Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Semenkin E.S.
Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University
Author in:
- Web-server information security improvement with techniques of protection from investigation Co-authors: Стюгин М.А.
- Automated system of x-ray structure analysis of powders Co-authors: Якимов Я.И.
- Implementation and investigation of hybryd genetic programming method Co-authors: Bukhtoyarov V.V.
- Coevolutionary algorithm for constrained and multiobjective optimization problems Co-authors: Сергиенко Р.Б.
- Co-evolutionary approach to analog integrated circuits design Co-authors: Токмин К.А.
- Automated system for solving global optimization problems with multi-agent stochastic algorithms Co-authors: Ефимов С.Н., Галушин П.В., Панфилов И.А.
- Coevolutionary asymptotic genetic algorithm for crystal structure characterization Co-authors: Швец А.В., Якимов И.С.
- System of automatic design of intelligent information technologies ensembles For data mining problems Co-authors: Шабалов А.А.
- Software package of adaptive evolutionary algorithms for complex systems modeling and optimization Co-authors: Семёнкина М.Е.
- Call routing problem solving method based on a new term relevance estimation Co-authors: Сергиенко Р.Б., Гасанова Т.О., Минкер В.М.
- The system of relay programming control seeking for dynamic objects Co-authors: Рыжиков И.С.
- Cooperative biologically inspired algorithm for unconstrained optimization Co-authors: Ахмедова Ш.А.
- Performance investigation of self-configuring genetic algorithm for spacecrafts' control systems effective variant choice Co-authors: Семёнкина М.Е., Попов Е.А.
- Automatic feature selection system for human emotion recognition in speech communication Co-authors: Brester C.Yu., Sidorov M.Yu.