2-3, 2013)/ Ed. by R.A.Aliev, K.W.Bonfig, M.Jamshidi, I.B.Turksen.– Kaufering: b-Quadrat Verlag, 2013.– P.432-440.
6. Dyundyukov V.S., Tarassov V.B. Goal-Resource Networks and Their Application to Agents Communication and Co-Ordination in Virtual Enterprises// Proceedings of IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (St.Petersburg, Russia, June 19-21, 2013). – SPb: SPIIRAS, 2013.
7. Svyatkina M.N., Tarassov V.B. On Granules and Granular Structures for Multi-Valued Logics// Sensor Data Mining with Using Multi-Valued and Fuzzy Logics// Handbook of the 4th World Congress and School on Universal Logics (UNILOG’2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 29-April 07, 2013)/ Ed. by J.-Y Beziau et al. – Rio de Janeiro: Editora Kelps, Goiania, 2013. – P.297-300.
8. Tarassov V.B. The Perspectives of Non-Linear Multi-Valued Logics: Extended Logical Matrices// Handbook of the 4th World Congress and School on Universal Logics (UNILOG’2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 29-April 07, 2013)/ Ed. by J.-Y Beziau et al. - Rio de Janeiro: Editora Kelps, Goiania, 2013. – P.300-301.
9. Tarassov V.B., Svyatkina M.N. Using Zadeh’s Granulation Concept: Granular Logic and Their Application to Sensor Data Analysis// Proceedings of the 2 nd World Conference on Soft Computing/ R.R.Yager,M.Z.Reformat,Sh.N.Shahbazova(WConSC-2012,Baku,Azerbaijan, December 3-5, 2012). – Baku: Letterpress Publishing House, 2012. – P.600-605.
10. Tarassov V.B., Kalutskaya A.P. Modeling Interactions Between Cognitive Robot and Its Environment on the Basis of Pseudo-Physical Logics and Generalized Constraints// Proceedings of the VIIth World Conference on Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation/ Ed. by N.Yusupbekov, R.Aliev, K.Bonfig (WCIS-2012, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, November 25-27, 2012). – Kaufering: b-Quadrat Verlag, 2012. – Vol.1. – P.142-151.
11. Dyundyukov V.S., Tarassov V.B. Communication of Agents: Goal-Resource Networks and Their Application// Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing (ICAFS-2012, Lisbon, Portugal, August 29-30). – Kaufering: b-Quadrat Verlag, 2012. – P.95-104.
12. Svyatkina M.N., Tarassov V.B. Sensor Data Mining with Using Multi-Valued and Fuzzy Logics. Abstract// Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing (ICAFS-2012, Lisbon, Portugal, August 29-30). – Kaufering: b-Quadrat Verlag, 2012. – P.47.
13. Tarassov V.B. Information Granulation by Cognitive Agents and Non-Standard Fuzzy Sets// Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in System Analysis, Decision and Control (ICSCCW’2011, Antalya, Turkey, September 1-2, 2011)/ Ed. by R.A.Aliev, K.W.Bonfig, V.Kreinovich, I.B.Turksen.– Kaufering: b-Quadrat Verlag, 2011. – P.59-74.
14. Kalutskaya A.P., Tarassov V.B. On Granular and Fuzzy Ontologies// Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in System Analysis, Decision and Control (ICSCCW’2011, Antalya, Turkey, September 1-2, 2011)/Ed. by R.A.Aliev, K.W.Bonfig, V.Kreinovich, I.B.Turksen.– Kaufering: b-Quadrat Verlag, 2011.– P.363-372.
15. Proceedings of International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications and Knowledge Discovery (SCAKD’11,Moscow,Higher School of Economics, 25 June 2011)/Ed. by A.Averkin, D.Ignatov, S.Mitra, J.Poelmans, V.Tarassov. – Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2011. – 135 p.
16. Tarassov V.B. On Multi-Valued and Fuzzy Dia-Logics// Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in Systems Analysis, Decision and Control (Famagusta, North Cyprus, 2-4 September 2009).
17. Plesniewicz G.S., Tarassov V.B. Optimal Query Answering in Fuzzy Knowledge Bases// Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in Systems Analysis, Decision and Control (Famagusta, North Cyprus, 2-4 September 2009).
18. Tarassov V.B. Selecting Negations in Soft Computing: a Lingua-Logical Approach//Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in System Analysis, Decision and Control (ICSCCW’2007, Antalya, Turkey, August 27-28, 2007)/Ed. by W. Pedrycz et al. – Kaufering: b-Quadrat Verlag, 2007.– P.110-124.
19. Tarassov V.B. Lattice Products, Bilattices and Some Extensions of Negations, Triangular Norms and Triangular Conorms// Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Sets and Soft Computing in Economics and Finance (FSSCEF’2004, Saint-Petersburg, June 17-20, 2004). Vol.1. – Mexico: IMP, 2004. – P.272-282.
20. Tarassov V.B., Metan G.N. Merging Neural Network, Fuzzy and Agent-Oriented Technologies: Towards Synergetic Artificial Intelligence// Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Computing with Words in System Analysis, Decision and Control (ICSCCW’2003, Antalya, Turkey, September 9-11,2003)/ Ed. by M. Jamshidi et al. – Kaufering: b-Quadrat Verlag, 2003.
21. Tarassov V.B. General Approaches to the Modelling of Soft Estimates and Beliefs in Strategic Decision Engineering// Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Systems (ICAIS 2002, Divnomorskoe, Russia, 5-10 September). – Los Alamitos CA: IEEE, 2002. – P.45-49.
22. Tarassov V. Designing Multi-Agent Systems Organizations with Fuzzy Techniques: Top-Down VS Bottom-Up Approaches// Proceedings of the First International Conference on Soft Computing and Computing with Words in System Analysis, Decision and Control (ICSCCW’2001, Antalya, Turkey, June 6-8, 2001)/ Ed. by M. Jamshidi et al. – Kaufering: b-Quadrat Verlag, 2001. – P.49-59.
23. Plesniewicz G.S, Tarassov V.B. Networked Enterprises as Multi-Agent Systems: Concept-Oriented Logic Approach// Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing (ICAFS’2000, Siegen, Germany, June 27-29, 2000).–Kaufering: b-Quadrat Verlag, 2001. – P.257-262.
24. See also: Management and Control of Production and Logistics 2000. Proceedings. of the Second IFAC/IFIP/IEEE Conference (MCPL’2000, Grenoble, France, July 5-8, 2000)/ Ed. by Z.Binder. Vol.2. – New York: Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001. – P.497-502.
25. Tarassov V.B. Special Session on Intelligent Agents and Virtual Organizations in Enterprise// Management and Control of Production and Logistics 2000. Proceedings of the Second IFAC/IFIP/IEEE Conference (MCPL’2000, Grenoble, France, July 5-8, 2000)/ Ed. by Z.Binder. Vol.2. – New York: Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001. – P.475-478.
26. Plesniewicz G.S., Tarassov V.B. On a Problem of Detecting Subsumptions and Inconsistencies in Agents Knowledge// Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop of Central and Eastern Europe on Multi-Agent Systems (CEEMAS'99, St.Petersburg, Russia, June 1-4, 1999). – StP: SPIIRAS, 1999. – P.196-202.
27. Gornev V.F., Emelyanov V.V., Tarassov V.B. MetaCIM Concept and TURBO-Technologies: on the Way to Next-Generation Manufacturing Systems// Life Cycle Approaches to Production Systems Management, Control and Supervision. Proceedings of Advanced Summer Institute ASI'99 (Leuven, Belgium, September 22-24 1999).- Rion, Greece: University of Patras, 1999. – P.132-133.
28. Tarassov V.B. Evolutionary Semiotics: Towards Agent-Based Semiosis// Proceedings of the Joint Conference on the Science and Technology of Intelligent Systems (Gaithersburg, Maryland, September 14-17, 1998). – Gaithersburg: NIST, 1998. – P.605-609.
29. Tarassov V.B. A Basic Multi-Agent Structure for Virtual Enterprise// Preprints of IFAC/IFIP Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics (MCPL’97, Campinas, SP, Brazil, August 31-September 3, 1997). Vol.1. – P.65-70.
30. Gornev V.F., Tarassov V.B., Soenen R., Tahon C. Virtual Enterprises: Reasons, Sources and Tools// Preprints of IFAC/IFIP Conference on Management and Control of Production and Logistics (MCPL’97, Campinas, SP, Brazil, August 31-September 3 1997). Vol.1. – P.53-58.
31. Tarassov V.B., Soenen R. A Basic Multi-Agent Structure for Virtual Enterprise Modeling// Preprints of the 4th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS’97, Seoul, Korea, July 22-23 1997). – P.323-328.
32. Tarassov V.B. An Artificial Life View on Intelligent Enterprises–Fuzzy Evolutionary Multi-Agent Systems// Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Semiotics (NIST Special Publication 918). – Gaithersburg: NIST, 1997. – P.162-169.
33. Tarassov V.B. Evolutionary Semiotics, Artificial Life and Fuzzy Multi-Agent Systems – Basic Theoretical Approaches to Intelligent Organizations// Proceedings of the International Workshop "Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems (DAIMAS'97, St.Petersburg, Russia, June 15-18, 1997). – StP: SPIIRAS, 1997. – P.234-248.
34. Tarassov V.B. Building Activity Architectures for Multi-Agent Systems – On the Way to Intelligent Organizations// Proceedings of the International Workshop "Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems (DAIMAS'97, St.Petersburg, Russia, June 15-18, 1997). – StP: SPIIRAS, 1997. – P.348-351.
35. Tarassov V., Perfilyev S., Deneux D. Structural-Technological Solutions in Concurrent Design // Proceedings of International Conference "Concurrent Engineering Europe'97: Building Tomorrow's Virtual Enterprise" (CEE’97, Erlangen, Grmany, April 16-18 1997)/ Ed. by K.Reger. – Budapest: Simulation Councils Inc., 1997. – P.10-18.
36. Tarassov V.B. Evolutionary Semiotics: a New Synergetic Concept in Artificial Intelligence// Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Applied Semiotics, Seventh International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information-Control Systems of Robots (AIICSR’97, Smolenice, Slovakia, 10-15 September 1997). – P.83-95.
37. Pesin P., Tahon C., Tarassov V. Multi-Agent Architecture for the Activity Control of Complex Industrual Systems// Proceedings of the International Workshop "Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems (DAIMAS'97, St.Petersburg, Russia, June 15-18, 1997). – StP: SPIIRAS, 1997. – P.182-191.
38. Tarassov V.B. Artificial Meta-Intelligence: a Key to Enterprise Reengineering//Proceedings of the Second Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE'96, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 21-22, 1996). – Sofia: BAIA, 1996. – P.15-24.
39. Wang X.H., Tarassov V.B., Deneux D., Soenen R., Tong F. DFKN: a Dynamic Fuzzy Knowledge Network Model for Intelligent CAD// Proceedings of International Workshop on Soft Computing (SC'96) (Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, October 3-6, 1996)/ Ed. by I.Z.Batyrshin, D.A.Pospelov. – Kazan: KSTU, 1996. – P.193-199.
40. Pospelov D.A., Averkin A.N., Tarassov V.B. Soft Computing, Concurrent Engineering, What Else?// Proceedings of the 6th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (Sao-Paulo, Brazil, July 21-28, 1995). Vol.II. – Sao-Paulo: INPE, 1995. – P.361-363.
41. Tarassov V.B. Some Theoretical Issues and Methods of Life-Cycle Engineering// Proceedings of IFIP International Conference PROLAMAT'95 (November 29-December 1, 1995)/ Ed. by F.L.Krause, H.Jansen.–Chapman and Hall, 1995. – P.90-92
42. Mikishev V.V., Sokolov S.A., Tarassov V.B. Building Integrated Environment for the Development of Intelligent On-Line Diagnostics Systems// Proceedings of the First International Workshop "Fuzzy Logics and Intelligent Technologies in Nuclear Sciences" (FLINS'94) (September, 14-16, 1994, Mol, Belgium). – Singapore: World Scientific, 1994. Also//Fuzzy Logics and Intelligent Technologies in Russia. Selected Russian Contributions of FLINS'94/ Ed. by D.Ruan, Cooman, A.Ryjov. – Mol: SCK-CEN, 1995. – P.111-116.
43. Stepanov A.A., Tarassov V.B., Zheltov S.Yu. Fuzzy Models in Feature Extraction: Some Prerequisites and Trends of Development// Abstracts of St.Petersburg - Great Lakes Conference on Digital Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing'95 (St. Petersburg, Russia, June 25-30, 1995). – Moscow: SRIAS, 1995. – P.61-62.
44. Tarassov V.B., Kashuba L.A., Cherepanov N.V. Concurrent Engineering and AI Methodologies: Opening New Frontiers // Proceedings of IFIP International Conference "Feature Modeling and Recognition in Advanced CAD/CAM Systems" (Valenciennes, France, 24-26 May 1994). Vol.2, 1994. – P.869-887.
45. Tarassov V.B., Perfilyev S.A. On Integrated Intelligent Simulators and Training/Teaching Systems// Proc. of Japan-CIS Symposium on Knowledge Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE'94) (May 10-13, 1994, Pereslavl-Zalesski, Russia)/ Ed. by H.Ueno and V.Stefanuk.-Tokyo: Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 1994. – С.88-93.
46. Sostak A.P., Tarasov V.B. On a Fuzzy Topological Model of Cognitive Processes// Abstracts of the International Symposium on Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision-Making (Bechyne, Czechoslovakia, June 25-29, 1990)/ Ed. by J.Ramik. – Ostrava: Technical University Liptovsky Mikulas, 1990. – P.88.
47. Tarasov V.B., Kulik S.V. Fuzzy Measures and Systems Sensitivity Analysis// Proceedings of International Conference on Fuzzy Sets in Informatics (Moscow, USSR, September 20-23, 1988). – M.: Computer Center of USSR Academy of Sciences, 1988. – P.60.
48. Averkin A.N., Tarasov V.B. The Fuzzy Modelling Relation and Its Application in Psychology and Artificial Intelligence// Fuzzy Sets and Systems. – 1987. – Vol.22. – №1/2. – P.3-24.