Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: virtual reality
- Authors: Алюшин С.А., Ильинский Н.И.
- Internet technologies in open distance learning Authors: Решетников В.Н.
- Navigation algorithms at the outer surface of international space station model Authors: Мальцев А.В., Михайлюк М.В.
- A rehabilitation simulator for patients with hand mobility problems using virtual reality technologies Authors: Аглямов Ф.Р., Кугураков В.С.
- Remote control of a robotic device using virtual reality Authors: Кугуракова В.В., Хафизов М.Р., Кадыров С.А., Зыков Е.Ю.
- A subsystem for reproducing immersive virtual simulators with biofeedback Authors: Грибова В.В., Стрекалев В.О.
- On one trend in the development of algorithms implemented in decision support systems Authors: Тиханычев О.В., Саяпин О.В., Чискидов С.В., Безвесильная А.А.