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The Editorial Board / Palyukh Boris Vasilyevich
Dr.Sc. (Engineering), Professor of Tver State Technical University, a member of the editorial board of the journal “Programmnye Produkty i Sistemy” (Software & Systems), a member of Scientific Council of Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence.
B.V. Palyukh has started his carrier in Tver State Technical University just after graduation.
Since 1993 B.V. Palyukh has become a Head of Information Systems Department in Tver State Technical University,
Since 2001 – a Head of the New IT Center of Tver State Technical University,
Since 2002 – a Prorector on Information Technologies.
B.V. Palyukh is an author of more than 170 scientific papers including 6 monographs and textbooks.
Intelligent Information Systems, Security, Reliability, Knowledge Bases, Expert Systems
REFERENCES (for the last 5 years):
1. Kotov S.L., Gibin Yu.V. Programmnoe obespechenie menedzhera [Software for a manager]. Laboratory course. Tver State Tech. Univ., Tver, 1999.
2. Lunkov S.V. Decision-making in the system of security monitoring of critical municipal facilities. 12 Mezhdunar. nauchnaya konf. “Matematicheskie metody v tekhnike i tekhnoloniyakh” [Proc. of the 12th int. science conf. “Mathematical methods in technics and technologies”]. Vel. Novgorod, Novgorod State Univ., 1999.
3. Martynov D.V. Estimation of investment projects efficiency. 12 Mezhdunar. nauchnaya konf. “Matematicheskie metody v tekhnike i tekhnoloniyakh” [Proc. of the 12th int. science conf. “Mathematical methods in technics and technologies”]. Vel. Novgorod, Novgorod State Univ., 1999.
4. Martynov D.V., Borodulin A.N. 12 Mezhdunar. nauchnaya konf. “Matematicheskie metody v tekhnike i tekhnoloniyakh” [Proc. of the 12th int. science conf. “Mathematical methods in technics and technologies”].Vel. Novgorod, Novgorod State Univ., 1999.
5. Vetrov A.N. Using methods of mathematical modeling in municipal facilities service monitoring. Sb. dokladov. Nauchnaya konf., posvyashchennaya 70-letiyu akademika V.A. Melnikova [Proc. of the int. science conf. dedicated to 70th anniversary of the academician V.A. Melnikov]. Moscow, 1999.
6. Kuznetsov V.N. Distance lerning problem in Tver State Technical University. Sb. dokladov. Nauchnaya konf., posvyashchennaya 70-letiyu akademika V.A. Melnikova [Proc. of the int. science conf. dedicated to 70th anniversary of the academician V.A. Melnikov]. Moscow, 1999.
7. Bogatikov V.N., Yegorov A.F. Software design technology for controlling chemical industry security. Programmnye Produkty i Sistemy [Software & Systems]. 1999, no. 1.
8. Chekhonelidze A.N., Kotov S.L., Neffa V.M. Voprosy postroeniya informatsionnoy sistemy “Gosudarstvenny registr naseleniya Tverskoy oblasti” [The issues of constructing an information system “State register of the popula-tion of Tver region”]. Moscow, Kopyulog, 2001.
9. Vetrov A.N., Vinogradov S.N., Lunkov S.V., Prokhnych A.N., Chesalov A.Yu. Nauchno-prakticheskiy seminar rukovoditeley regionalnykh tsentrov informatizatsii i tsentrov novykh informatsionnykh tekhnologiy v sfere nauki i obrazovaniya, posvyashchennogo 10-letiyu otraslevoy sistemy TsNIT [Science and practice workshop for Adminis-trators of Regional Informatization Centers and New IT Centers in science and education dedicated to 10th anniver-sary of TsNIT industry system]. Rostov on Don, 2001.
10. Lunkov S.V. An expert system for emergency diagnostics. Nauchnaya sessiya MIFI-2001 [Science session of MEPHI]. Moscow, 2001, Vol. 3.
11. Chesalov A.Yu.,Yevdokimov A.I., Petrashevich V.N. Upgrading regional network of social and economical information processing. Mezhdunar. nauchnaya konf. “Matematicheskie metody v tekhnike i tekhnologiyakh” [An int. science conf. “Mathematical methods in technics and technologies”]. Smolensk, 2001, Vol. 6.
12. Klyushin A.Yu. Application of multyagent systems when reengineering in electrical engineering companies. 5-ya Rossiyskaya nauchno-praktich. konf. “Reinzhiniring biznes-protsessov na osnove sovremennykh informatsionnykh tekhnologiy”. Sb. nauchnykh trudov MESI [MESI Proc. of the 5th Russian science and practice conf. “Business process reengineering based on modern IT”]. Moscow, 2001.
13. Klyushin A.Yu. One of reengineering business models. Sb. materialov VII Mezhdunar. nauchno-tekhnich. konf. “Matematicheskie metody i informatsionnye tekhnologii v ekonomike” [Proc. of the 7th int. science and prac-tice conf. “Mathematical methods and IT in economics”]. Penza, 2001.
14. Klyushin A.Yu., Vinogradov S.N., Chesalov A.Yu. Purposes and tasks of designing adaptive open education technologies based on DOM-model e-documents and XML language. Trudy Mezhdunar. nauchno-metodich. konf. “Telematika-2001” [Proc. of int. science and methodical conf. “Telematika-2001”].
15. Ivanov V.K., Klyushin A.Yu. Tverskoy virtualnyy universitet - novaya sostavlyayushchaya obrazovatelnoy sistemy Verkhnevolzhya. V Mezhregional. nauchno-metodich. konf. [Tver virtual University is a new part of Verkhnevolzhye education system. Proc. of the 5th interregional science and practice conf.]. St. Petersburg, 2002.
16. Mikheeva Ye.V., Mikheev V.N. Optimization of financial flows of leasing transactions participants. Sb. trudov 15 Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. “Matematicheskie metody v tekhnike i tekhnologiyakh” [Proc. of the 15th int. science conf. “Mathematical methods in technics and technologies”]. Tambov, 2002, Vol. 5.
17. Kozlova Yu.G. Managing a virtual company based on application the theory of agents. Sb. trudov 15 Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. “Matematicheskie metody v tekhnike i tekhnologiyakh” [Proc. of the 15th int. science conf. “Mathematical methods in technics and technologies”]. Tambov, 2002, Vol. 5.
18. Ivanov V.K., Klyushin A.Yu. Using of ХМL in the architecture of open education technological system. Sb. trudov 15 Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. “Matematicheskie metody v tekhnike i tekhnologiyakh” [Proc. of the 15th int. science conf. “Mathematical methods in technics and technologies”]. Tambov, 2002, Vol. 9.
19. Fedchenko S.L., Prokhnych A.N. A “Client-Server” network model of an information system. Sb. trudov Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. “Matematicheskie metody v intellektualnykh informatsionnykh sistemakh” [Proc. of the int. science conf. “Mathematical methods in intelligent information systems”]. Smolensk, 2002.
20. Ivanov V.K., Klyushin A.Yu. Using of ХМL-documents to form tutorials in open education system. Sb. trudov Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. “Matematicheskie metody v intellektualnykh informatsionnykh sistemakh” [Proc. of the int. science conf. “Mathematical methods in intelligent information systems”]. Smolensk, 2002 г.
21. Mironov V.A., Ivanov V.K., Klyushin A.Yu. Distance and open education – modern stage of regional infor-mation and education development. Sb. trudov Mezhdunar. nauchno-technich. konf. “Kompyuternye tekhnologii v upravlenii, diagnostike i obrazovanii” [Proc. of the int. science and practice conf. “Computer technologies in man-agement, diagnostics and education”]. Tver, 2002.
22. Konstantinov A.V. diagnostics of chain outlets crysis states. Tr. 8 natsional. konf. po iskusstvennomu intellektu s mezhdunar. uchastiem “KII 2002” [Proc. of the 8th national conf. on Artificial Intelligence with intern. perticipants “KII 2002”]. Moscow, Fizmatlit Publ., 2002.
23. Kozlova Yu.G. Automation of companies’ budgeting system. Sb. trudov Mezhdunar. nauchno-technich. konf. “Kompyuternye tekhnologii v upravlenii, diagnostike i obrazovanii” [Proc. of the int. science and tech. conf. “Com-puter technologies in management, diagnostics and education”]. Tver, 2002.
24. Yegereva I.A. Neural networks in marketing researches. Sb. trudov Mezhdunar. nauchno-technich. konf. “Kompyuternye tekhnologii v upravlenii, diagnostike i obrazovanii” [Proc. of the int. science and practice conf. “Computer technologies in management, diagnostics and education”]. Tver, 2002.
25. Demidov N.Ye., Klyushin Yu.F. A package of mathematical models for education process support in a virtual university. VI Mezhdunar. nauchno-praktich. konf. “Sistemnyy analiz v proektirovanii i upravlenii” [Proc. of the 6th int. science and practice conf. “System analysis in design and management”]. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical Univ. Publ., 2002.
26. Vetrov A.N., Kozlova Yu.G. Computer system for analysis and forecast of tolling for environment pollution. Programmnye Produkty i Sistemy [Software & Systems]. 2002, no. 4.
27. Semenov N.A., Vetrov A.N., Borisov A.L. Information and analysis system called “Planning the structure of ungraded village schools network”. Programmnye Produkty i Sistemy [Software & Systems]. 2002, no. 2.
28. Vetrov A.N.,Vinogradov S.N., Lunkov S.V., Prokhnych A.N., Chesalov A.Yu. Multiplatform, scalable auto-mated information and library system for education institutions. Vseros. konf. “Sovremennaya obrazovatelnaya sreda”. Tezizy dokladov [All-Russian conf. “Modern education environment”. Thesis]. Moscow, 2002.
29. Mironov V.A., Klyushin A.Yu., Ivanov V.K., Mironenko A.S. Reinzhiniring of education technologies based on adaptive open education and ХМL language. Programmnye Produkty i Sistemy [Software & Systems]. 2002, no. 4.
30. Mironenko A.S. Nadezhnost i effektivnost ekonomicheskikh informatsionnykh sistem [Reliability and effi-ciency of economic information systems]. 2003, Tver, Tver State Technical Univ. Publ.
31. Mironov V.A., Ivanov V.K., Kuznetsov V.N. An open professional education system for senior executives on the base of Tver virtual university. Materialy nauchno-praktich. konf. “Gosudarstvennaya i munitsipalnaya sluzhba v sisteme upravleniya regionom” [Proc. of int. science and practice conf. “State and municipal service in the regional management system”]. 2003, Tver, Tver State Technical Univ. Publ.
32. Klyushin A.Yu., Ivanov V.K. Modern computer and telecommunication technologies in a virtual university. 16-ya Mezhdunar. nauchnaya konf. “Matematicheskie metody v tekhnike i tekhnoloniyakh” [Proc. of the 16th int. science conf. “Mathematical methods in technics and technologies”]. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State Technological Univ. Publ., Vol. 9.
33. Mironenko A.S., Antonov A.S. Projects classifying based on matching social efficiency estimations. 16-ya Mezhdunar. nauchnaya konf. “Matematicheskie metody v tekhnike i tekhnoloniyakh” [Proc. of the 16th int. science conf. “Mathematical methods in technics and technologies”]. Rostov on Don, RGASHM Publ., 2003, Vol. 7.
34. Ivanov V.K. Internet technologies in the education process of Tver State Technical University. Tr. Vseros. nauch. konf. “Nauchnyy servis v seti INTERNET” [Proc. of the All-Russian science conf. “Science service in the In-ternet”]. Moscow, Moscow State Univ. Publ., 2003.
35. Ivanov V.K., Klyushin A.Yu., Mironenko A.S. The system of adaptive electronic training materials in open and distance education. Trudy 10 Vseros. nauchno-metodich. konf. “Tematika 2003” [Proc. the 10th All-Russian sci-ence and methodical conf. “Tematika 2003”]. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg ITMO Univ. Publ., 2003, Vol. 2.
36. Mironov V.A. Tverskoy virtualnyy universitet v sisteme mnogourovnego obrazovatelnogo kompleksa otkrytogo obrazovaniya. Vseros. nauchno-praktich. konf. [Proc. the All-Russian science and practice conf. Tver virtual University in the system of multilevel open education complex]. Petrozavodsk, 2003.