ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

The Editorial Board / Semenov Nikolay Alexandrovich

Born in 1952

Dr.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Deputy Editor-in-Chief


Tver State Technical University, Department of Chemical Mechanical Engineering, graduated in 1974

D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Department of Cybernetics, graduated in 1980


Nikolay Semenov is a Honorary Worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, an academician of the International Academy of System Studies, a member of the Russian Artificial Intelligence Association. He has a scientific and teaching experience of 29 years.

Nikolay Semenov is an author of many publications in the journals “Programmirovanie” [Programming and Computer Software], “Avtomatika” [Automatics], “Upravlyayushchie sistemy i mashiny” [Control systems and machines], “Software & Systems” , “Marketing i marketingovye issledovaniya” [Marketing and marketing research] etc., two monographs and two study guides. Since 1988 he has been a Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the international journal “Software & Systems”, a member of the editorial board of the journals “Problemy informatiki” [The problems of computer science] (Novosibirsk) and “Marketing i marketingovye issledovaniya” [Marketing and marketing research] (Moscow). For the last few years he has become an expert of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research considering the issue of “Artificial intelligence”. Nikolay Semenov has coordinated 5 Ph.D. students, consulted  3 doctoral thesis and has been a member of 2 doctoral dissertation committees. From 1992 to 2002 he has been an expert on investment projects for the German bulletin “East markets”.


  • development of intelligent information systems with different functional purpose;
  • development of intelligent software packages to solve the problems of structural and parametric identification;
  • marketing theory and practice.



  1. Semenov N.A. Programmy regressionnogo analiza i prognozirovaniya vremennykh ryadov. Pakety PARIS i MAVR [Programs for time series regression analysis and forecasting. PARIS and MAVR packages]. Moscow, Finansy i statistika Publ., 1990, 111 p.
  2. Semenov N.A. Pakety programm statisticheskogo analiza [Software packages for statistical analysis]. Kyiv, Tekhnika Publ., 1990, 120 p.
  3. Semenov N.A. Marketing. Study guide, Tver, Tver State Univ., 2008, 100 p.
  4. Semenov N.A. Intellektualnye informatsionnye sistemy [Intelligent information systems]. Study guide, Tver, Tver State Univ., 2009, 124 p.
  5. Semenov N.A. Using neural network algorithms in decision-making intelligent systems. Software & Systems. 2003, no. 4 (in Russ.)
  6. Semenov N.A., Tsvetkov A.S. Price setting in organizations in metropolitan city area of influence. Marketing i marketingovye issledovaniya [Marketing and marketing research]. 2006, no. 2 (in Russ.)
  7. Vinogradov G.P., Semenov N.A. Forecasting models in Intelligent systems. PSoftware & Systems. 2007, no. 4 (in Russ.)
  8. Borisov P.A., Vinogradov G.P., Semenov N.A. Integration of neural network algorithms, nonlinear dynamic models and fuzzy logic methods in forecasting tasks. Izv. RAN. Teoriya i sistemy upravleniya [Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International]. 2008, no. 1, pp. 78–84 (in Russ.)
  9. Azazi A.A., Dmitriev G.P., Semenov N.A. Computer processing of papillary images when Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus. Software & Systems. 2011, no. 4 (in Russ.)
  10. Palyukh B.V., Burdo G.B., Semenov N.A. Sistemy upravleniya tekhnologicheskimi protsessami v mashinostroenii: podkhody k sozdaniyu intellektualnykh sistem upravleniya [Control systems for technological processes in mechanical engineering: approaches to making intelligent control systems]. Monograph. Deutschland, Saarbruchen, Palmarium Academic Publ., 2012, 297 p.