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The Editorial Board / Balametov Ashraf Balamet ogly
Balametov Ashraf Balamet ogly – Dr.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, a member of the Russian Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences, Head of a Scientific Department in the Azerbaijan Scientific-Research & Design-Prospecting Power Engineering Institute (Azerbaijan, Baku), a specialist in analysis and management of steady state modes of ultrahigh voltage overhead power transmission lines, reliability growth of convergence of steady state mode equations, optimization of electric power system modes, applying methods of artificial intelligence in power networks.
Modeling in Power Engineering, IT.
1971 – graduated from Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) with a degree in Electric Power Plants,
1971 –became an employee and entered a PhD programme in the I.Q. Yesman Azerbaijan Research Institute of Power Engineering.
1980 – became Ph.D. in the Krjijanovsky Institute of Energetics.
Ashraf Balametov had been teaching in Azerbaijan Technical Institute and Azerbaijan International University.
1994 – became Dr.Sc. (Engineering) in Novosibirsk State Technical University.
A participant of the TACIS project “Operative planning, operation and management of power systems in the countries of Caucasus and Central Asia” and a performer in ecological projects of Shahdagh National Park, a project on controlling electric power consumption payment system.
Ashraf Balametov is a member of the Executive Board in the American Bibliographic Institute, a member of the CIGRE and IEEE International Council, an academician of the International Eco-Energy Academy, a member of Academy of Electrical Sciences of the Russian Federation.
2004 – became a “Yusif Mammadaliyev” awards laureate.
Professor Balametov proposed new methods for measuring corona power losses using differences between active powers on the ends of HV lines and based on the analysis of HV line current harmonic composition.
Professor Balametov managed a set of full-scale experiments in order to develop a measurement system of active power total losses and emphasize a component of 500 kV corona power losses, define the impact of rapidly alternating loads on power quality indicators and monitor power losses in the Azerbaijanian power network using modern power quality recorders, devices based on a microprocessor technology and a computing platform.
The programs, which have been developed with the participation of Ashraf Balametov, are applied in the JSC “Azerenergy”, Krjijanovsky Institute of Energetics, Technical University and Research Institute ESP, “PO Dalnie elektroperedachi”.
Ashraf Balametov has written more than 260 research papers including 5 monographs, 28 copyright certificates and invention patents.
- Balametov A.B., Musakhanova G.S., Halilov E.D. Metody analiza ustanovivshikhsya rezhimov elektroenergeticheskikh sistem [The analysis methods of electrical power system steady state modes]. Khakas State University n.a. N.F. Katanov Publ.. Abakan, 2009, 340 p.
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. Forecasting power losses in power networks using the design of experiment method. Problemy energetiki [Energy Issues]. 2010, no. 2, pp. 17–25 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. A programming and computing suite for calculating, analyzing and и normalizing power losses in power networks. Scientific and Texnological Innovation: National Experience and Intern. Cooperation. Int. Conf. SIC. Baku, 2010, рр. 124–129.
- Balametov A.B., Balametov E.A., Isaeva T.M. A program for calculating consumers’ acceptable contribution to power quality parameter degradation. Nauchnye i tekhnologicheskie innovatsii: mater. Mezhdunar. nauch.-praktich. konf. [Scientific and Technological Innovations: Proc. of the Int. Science and Practice Conf.]. Baku, TsNII Publ., 2010, pp. 141–146 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. Forecasting of electric power losses in electric networks of power systems with application of artificial neural networks. Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. “Problems of cybernetics and informatics”. Baku, Azerbaijan, 2010, vol. 2, pp. 84–87.
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D., Aliev Kh.T., Bakhyshov E.D. Simulation modeling of load diagrams to calculate power losses in distribution networks. Elektronnoe modelirovanie [Electronic Modeling]. 2010, no. 5, pp. 77–91 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D., Balametov E.A. Power losses forecasting based on multiple regression equations. Neft i kultura kak dostoyanie naroda: Mezhdunar. nauch.-praktich. konf. [Proc. of the Int. Science and Practice Conf. “Petroleum and Culture as people’s property”]. Baku, 2010, pp. 203–205 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. Automated construction of regression models of power losses in power networks. Sovremennaya nauka: teoriya i praktika: mater. Mezhdunar. nauch.-praktich. konf. [Proc. of the Int. Science and Practice Conf. “Modern Science: Theory and Practice”]. Stavropol, NCSTU Publ., 2011, pp. 125–128 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. Power loss evaluation in power networks based on multiple regression equations. Trudy AzNII energetiki [Proc. of the Azerbaijan Research Institute of Power Engineering]. 2011, no. 2, pp. 111–126 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. Automating the receipt of the regression equations for power losses predicting. TPE-2011. The 17th Int. Conf. on Technical and Physical Problems of Power Engineering. Lefkosa, Turkish Republik of Northern Cyprus, 2011, pр. 181–185.
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. Intelligent network – effective tools to solve of energy sector problems. Izv. NANA. Nauka i innovatsiya [Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Series Science and Innovation]. 2011, no. 2(6), pp. 18–23 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Mamedov S.G., Aliev Kh.T., Halilov E.D. Power loss calculation methods in distributed systems using simulation modeling of load diagrams. Elektrichestvo [Electricity]. 2011, no.8, pp. 15–22 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D., Isaeva T.M. Experimental research on ultraharmonics in an electric circuit with computer facilities. Trudy Natsionaln. aviatsion. akad. [Proc. of the National Aviation Academy]. 2011, no. 1, pp. 80–90 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D., Bakhyshov E.D. A comparison of methods of obtaining regressional dependences for power losses. Fedorovskie chteniya-2011: tr. XLI Vseros. nauch.-praktich. konf. (s mezhdunar. uchast.) [Proc. of the 41th All-Russian Science and Practice Conf. (with Int. Participation) “Fedorov Readings 2011”]. Moscow, MEI Publ., 2011, pp. 24–26 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B. On loss distribution between electric market participant. Problemy energetiki [Energy Issues]. 2011, no. 3, pp. 39–47 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B. Calculations of the steady-state modes of a power system in real time according to WAMS and SCADA. Nauka i innovatsiya [Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Series Science and Innovation]. 2011, no. 4(8), pp. 12–20 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. Load profiles simulation for evaluation energy losses in distribution networks. Journ. Reliability: Theory & Applications. 2011, vol. 2, no. 4 (23), рp. 60–71.
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. New possibilities of modeling of an error of a complex of measurement for increase of accuracy of the account of the electric power. Proc. 8th Int. Conf. ICTPE-2012. Fredrikstad Publ., Norway, 2012, pp. 22–26.
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. Programmnoe obespechenie rascheta tekhnologicheskogo raskhoda elektroenergii na ee peredachu v elektricheskikh setyakh 6-10 kV energosistemy [Software for technologic power loss calculation when transmitting power in power networks of 6-10 kV electric system]. Azerbaijan. Cert. no. 7202, 2012.
- Balametov A.B. Halilov E.D. About application of artificial intelligence’s methods for estimation of power losses in distributive electric networks. Proc. 2nd World Conf. on Soft Computing. Baku, Azerbaijan, 2012, pp. 448–453.
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. Programmnoe obespechenie rascheta tekhnologicheskogo raskhoda elektroenergii na ee peredachu v elektriche¬skikh setyakh 110-500 kV energosistemy [Software for technologic power loss calculation when transmitting power in power networks of 110-500 kV electric system]. Azerbaijan. Cert. no. 7347, 2012.
- Balametov A.B., Balametov E.A., Isaeva T.M. Implementation of the loss evaluation function in electric power meters. Problemy energetiki [Energy Issues]. 2012, no. 3, pp. 3–11 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. Modeling FACTS devices when calculating set modes of electric power networks. Problemy energetiki [Energy Issues]. 2012, no. 4, pp. 9–18 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B. Koronirovanie provodov VL SVN. Modelirovanie v ustanovivshikhsya rezhimakh [Corona Effect of EHV lines. Modelling in Set Modes]. Monograph, LAP Publ., 2013, 310 p.
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. About the program of electric power losses calculation in radial electric mains. Programmnye produkty i sistemy [Software & Systems]. 2013, no. 2(102), pp. 220–224 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. Power loss forecasting methods in electric power systems for analysis and management. Elektrichestvo [Electricity]. 2013, no. 7, pp. 19–29 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. Programma rascheta poter elektroenergii na koronu v vysokovoltnykh liniyakh elektroperedachi [Corona Power Loss Calculation Program in HV Lines]. Azerbaijan. Cert. no. 7636, 2013.
- Balametov A.B., Balametov E.A., Isaeva T.M. The results of modeling and measuring ultraharmonics in the ends of EHV lines. Fedorovskie chteniya-2013: tr. XLII Vseros. nauch.-praktich. konf. (s mezhdunar. uchast.). [Proc. of the 42th All-Russian Science and Practice Conf. (with Int. Participation) “Fedorov Readings 2013”]. Moscow, MEI Publ., 2013, pp. 21–22 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. Programma rascheta normativnykh kharakteristik poter aktivnoy moshchnosti v vysokovoltnykh elektricheskikh setyakh [The Program for Calculation of Active Power Losses Performance Standard in HV Electrical Power Networks]. Azerbaijan. Cert. no. 7744, 2013.
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D., Bayramov M.P. Programma rascheta temperatury provoda vozdushnoy linii ot meteorologicheskikh vozdeystviy i v zavisimosti ot tokovoy nagruzki provoda [The Program for Calculation of HV Line Conductor Temperature from Meteorologic Influence and Depending on Line Current Loading]. Azerbaijan. Cert. no. 7806, 2014.
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D., Chugunova I.A., Nurieva N.D., Iskanderov F.G. On Modelling a SCR Control Consecutive Compensator in Set Modes. Trudy AzNII energetiki [Proc. of the Azerbaijan Research Institute of Power Engineering]. 2013, pp. 88–103 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Salimova A.K., Balametov E.A. The analysis of 0.38 kV rural network asymmetrical condition losses using Workbench. Fedorovskie chteniya-2014: tr. XLIII Vseros. nauch.-praktich. konf. (s mezhdunar. uchast.) [Proc. of the 43th All-Russian Science and Practice Conf. (with Int. Participation) “Fedorov Readings 2014”]. Moscow, MEI Publ., 2014, pp. 56–58 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Salimova A.K., Balametov E.A. Power loss modeling in nonsymmetrically loaded power network 0.38 kV. Problemy energetiki [Energy Issues]. 2014, no. 2, pp. 28–35 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D., Isaeva T.M. On choosing a quantity of sections in U-shaped equivalent circuit ELT HV lines whem modeling modes. Problemy energetiki [Energy Issues]. 2015, no. 3, pp. 28–37 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D. Improving accuracy of modeling super-high voltage OHPL modes. Sovremennye nauchno-tekhnicheskie problemy energetiki: mater. Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. [Modern Scientific and Technical Power Engineering Problems: Proc. of the Int. Science Conf.]. Sumgait. 2015, pp. 53–56 (in Russ.).
- Balametov A.B., Bayramov M.P., Isaeva T.M. Modeling OHL active power losses considering operation and atmospheric factors. Fedorovskie chteniya-2015: tr. XLV Vseros. nauch.-praktich. konf. (s mezhdunar. uchast.). [Proc. of the 45th All-Russian Science and Practice Conf. (with Int. Participation) “Fedorov Readings 2015”]. Moscow, MEI Publ., 2015, pp. 141–143 (in Russ.).