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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Rybakov, A.A.
Ph.D ( )
Leading Researcher
Joint Supercomputer Center of RAS
Author in:
- Branches optimization in binary translator for «Elbrus» architecture
- Optimization of the problem of conflict detection with dangerous aircraft movement areas to execute on Intel Xeon Phi
- Automatic detection of audio defects using parallel computing Co-authors: Freylekhman S.A.
- Vectorization of the three-dimensional immersed boundary method for improving the efficiency of calculations on Intel microprocessors Co-authors: Meshcheryakov A.O.
- Tools for vectorizing a flat loop body using AVX-512 vector instructions Co-authors: Shvindt, A.N.
- Cubic graph edge coloring in the problem of calculation parallelization on an unstructured surface computational grid Co-authors: Gulicheva, A.A.