ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

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Publication date:
16 March 2024

The Editorial Board / Ulyanov Sergey Victorovich

Professor Sergey Victorovich Ulyanov was born in Russia, December 15, 1946, and in 1971 graduated from Moscow Technical University on the specialty “Electro-Mechanical Engineering and Automation Control Systems”. In 1974, he got PhD from the Central Institute of Building Construction (Moscow) on the specialty “Dynamic of Building Construction on Earthquake Excitations”. In 1992, he got State Dr. of Physics and Mathematics Sciences from the Institute of Physical-Technical Problems (Moscow) on the specialty “Quantum and Relativistic Dynamic Control Systems”.

His scientific interests are in AI control systems with timedependent random (variable) structures for complex mechanical systems, intelligent toolkit for robotics, fuzzy wise control, SW/HW of fuzzy controllers, intelligent mechantronics, bio-medical engineering, quantum and relativistic control systems, soft computing, quantum algorithms and quantum soft computing.

Academic Activities

He published more than 35 books and 200 papers in periodical journals and proceedings of conferences in different scientific domains. As selection, examples of the books are “Introduction in Relativistic Theory and its Applications to New Technology” (Moscow, 1979); “Problems for Quantum and Relativistic Dynamic Control Systems” (Moscow, 1982); “Statistical Dynamics of Machine Building Constructions” (Moscow, 1977); “Statistical Analysis of Building Construction on Earthquake Excitations” (Moscow, 1977); “Theory of models in Control Systems” (Moscow,1978), “Fuzzy controllers and Intelligent Control Systems “(Moscow,1990,1991 and 1992). “Quantum Information and Quantum Computational Intelligence: Backgrounds and Applied Toolkit of Information Design Technologies,” (Vol. 79 – 86, Italy, 2005).

From 1974 he gave lectures in Moscow University of Electronics, Automatic and Radiotechnique as a Professor; from 1994 – 1997 is professor of University of Electro- Communications (Tokyo, Japan); from 1998 – 2003 as professor of Milan University (Italy).

He is the member of Editorial board in many International Journals as “Soft Computing: A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications,” “Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,” “Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence,” “Biomedical Engineering,” and etc.; chainman of many sections in International conferences; scientific coordinator of International projects between USA, Italy, Japan and Russia. He is inventor of more than 25 patents (robust intelligent control and quantum soft computing) published in USA, EU, Japan and China.

Industry Activities

He developed a practical model of the wall climbing robot for the decontamination of Chernobyl nuclear-power plant, for cleaning, painting, fire-fighting operations, etc.; fuzzy controller for mobile robots and manipulators in the Institute for Problems in Mechanics (Russian Academy of Sciences) and in the University of Electro- Communications (Tokyo, Japan). In the earthquake engineering he developed a new designing technology of building with variable structures. In mechatronics he contributed to the development of a new electro-pneumatic proportional regulator on VLSI for intelligent controllers of the wall climbing robot and suspension of automobile. In biomedical engineering he invented a new apparatus for artificial lung ventilation on the basis of this electro-pneumatic regulator and got patens for it. Together with ST Microelectronics Company (Italy-French) he was developing new software and hardware of interfaces for fuzzy processor and fuzzy controller. The applications of this fuzzy controller are expected to intelligent mobile robot for service use which is developed in the Prof. Yamafuji Laboratory, the University of Electro-Communications (Tokyo, Japan), and apparatus for artificial lung ventilation in the Biomedical Research Institute in Russia. In Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd he was developing toolkit for applications of quantum computing in robust intelligent control system design.

Prof. S.V. Ulyanov was collaborating in AI fuzzy control system and intelligent mechatronics for mobile robots and a robotic unicycle in the Yamafuji & Ulyanov Lab., Department of Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems of the University of Electro-Communications (Tokyo, Japan); and intelligent robust control of car suspension system and robotic motorcycle in Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.


  1. Ivancova O.V., Ryabov N.V., Korenkov V.V., Ulyanov S.V. Models of quantum search algorithms. introduction for IT students - pedagogical examples. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2020, no. 1, pp. 126–151 (in Russ.).
  2. Ivancova O.V., Korenkov V.V., Tjatjushkina O.V., Ulyanov S.V., Fukuda T. Quantum supremacy in end-to-end intelligent IT. Pt. I: Quantum software engineering - quantum gate level applied models simulators. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2020, no. 1, pp. 52–84 (in Russ.).
  3. Ivancova O.V., Korenkov V.V., Tjatjushkina O.V., Ulyanov S.V., Fukuda T. Quantum supremacy in end-to-end intelligent IT. Pt. 2: State - of - art of quantum SW/HW computational gate-model toolkit. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2020, no. 1, pp. 85–125 (in Russ.).
  4. Ivancova O.V., Korenkov V.V., Tjatjushkina O.V., Ulyanov S.V., Fukuda T. Quantum supremacy in end-to-end intelligent IT Pt. III. Quantum software engineering - quantum approximate optimization algorithm on small quantum processors. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2020, no. 2, pp. 115–176 (in Russ.).
  5. Ulyanov S.V., Filipyev A.V., Koshelev K.V. Recognition recipes with deep machine learning. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2020, no. 2, pp. 177–186 (in Russ.).
  6. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Nemchaninov A.V. Cognitive intelligent control of a robotic prosthesis arm. Pt 2. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 41–52 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.31776/RTCJ.8105.
  7. Ulyanov S.V., Ulyanov V.S. End-to-end soft computing technology application to robotic unicycle intelligent robust control system. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 119–138 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.31776/RTCJ.8204.
  8. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Koshelev K.V., Shishaev A.V. Stereovision system of mobile robot: image pre-processing stage. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 206–216 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.31776/RTCJ.8306.
  9. Ulyanov S.V., Shevchenko A.V., Mamaeva A.A. Cognitive intelligent control. part i: system of operator emotions’ assessment with application of deep machine learning based on soft computing. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 2020, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 217–232 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.31776/RTCJ.8307.
  10. Ulyanov S.V. Quantum Fuzzy Inference Based on Quantum Genetic Algorithm: Quantum Simulator in Intelligent Robotics. Proc. ICSCCW-2019, pp.78–85. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-35249-3_9.
  11. Monakhov D.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Reshetnikov G.P., Ulyanov S.V. Application of quantum technologies for the development of an intelligent control system to setup currents of the corrective magnets for the booster synchrotron of the NICA facility. Proc. NEC 2019, pp. 353–356.
  12. Bogdanov Yu.V., Ulyanov S.V. The methodological approach to estimating safety indices in strategic missile units by means of stochastic network models of emergency appearance and development. Military Thought, 2019, no. 11, pp. 88–96 (in Russ.).
  13. Ulyanov S.V., Ryabov N.V. The quantum genetic algorithm in the problems of intelligent control modeling and supercomputing. Software and Systems, 2019, no. 2, pp. 181–189 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.15827/0236-235X.126.181-189.
  14. Ulyanov S.V., Ryabov N.V. Quantum simulator for modeling intelligent fuzzy control. Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, 2019, Т. 14, no. 1, pp. 19–33 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.26456/fssc49.
  15. Bagdasaryn N.G., Korenkov V.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Tjatjushkina O.V., Ulyanov S.V. Nonstandard logic of education background in end-to-end information technologies and cognitive computing. Pt. 1: Bacon’s problem, big data analytic and intelligent model theory of cognition physical processes. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2019, no. 1, pp. 1–38 (in Russ.).
  16. Ulyanov S.V., Kurawaki I., Hagiwara T., Tyatyushkina O.Yu., Ivancova O.V., Yamafuji K. Thermodynamic and information entropies: classical and quantum measures models - pedagogical sophisticated benchmarking for IT students. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2019, no. 2, pp. 74–117 (in Russ.).
  17. Brovko O.I., Eliseev A.V., Kekelidze V.D., Korenkov V.V., Monahov D.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Reshetnikov G.P., Ulyanov S.V. Necessity of intelligent control systems application in experimental nuclear physics complexes (NICA type). Pt. I: problems of unforeseen situations. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2019, no. 4, pp. 32–57 (in Russ.).
  18. Ulyanov S.V., Ulyanov V.S., Reshetnikov A.G., Tyatyushkina O.Yu., Yamafuji K. Intelligent robust control system of robotic unicycle based on the end-to-end soft computing technology. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2019, no. 4, pp. 58–86 (in Russ.).
  19. Mamaeva A.A., Shevchenko A.V., Ulyanov S.V., Feng M., Yamafuji K. Human being emotion in cognitive intelligent robotic control. Pt. I: Quantum / soft computing approach. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2019, no. 4, pp. 87–131 (in Russ.).
  20. Ulyanov S.V., Ulyanov S.V., Koshelev K.V. Intelligent pattern recognition system of mobile robot based on stereovision. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 2019, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 224–232 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.31776/RTCJ.7307.
  21. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Nemchaninov A.V. Cognitive intelligent control of a robotic prosthesis arm. Pt 1. Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 2019, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 306–317 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.31776/RTCJ.7407.
  22. Ivantsova O.V., Tyatyushkina O.Y., Ulyanov S.V. Intelligent cognitive robo-equipment for end-to-end IT based on deep machine learning. Proc. GRID 2018, pp. 114–118.
  23. Ulyanov S.V., Mamaeva A.A., Shevchenko A.V. The cognitive technology of intelligent control: soft computing optimizer and deep machine learning. Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, 2018, Т. 13, no. 2, pp. 166–182 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.26456/fssc44.
  24. Ulyanov S.V., Korenkov V.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Tanaka T., Rizzotto G. Basic relations of quantum information theory. Pt 1: Main definitions and propoerties of quantum information. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2018, no. 1, pp. 101–123 (in Russ.).
  25. Ulyanov S.V., Korenkov V.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Tanaka T., Fukuda T. Basic relations of quantum information theory. Pt 2: Classical, quantum and total correlations in quantum state - measure of quantum accessible information. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2018, no. 1, pp. 124–142 (in Russ.).
  26. Reshetnikov A.G., Ulyanov S.V. Applied quantum soft computing: sustainable SW & HW toolkit of robust intelligent robotic controllers. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2018, no. 1, pp. 143–161 (in Russ.).
  27. Ulyanov S.V., Korenkov V.V., Kovalenko A.D., Reshetnikov A.G., Reshetnikov G.P., Rizzotto G., Tanaka T., Fukuda T. Some interrelations between quantum feedback control theory, quantum filtering and quantum information processing. Pt 1. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2018, no. 1, pp. 1–6 (in Russ.).
  28. Ulyanov S.V., Kovalenko A.D., Reshetnikov A.G., Reshetnikov G.P., Tanaka T., Rizzotto G. Models of quantum intelligent control Pt.2: Quantum optimal control. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2018, no. 1, pp. 31–66 (in Russ.).
  29. Ulyanov S.V., Kovalenko A.D., Reshetnikov A.G., Tanaka T., Reshetnikov G.P., Yamafuji K. Introduction in quantum optimal control. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2018, no. 1, pp. 67–100 (in Russ.).
  30. Ulyanov S.V., Kovalenko A.D., Reshetnikov A.G., Tanaka T., Rizzotto G. Models of quantum intelligent control Pt.1: Evolution of control systems based on quauntum feedback. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2018, no. 1, pp. 7–30 (in Russ.).
  31. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Ryabov N.V. Quantum genetic algorithm: selection of types and forms of correlation in quantum fuzzy inference. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2018, no. 2, pp. 35–54 (in Russ.).
  32. Ulyanov S.V., Shevchenko A.V., Mamaeva A.A. Cognitive-intelligent system for diagnostics, education and adaptation autistic children. Pt II. Emotion definition. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2018, no. 2, pp. 55–64 (in Russ.).
  33. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Ryabov N.V. Quantum simulator. Pt. 1: Modeling of the "cart - pendulum" system based on quantum genetic algorithm. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2018, no. 3, pp. 51–59 (in Russ.).
  34. Ivancova O.V., Tjatjushkina O.V., Ulyanov S.V. Intelligent it for student education in quantum informatics. Pt 1: Logic of classical / quantum probabilities. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2018, no. 3, pp. 60–83 (in Russ.).
  35. Korenkov V.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Reshetnikov G.P., Ulyanov S.V. Application possibilities of end-to-end quantum information technologies in intelligent control systems of ill-defined physical model objects (as complex megaproject NICA). System Analysis in Science and Education, 2018, no. 4, pp. 10–53 (in Russ.).
  36. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Belov Ya.P., Kazaryan P.V. Intelligent mechatronics. Pt.1: Software and hardware toolkit - laboratory practice. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2018, no. 4, pp. 108–123 (in Russ.).
  37. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Koshelev K.V. Using stereo vision technology in the navigation system of a mobile robot. Software Journal: Theory and Applications, 2018, no. 2 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.15827/2311-6749.27.306.
  38. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G. Cognitive intelligent robust control system based on quantum fuzzy inference for robotics and mechatronics. Proc. 2017 IEEE 15th SISY, 2017, pp. 255-260. DOI: 10.1109/sisy.2017.8080563.
  39. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Mamaeva A.A. Fuzzy Cognitive Control System of Autonomous Vehicle: Brain Neurointerface and Soft Computing Modes. Procedia Comp. Sci. Proc. 9th ICSCCW, Budapest, Hungary, 2017, vol. 120, pp. 53–66. DOI: 10.1016/J.PROCS.2017.11.210.
  40. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Mamaeva A.A. Fuzzy sliding mode control system of unstable dynamic system cart-pole based on soft computing. Software and Systems, 2017, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 420–424. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.15827/0236-235X.108.174-177.
  41. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Koshelev K.V. Development of a pattern recognition system for a mobile robot. Software and Systems, 2017, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 435–438. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.15827/0236-235x.119.435-438.
  42. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G. Synergetics of information-cognitive interaction in intelligent robotic systems with remote knowledge exchange. Software and Systems, 2017, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 593–600. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.15827/0236-235x.120.593-600.
  43. Reshetnikov A.G., Tjatjushkina O.V., Ulyanov S.V. Self-adaptive bacterial foraging algorithm. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2017, no. 1, pp. 48–58 (in Russ.).
  44. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Koshelev K.V. Integration of the confident neural network to the system of pattern recognition. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2017, no. 2, pp. 45–54 (in Russ.).
  45. Reshetnikov A.G., Tjatjushkina O.V., Ulyanov S.V., Tanaka T., Yamafuji K. Examples of quantum computing toolkit: Kronecker product and quantum Fourier transformations in quantum algorithms. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2017, no. 3, pp. 119–148 (in Russ.).
  46. Reshetnikov A.G., Tanaka T., Tjatjushkina O.V., Ulyanov S.V. Basic definitions of quantum computing of IT students in intelligent cognitive control and robotics. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2017, no. 3, pp. 1–37 (in Russ.).
  47. Reshetnikov A.G., Tjatjushkina O.V., Ulyanov S.V., Giovanni D.A. Structure design toolkit of quantum algorithms. Pt 1. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2017, no. 3, pp. 149–170 (in Russ.).
  48. Reshetnikov A.G., Tjatjushkina O.V., Ulyanov S.V., Giovanni D.A. Structure design toolkit of quantum algorithms. Pt 3. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2017, no. 3, pp. 171–189 (in Russ.).
  49. Reshetnikov A.G., Tjatjushkina O.V., Ulyanov S.V., Tanaka T., Rizzotto G. Some interrelations in matrix theory and linear algebra for quantum computing and quantum algorithms design. Pt. 1. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2017, no. 3, pp. 38–61 (in Russ.).
  50. Reshetnikov A.G., Tjatjushkina O.V., Ulyanov S.V., Tanaka T., Rizzotto G. Some interrelations in matrix theory and linear algebra for quantum computing and quantum algorithms design. Pt. 1. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2017, no. 3, pp. 62–85 (in Russ.).
  51. Reshetnikov A.G., Tjatjushkina O.V., Ulyanov S.V., Tanaka T., Yamafuji K. Examples of quantum computing toolkit: Kronecker product and quantum Fourier transformations in quantum algorithms. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2017, no. 3, pp. 86–118 (in Russ.).
  52. Reshetnikov A.G., Ulyanov S.V., Mamaeva A.A. Cognitive fuzzy control system: examples of intelligent control and therapy of the autism applications. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2017, no. 4, pp. 60–76 (in Russ.).
  53. Ulyanov S.V., Shevchenko A.V., Mamaeva A.A. Cognitive-intelligent system for diagnostics, education and adaptation autistic children. Pt II. Software Journal: Theory and Applications, 2017, no. 4 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.15827/2311-6749.25.290.
  54. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Mamaeva A.A., Skotnikov S.V. Hybrid cognitive control systems on example of control vehicle. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2016, no. 2, pp. 15–32 (in Russ.).
  55. Ulyanov S.V., Nikolaeva A.V., Nemchaninov A.V. Computational intelligence toolkit for industrial robotic manipulator control. Pt. 1. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2016, no. 4, pp. 1–21 (in Russ.).
  56. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Koshelev K.V. Development of pattern recognition system for a mobile robot. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2016, no. 4, pp. 22–31 (in Russ.).
  57. Ulyanov S.V. Intelligent robotics. Pt. 1: Creative cognitive education process design - synergetic effects developed through "college - university - company - market" cooperation. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2016, no. 4, pp. 32–45 (in Russ.).
  58. Ulyanov S.V., Mamaeva A.A., Shevchenko A.V. Cognitive-intelligent system for diagnostics, education and adaptation autistic children. Pt I. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2016, no. 4, pp. 57–68 (in Russ.).
  59. Ulyanov S.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Tjatjushkina O.V. Intelligent robotics. Pt. 2: Socio-technical-economic toolkit of cognitive education processes. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2016, no. 4, pp. 69–102 (in Russ.).
  60. Raikov A.N., Ulyanov S.V. Information security balance in the governance system. DIARSTP, 2015, no. 1, pp. 15–22 (in Russ.).
  61. Reshetnikov A.G., Kerimov T.А., Ulyanov S.V. Application technology of design intelligent control systems based on soft computing (on example of inverted pendulum). System Analysis in Science and Education, 2015, no. 1, pp. 1–16 (in Russ.).
  62. Barchatova I.А., Ulyanov S.V. Intelligent self-organized cognitive controllers. Pt 3: Information-thermodynamics quality distribution law and generalized structure of intelligent cognitive control. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2015, no. 1, pp. 117–137 (in Russ.).
  63. Reshetnikov A.G., Kerimov T.А., Ulyanov S.V. Quantum computing technologies in intelligent control. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2015, no. 1, pp. 17–31 (in Russ.).
  64. Nikolaeva A.V., Ulyanov S.V. Control system of a 7 degrees of freedom robot-manipulator: robust in unexpected control situations. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2015, no. 1, pp. 32–56 (in Russ.).
  65. Ulyanov S.V., Nefedov N.Yu. Robust design technology of knowledge bases: comparison of fuzzy controllers for different types by using soft-computing optimizer. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2015, no. 1, pp. 57–69 (in Russ.).
  66. Kerimov T.А., Reshetnikov A.G., Nikolaeva A.V., Povidalo I.S., Nozdrachev A.V., Ulyanov S.V. Interaction of intelligent robotic systems. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2015, no. 1, pp. 70–80 (in Russ.).
  67. Barchatova I.A., Sokolov I.A., Shmikov G.Yu., Ulyanov S.V. Intelligent self-organizing cognitive controllers. Pt. 2: Cognitive brain machine interface models. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2015, no. 1, pp. 81–116 (in Russ.).
  68. Ulyanov S.V. Relativistic inertial celestial navigation and intelligent control of the spacecraft in riemannian space - time metrics under stochastic excitations. Pt. 2: Kinematics of frame systems, parallel transport of tetrads and Wigner rotation. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2015, no. 3, pp. 32–72 (in Russ.).
  69. Ulyanov S.V. Relativistic inertial celestial navigation and intelligent control of the solar cosmic satellite systems in riemannian metric spaces under stochastic excitations. Pt. 3: Relativistic inertial navigation (noninertial frame references in special and general relativity theory and fermi coordinations). System Analysis in Science and Education, 2015, no. 3, pp. 73–113 (in Russ.).
  70. Barсhatova I.A., Ulyanov S.V., Albu V.A. Intelligent robust control system based on quantum kb-self-organization: quantum soft computing and kansei/affective engineering technologies. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2015, vol. 323, pp. 37–48 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11310-4_4.
  71. Ulyanov S.V., Nikolaeva A.V. Intelligent robust control of a robot manipulator based on quantum soft computing. Software and Systems, 2014, no. 1, pp. 115–123 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.7256/2305-6061.2014.1.11466.
  72. Ulyanov S.V., Nikolaeva A.V., Barchatova I.A., Nozdrachev A.V. Intelligent control system of a 7 degrees of freedom robot-manipulator based on soft computing. Software and Systems, 2014, no. 2, pp. 48–55 (in Russ.).
  73. Ulyanov S.V., Nikolaeva A.V., Barchatova I.A. Quantum computing in intelligent robust control system design for 7 degrees of freedom redundant robot-manipulator. Software and Systems, 2014, no. 2, pp. 56–63 (in Russ.).
  74. Ulyanov S.V., Nefedov N.Yu. Fuzzy sliding mode control system of instable dynamic system cart-pole based on soft computing. Software and Systems, 2014, no. 4, pp. 174–177 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.15827/0236-235X.108.174-177.
  75. Barchatova I.A., Giovanni D.A., Ulyanov S.V. Information dynamic analysis and measure of quantum algorithm’s computational intelligence. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2014, no. 3, pp. 138–174 (in Russ.).
  76. Barchatova I.A., Fukuda T., Giovanni D.A., Hagiwara T., Rizzotto G.G., Porto M., Yamafuji K., Ulyanov S.V. Quantum algorithmic gates: nanotechnology design and application in intelligent control. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2014, no. 3, pp. 1–7 (in Russ.).
  77. Barchatova I.A., Hagiwara T., Ulyanov S.V. Algorithmic representation of the quantum operators and fast quantum algorithms. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2014, no. 3, pp. 175–204 (in Russ.).
  78. Barchatova I.A., Rizzotto G.G., Porto M., Ulyanov S.V. General software/hardware approach in acceleration of quantum computing and classically efficient quantum algorithm simulation. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2014, no. 3, pp. 205–235 (in Russ.).
  79. Barchatova I.A., Kerimov T.А., Nikolaeva A.V., Reshetnikov A.G., Ulyanov S.V. Quantum fuzzy inference gate design in robust intelligent control of robotics and mechatronics. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2014, no. 3, pp. 374–388 (in Russ.).
  80. Barchatova I.A., Fukuda T., Ulyanov S.V. Quantum algorithmic benchmark’s gate design and simulation of quantum search algorithms. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2014, no. 3, pp. 37–80 (in Russ.).
  81. Barchatova I.A., Giovanni D.A., Ulyanov S.V. Design information technology of quantum algorithm gates. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2014, no. 3, pp. 81–137 (in Russ.).
  82. Barchatova I.A., Ulyanov S.V., Yamafuji K. Models of quantum algorithms (decision making algorithms): Basic programming techniques. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2014, no. 3, pp. 8–36 (in Russ.).
  83. Barchatova I.A., Ulyanov S.V., Yamafuji K. Intelligent self-organized cognitive controllers. Pt 1: Kansei / affective engineering and quantum / soft computing technologies. System Analysis in Science and Education, 2014, no. 4, pp. 54–81 (in Russ.).
  84. Nikolaeva A.V., Barchatova I.A., Ulyanov S.V. Intelligent robust control of an autonomous robot-manipulator// Software systems and computational methods. Software Systems and Computational Methods, 2014, no. 1, pp. 34–62 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.7256/2305-6061.2014.1.11466.