ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 June 2024

Articles of journal № 1 at 2013 year.

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Public date | Title | Authors

1. Building of three-dimensional model in geoinformation system [№1 за 2013 год]
Authors: Stepanova L.A., Смирнова И.И.
Visitors: 11642
The article describes a method of building of a three-dimensional (3D) model of a medium size area with a transport hub in GIS «MAP2011». 3D model is a volumetric model, which can be built in GIS «Map2011» by using instruments that are based on different presentation of the values of elevation in cells. The matrix of elevations – three-dimensional raster map of an area – contains the information about district relief in the raster form with values of elevation in cells (absolute or relative elevation). TIN-model is constructed on the basis of the three dimensional description of objects. The volumetric model of acceptable quality has been constructed on the basis of multiple (13) raster elevation matrixes of the objects. Construction of a TIN-model required the use of vector maps. The article describes ways to combine use of various instruments, such as digital elevation model (DEM) in the form of an elevation matrix and digital model of engineering objects in the form of a TIN-model.

2. Methode zur Lösung von Aufgaben beim Rufrouting auf der Grundlage einer neuen Bewertung der Termrelevanz [№1 за 2013 год]
Authors: Gasanova Т.О., Sergienko R.B., Semenkin E.S., Minker V.M.
Visitors: 5510
Das Call Routing, das auf der Verarbeitung von natürlicher Sprache basiert, stellt einen komplizierten und perspektivreichen Forschungsbereich auf dem Gebiet der intelligenten Verfahren zur maschinellen Verarbeitung und Interpretation von Sprache dar. Die Schwierigkeit ist bedingt durch die Komplexität bei der automatischen Interpretation von natürlicher Sprache. In diesem Artikel wird Schwerpunkt auf die Entwicklung von Algorithmen gelegt, die in der Lage sind, über die Effizienz der bestehenden Methoden in großen Datenbanken hinaus zu gehen, und die keine morphologische Analyse oder Filter der Art «Stoppwörter» erfordern. Bei der vorgeschlagenen Methode erfolgt eine Dekomposition der Klassifizierungsaufgabe, in der das Rufrouting auf zwei Stadien zurückgeführt wird: Feststellen der «residuellen» Klasse und Zuordnen der Objekte zu signifikanten Klassen. Zur «residuellen» Klasse gehören Objekte, die keiner signifikanten Klasse oder aber die nicht per se mehreren signifikanten Klassen zugeordnet werden können. Wir stellen eine neue Formel zur Bewertung der Termrelevanz bei der Bestimmung der signifikanten Klassen vor, die eine Modifizierung der Bewertung der Relevanz von fließenden Regeln in einem Fuzzy-Klassifikator ist. Wenn diese Formel nur für 300 der am meisten verbreiteten Worte für jede Klasse zur Anwendung kommt, kann eine Genauigkeit bei der Klassifizierung von 85,55 % erreicht werden.

3. Web service optimization using caching [№1 за 2013 год]
Authors: Melnikov I.I., Demidenkov K.A., Evseenko I.A.
Visitors: 6821
The paper describes a method for accelerating network data transfer through combination of caching, selective compression and encryption and a WAN-accelerator based on this method. The accelerator contains a client part and a server part. It encapsulates the data channel and caches data on the client and server side. Special hashes are used to synchronize cached data on the client and server side. If some data cached on the client side and some data cached on the server side are the same, a response will be extracted from client cache and won’t be waited from the server. Data can be quickly and effectively com-pressed by the methods of selective compression used in the accelerator if necessary. The WAN-accelerator encrypts data to improve data transfer security. WAN-accelerator server part cache asynchronous update helps to cut latency time of a response from a web-service caused by computational complexity and transaction time. Usage of the accelerator can be an effective solution for the problem of client application speed acceleration when a client application requires permanent communication with a web-service. The WAN-accelerator is an independent program module that doesn’t require integration with an existing web-service and its modification. It is transparent for a web-service and a client application. Especially it is useful for an organization that has a host system for data processing and management that contains one or more servers with data access through web-services and many clients on a great distance from them.

4. Сutting modes design automation for multipurpose machines [№1 за 2013 год]
Authors: Рахматуллин Р.Р., Казаков А.О., Кузьмин В.А., Serdyuk A.I.
Visitors: 8597
Production efficiency increasing of modern multipurpose computer numerical control (CNC) equipment is considered in the article. The efficiency is achieved due to an automated choice of the cutting mode according to varying production figures. The method of formalized calculation and assessment of the cutting mode according to present efficiency criteria is worked out. The offered numerical schemes and software can generate various cutting modes and choose optimal one according to any given efficiency index. Simulating subsystem of the equipment operation that is able to find and reduce sudden standstills for every engineering procedure of a part construction. The subsystem can also analyse many engineering procedures to choose the best one according to given criteria of the equipment, for optimal cutting mode, nomenclature of cutting tools, planned operation period. The developed software can be useful for engineering to synthesize efficiently cutting modes according to current criteria of industrial planning as well as booking new multipurpose equipment.

5. Automatic system for quality estimation of online courses [№1 за 2013 год]
Authors: Лецкий Э.К., Костюковская Э.И., Пилюгин К.С., Ольховой К.В.
Visitors: 10527
The article is devoted to the description of a system for automatic testing of online courses. The system estimates the quality of the online course, starting with the detection of mistakes on slides screenshots, and gives recommendations on how to improve it. The quantitative estimate of the quality embraces the methodological, inclusive text's quality, and technological components of the online course. The system provides direct access to each slide, collects the data for the quantitative estimate of the quality and generates both intermediate and final protocols for the course testing. The quality estimate is built on the following data: the total number of slides, the amount of illustrations, interactive elements and simulations, the number and variety of questions, as well as the number of questions of each type, the number of grammatical mistakes in the text, the number of short sentences, the morphological analysis of the text, the number of abbreviations that were not explained in the text, and the number of special terms absent in the course glossary. The system is also capable of adding required terms to the glossary.

6. An algorithm of complex power system optimization with the use of generalized similarity criteria [№1 за 2013 год]
Authors: Кавченков В.П., Солопов Р.В.
Visitors: 8790
In this article we propose an algorithm of power system optimization using criteria-based programming. This method is based on the theory of similarity, criteria-based analysis and geometric programming. It makes possible to optimize the efficiency function (consists of arbitrary polynomials with the degree of complexity more than one) with the limitations in the form of equations and inequalities. These advantages allow to optimize the power system modes by different characteristics (voltage, active and reactive power, power loss) with the account of all electrical laws. This method of the criteria-based programming was used for optimization of reactive power flows in the 110 kV power system of «IDGC of Center» – «Smolenskenergo» to reduce active power losses and for optimization of complex heterogeneous 110/330 kV power system.

7. Algorithms and technologies provide information safety in medical information system ExterNET [№1 за 2013 год]
Authors: Карабаев М.К., Абдуманонов А.А.
Visitors: 18154
The article describes the problems of information safety in medical information systems, in particular, taken up the basic concept, requirements and measuring classification, realizations which let to provide necessary level of security and safety of the information data and programs. One describes organizational, program – means maintenance of information safety in clinical practice in the medical information system ExterNET, developed by authors for organization automation medical – diagnostic processes and management of a medical institution. Working out safety system engineering carried out taking account safety features of medical information. Principles of worked out information safety policy in clinical information system providing desired level of information safety were de-scribed, in particular, information safety is provided with special software which is a subsystem of information in the continuity principle of perfection and the information safety system development. The second one is the complex usage principle of all arsenal with protective means in all structural elements of medical institutions, and also in all stages of information processing-work cycle. Interaction scheme of technical, organizational, and program components of the information safety subsystem and also algorithms of their functioning is presented.

8. Fuzzy inference architecture for soft computing optimizer of knowledge bases [№1 за 2013 год]
Authors: Сорокин С.В., Nefedov N.Yu., A.G. Reshetnikov, Ulyanov, S.V.
Visitors: 12177
Software architecture of fuzzy inference subsystem for soft computing optimizer is considered. Proposed architecture is based on segregation of interface of algorithms, interested in active rules, to separate interface. Fuzzy inference algorithm is implemented as a template method; its primitive operations are implemented in concrete realizations of fuzzy inference models and fuzzy rule bases. Algorithm is also configurable by the object which will receive a list of active rules. Performance of soft computing optimizer is demonstrated on the task of intelligent control system for unstable dynamic object. This control system exhibited better robustness, comparing to systems created with other state-of-the-art tools.

9. Integration of the OLAP technology and fuzzy sets for processing of uncertain and inexact data in decision support systems [№1 за 2013 год]
Authors: Eremeev, A.P. , Еремеев А.А.
Visitors: 12773
Possibilities of the intelligent data mining for decision support systems by means of integration of the OLAP technology and fuzzy logic are considered. The given integration allows implementing measures for complex multidimensional analysis of big data volumes, their dynamics and trends. It is noticed that although the OLAP technology does not be a needed attribute of modern data warehouses, at present this technology is actively applied, in particular, for data analyses storing in warehouses. Such concepts from the fuzzy set theory as a fuzzy cut, fuzzy set to set an accordance index are used. The necessary formal definitions are given and the corresponding illustrations are presented. The work is performed for analyses and operating ill-definite (ambiguous) information (data and knowledge).

10. Integrated toolkit for organization of the problem-oriented distributed computing [№1 за 2013 год]
Authors: Oparin G.A., Novopashin A.P., Feoktistov A.G.
Visitors: 11888
In this paper the approach to integrated use of tools for organization a distributed computing within the single environment for design, create and using problem-oriented software is represented. Problem-oriented software operates in the integrated cluster system. The characteristics of integrated cluster system are considered and the technological scheme of computing problems solving in this system is suggested. The integrable tools are listed: the non-procedural programming environment SyKruS for synthesis of parallel programs taking into account constraints on used resources of computer system and programming modules run-time, the toolkits DISCOMP and ORLANDO TOOLS for development of problem-oriented software in a homogeneous and heterogeneous distributed computing environments respectively, the toolkit DISCENT for cluster Grid development, the toolkit SIRIUS for modeling of problem-oriented software. The integration of tools is based on the cluster system model developed by the authors. The examples of problems solved with the use of above-listed tools are represented. The distinctive feature of represented approach is coordinated use of methodology of development parallel and distributed software packages, multiagent technology for the computing process management and integrated modeling (conceptual, simulation and seminatural) problem-oriented software.

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