Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: convolutional neural network
- Implementation of data classification software based on convolutional neural networks and case-based reasoning approach Authors: Варшавский П.Р., Кожевников А.В.
- Automated solution of the problem of detecting industrial objects on a orthomosaic using a neural network Authors: Назаров Т.Р., Мамедова Н.А.
- A system for recognizing, tracking and describing ant behavior on video footage taken in the field Authors: Московский А.Д., Московская Е.Д., Бургов Е.В., Гревцова Н.А.
- Applying deep learning in brain-computer interfaces for motion recognition Authors: Павленко Д.В., Татарис Ш.Э., Овчаренко В.В.