Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Ivaschenko A.V.
Ph.D (
Samara State Aerospace University
Author in:
- Information space analysis using interval-correlation functions
- Multi-agent system of manufacturing execution management in heavy engineering industry Co-authors: Andreev M.V., Скобелев П.О., Кривенок С.А.
- Samara school of professor S.A. Prokhorov on application analysis of random processes Co-authors: Kulikovskikh I.M.
- Management of enterprise personnel interaction in multiactor integrated information environment
- Endovascular surgery simulation training software Co-authors: Kolsanov A.V., Яремин Б.И., Воронин А.С., Черепанов А.С., Сапцин Н.В.
- Laparoscopic surgery simulation training software Co-authors: A.V. Kuzmin , Kolsanov A.V., Чаплыгин С.С., Gorbachenko N.A., Милюткин М.Г.
- A mediator pattern for sensor networks software Co-authors: Minaev A.A., Spodobaev M.Yu.
- A software platform for 6PL provider Co-authors: Andreev M.V.
- Open software architecture for surgery training suites Co-authors: Kolsanov A.V., Gorbachenko N.A.
- Multi-agent approximation of social media users’ behavior Co-authors: A.A. Khorina, A.R. Diyazitdinova
- The open cube concept for analysing social media big data Co-authors: N.M. Shlychkova, V.A. Isayko, P.V. Sitniko
- Development of a service industry software infrastructure in digital economy Co-authors: S.A. Korchivoy
- Accented visualization in AR user interfaces Co-authors: P.V. Sitniko, G.V. Katirkin, O.L. Surnin
- Psychodiagnostics software with computer vision feedback Co-authors: Kolsanov A.V., Aleksandrova, M.V., Zheikov, D.S., Mazankina, E.V., Zakharova, E.V.