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The Editorial Board / Golenkov Vladimir Vasilyevich
Dr.Sc. (Engineering), Professor
Head of Chair (Intelligent IT) in Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR)
Chairman of Belarusian Department of Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence
Gives courses of lectures:
- Basics of Artificial Intelligence;
- Mathematical Basics of Intelligent Systems.
research of models, methods and tools for parallel processing of knowledge with a complicated structure in intelligent systems.
Academic fields:
* Toolkit and design technologies for intelligent systems.
* Support for databases with complicated structure.
* Integration of different knowledge representation languages and models to solve intelligent problems.
* Distributed knowledge crunching.
* Multi-agent intelligent systems.
* Intelligent parallel computers with content-addressable restructurable memory and neural computers.
* Computer linguistics, natural language interaction systems and multimodal intelligent interface.
* Intelligent computer technologies for business process re-engineering.
* Intelligent computer technologies for distance learning.
* Intelligent computer technologies in medicine.
* Intelligent computer technologies for social research.
Scientific research are carried out as a part of international and republican programs and funds (State scientific and technical program “Informatics”, President’s program “Computerization of society”, Russian and Belarusian scientific and technical program “Intelligent IT, tools and systems”, SKIBR project (Supercomputer initiative of Belarus and Russia), The Russian Foundation for Basic Research etc.)
1. Golenkov V.V. Predstavlenie matematicheskikh struktur v grafodinamicheskikh modelyakh [Presenting mathematical structures in graphodynamic models]. Univ. study guide. Pt.1, 2001.
2. Golenkov V.V., Yeliseyeva O.E., Ivashchenko V.P. Predstavlenie i obrabotka znaniy v grafodinamicheskikh assotsiativnykh mashinakh [Presenting and processing of knowledge in graphodynamic content-addressable computers]. Monograph, 2001.
3. Golenkov V.V., Osipov G.S., Gulyakina N.A. Programmirovanie v assotsiativnykh mashinakh [Programming in content-addressable computers]. Monograph, 2001.
4. Golenkov V.V., Tarasov V.B., Yeliseyeva O.E. Intellektualnye obuchayushchie sistemy i virtualnye uchebnye organizatsii [Intelligent learning systems and virtual learning organizations]. Monograph, 2001.
5. Golenkov V.V., Gulyakina N.A., Yeliseyeva O.E. Instrumentalnye sredstva proektirovaniya intellektualnykh obuchayushchikh sistem [Software tools for intelligent learning systems design]. Belarusian State Univ. of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 1999.
6. Golenkov V.V., Gulyakina N.A., Yeliseyeva O.E. Semanticheskaya model slozhnostrukturirovannykh baz dannykh i baz znaniy [Semantic model of databases and knowledge bases with complicated structure]. Univ. study guide, 2004.
7. Kryuchkov A.N. (Ed. Golenkov V.V.) Intellektualnye tekhnologii v geoinformatsionnykh sistemakh [Intelligent technologies in geographic information systems]. Univ. study guide, 2004.
8. Stepanova M.D. (Ed. Golenkov V.V.) Analiz geoinformatsionnykh dannykh [Analysis of geographic information data]. Computer practical course, Univ. study guide, 2005.
9. Golenkov V.V., Serdyukov R.E. Sistemnoe programmirovanie v grafodinamicheskikh assotsiativnykh mashinakh [System programming in graphodynamic content-addressable computers]. Study guide, 2006.
10. Lobanov B.M., Yeliseyeva O.E. (Ed. Golenkov V.V.) Rechevoy interfeys intellektualnykh sistem [Voice interface for intelligent systems]. Univ. study guide, 2006.
11. Golenkov V.V. Statisticheskie osnovy induktivnogo vyvoda [Statistical framework for inductive inference]. Study guide, 2009.
12. Golenkov V.V., Kolb D.G., Ivashchenko V.P. Apparatnoe i programmnoe obespechenie setey i osnovy zashchity informatsii [Hardware and software for networks and information security basics]. Study guide for “Artificial Intelligence” discipline students, Belarusian State Univ. of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 2010.
13. Shilin L.Yu., Golenkov V.V. (Eds.) Informatsionnye tekhnologii i sistemy (ITS 2011): materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [Information technologies and systems: proc. of int. scientific conf.]. Belarusian State Univ. of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus, 2011.
14. Nikulshin B.V., Golenkov V.V. (Eds.) Distantsionnoe obuchenie — obrazovatelnaya sreda XXI veka: materialy VII Mezhdunar. nauch.-metodich. konf. [Distance learning – learning environment for 21st century: proc. of the 7th int. scientific and methodological conf.]. Minsk, Belarus, 2011.
15. Shilin L.Yu., Golenkov V.V. (Eds.) Informatsionnye tekhnologii i sistemy (ITS 2012): materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [Information technologies and systems: proc. of int. scientific conf.]. Belarusian State Univ. of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus, 2012.
16. Golenkov V.V., Gulyakina N.A. Semanticheskaya tekhnologiya proektirovaniya intellektualnykh sistem i semanticheskie kompyutery [Semantic technology for intelligent systems design and semantic computers]. Belarusian State Univ. of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus, 2012.
17. Golenkov V.V. (Ed.) Otkrytye semanticheskie tekhnologii proektirovaniya intellektualnykh sistem OSTIS-2013: materialy III Mezhdunar. nauchno-tekhnich. konf. [Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems: proc. of the 3rd int. scientific and technical conf.] Minsk, Belarus, 2013.
18. Golenkov V.V. Terminalny modul parallelnogo grafovogo kompyutera (PGC): Interfeys s polzovatelem i protsessornymi modulyami, struktura, logicheskaya organizatsiya: materialy po matematicheskomu obespecheniyu EVM [Terminal module of parallel graph computer (PGC): interface with a user and processor modules, structure, logical organization: mathematical support material]. Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, 1994.
19. Golenkov V.V. Opisanie yazyka SCPas. Operatory upravleniya vychislitelnym protsessom. Primery programm [SCPas language description. Control statements for computing process. Programs examples]. Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, 1994.
20. Golenkov V.V. Opisanie semantiki yazyka SCPas. Operatory poiska i proverki usloviy. Operatory upravleniya vychislitelnym protsessom: materialy po matematicheskomu obespecheniyu EVM [SCPas language semantics description. Control statements for computing process: mathematical support material]. Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, 1994.
21. Golenkov V.V., Korolev V.G., Malevich I.E. Predstavlenie logicheskikh vyskazyvaniy na yazyke SCL-Semantic Code Logic [SCL-Semantic Code Logic logical statements]. 1994.
22. Golenkov V.V. Parallelnyy grafovy kompyuter (PGC), orientirovanny na reshenie zadach iskusstvennogo intellekta, i ego primenenie [Parallel graph computer (PGC) to solve Artificial Intelligence problems, its application]. 1994.
23. Golenkov V.V. Opisanie yazyka SCPas. Operatory preobrazovaniya sostoyaniya SC-grafa [SCPas language description. State translating operators for a SC-graph]. 1994.
24. Golenkov V.V., Gulyakina N.A., Kolb D.G. Intellektualny polzovatelskiy interfeys [Intelligent user interface]. Study guide for “Artificial Intelligence” discipline students, Belarusian State Univ. of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus, 2013.
25. Shilin L.Yu., Golenkov V.V. (Eds.) Informatsionnye tekhnologii i sistemy — 2013 (ITS 2013): materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [Information technologies and systems — 2013 (ITS 2013): proc. of int. scientific conf.]. Belarusian State Univ. of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus, 2013.
26. Shilin L.Yu., Golenkov V.V. (Eds.) Informatsionnye tekhnologii i upravlenie: materialy 49-y nauchnoy konferentsii aspirantov, magistrantov i studentov [Information technologies and management: proc. of the 49th int. scientific conf. of postgraduates, masters and students]. Minsk, Belarus, 2013.
27. Golenkov V.V. (Ed.) Otkrytye semanticheskie tekhnologii proektirovaniya intellektualnykh sistem OSTIS—2014: materialy IV Mezhdunar. nauchno-tekhnich. konf. [Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems: proc. of the 4th int. scientific and technical conf.]. Minsk, Belarus, 2014.
28. Golenkov V.V., Gulyakina N.A. Strukturizatsiya smyslovogo prostranstva [Conceptual space structuring]. Belarusian State Univ. of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus, 2014.