ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


Next issue

Publication date:
13 September 2024

House Style Guide

A paper is acceptable for submission if it has not been published before. The content should be relevant to the journal topics (specialties: computer science, IT-equipment and control, mathematics, mechanics, astronomy, physics) and meet editorial board requirements. Presenting someone else's manuscript as one's own, duplicating or paraphrasing essential parts of someone else's manuscripts (without indicating authorship and references), claiming author’s rights on someone else's research results constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. If the editorial board verifies the plagiarism, the manuscript won’t be accepted and the author will be added to a non-public list as a person who has lost credibility.

A manuscript goes through a mandatory double blind review within a month after submission (it means a reviewer doesn’t know who the author of the article is, and the author doesn’t know who the reviewer is). The experts are promoted by the editorial board or the operating council. Their decision is reported to the author.

The editorial board can shorten and correct a manuscript. After that it sends an edited article to the authors for approval by e-mail as a PDF file. Authors give final approval of the version to be submitted and any revised version to be published within 5 working days. Once this period expires, the edited article is considered to be approved by authors.

The editorial board and authors communicate by e-mail.

Authors send their manuscript and accompanying papers for publication to the editorial board using electronic manuscript submission system or an e-mail address: All submitted manuscripts should be edited according to the requirements of the editorial board.

It is required to have a licence agreement, a review and authorship credits: full name; full name of the company and its legal address;  an academic degree, position; phone number and e-mail; a postal address for sending the author's copy by cash on delivery (at the request of the authors).

Original scientific articles should be divided into three sections:

– an introduction which includes a statement of research need, aims and objectives, relevance of research, its scientific novelty and practical implications;

– the main part of an article contains a problem statement and description, a research sequence and methods selection rationale, a description of the results;

– conclusion including summary, recommendations and the main research guidelines.

An article should be from 10 000 to 40 000 characters (including tables and figures).

A manuscript should be submitted in Microsoft Office Word (font Times New Roman, 10 pt, single-spaced, paragraph indent 0,5 cm).

Complicated formula should be typed in Equation 3.0 or MathTypе without forced growing or shrinking symbols size. There should be settings like that:

– size: standard – 10 pt, index – 58 %, small index – 42 %, symbol – 150 %;

– style: text and function – Times New Roman, straight; variable – Times New Roman, italic; Greek and symbol – Symbol; vector-matrix – Times New Roman, bold.

Simple formula with subscript and superscript (e.g. xj, yi) and Latin letters (e.g. a, b, d, k, m) should be typed in Latin characters without using Equation Editor.

– Latin symbols – italic;

– Cyrillic symbols and functions (sin, tg, min, const, log etc.) –Times New Roman font (default);

– Greek and Latin letters and mathematical symbols –Symbol font (default).

Authors should number only formula that have references in text. Numbers should be written in parenthesis on the right side of formulas.

Abbreviations for metric unites (m, kW, mps etc.) should be written only in Russian.

Diagrams and flowcharts should be presented in MS Visio, MS Word or Exel. The authors should use pattern filling and various lines.

Clip art and figures should be inserted in the text as 300 dpi tiff or jpeg files. Diagrams and flowcharts in the text should be editable. All figures for print version should be black and white. Coloured, toned, scanned, non-editable figures and screen forms should have high quality for the journal web site, portrait layout. Figures, formulas, theorems, etc., should be numbered as mentioned in the text.

All tables and figures should have Russian and English titles (without abbreviations) and references in the text. The title should be short, meaningful and contain paper matter.

The authors can use only generally accepted abbreviations which must be expanded at first mention.

An abstract of the article is usually published in isolation from the main text and therefore is indexed by search engines (with key words). That is why authors should describe the content of the article (not duplicate). They also can include mathematical manipulations if needed; references are inappropriate.

Submitted manuscript must be revised and visaed by authors. It means that they are responsible for publication content, and the paper has never been published before. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

The authors are recommended to publish no more than 2 articles of the same author in one issue including co-authorship. The authors are people who contributed significantly to the concept of the article, development, implementation or explanation of the submitted research. Other contributors are co-authors. The authors can express gratitude to the people and organizations that helped them to make the research or to publish their manuscript.

A reference list (placed at the end of the text and arranged according to GOST R 7.05–2008) is required, it should include a minimum of 10 positions.   Self citation should be minimal (no more than 20 %). A reference list can include the works of domestic and foreign authors for the last 7–10 years. There can be references to elder fundamental works if needed. References are shown in the text in square brackets. There shouldn’t be sources that are not mentioned in the text as well as unpublished or closed sources.

The structure of an article in Russian:

– UDK (ГОСТ 7.90-2007);

– the title of the article (no more than 12 words);

– information about a financial support as grant, etc. (if any);

– initials and surname of the author;

– information about the author (academic title, degree, position, affiliation, business address, e-mail);

– an abstract (150–200 words); 

– keywords (5–10 words);

– information in English: the title of the article; information about a financial support; initials and surname of the author (romanization according to BGN/PCGN standard); information about the author (academic title, degree, position, affiliation, business address, e-mail); an abstract (150–200 words) and keywords (5–10 words);

– main text;

– references (in Russian according to GOST R 7.05–2008, in English according to BGN/PСGN standard).


Articles that do not meet these requirements cannot be accepted for publication.