Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: distributed computing
- An analytical performance model for distributed computing systems Authors: Афанасьев А.П., Посыпкин М.А., Хританков А.С.
- Solving global optimization problems in a distributed computing environment Authors: Посыпкин М.А.
- Development and application of the distributed softfare packages Authors: Опарин Г.А., Феоктистов А.Г., Сидоров И.А.
- Basic design of training systems for difficult technical complexes Authors: Решетников В.Н., Мамросенко К.А.
- GridNNN information system Authors: Крюков А.П., Шамардин Л.В., Патрикеев Д.О.
- Integrated toolkit for organization of the problem-oriented distributed computing Authors: Опарин Г.А., Феоктистов А.Г., Новопашин А.П.
- Visual programming environment for parallel software development of image and signal processing Authors: Герценбергер К.В., Дюмин А.А., Сорокоумов П.С.
- A distributed platform for parallel training of DisANN artificial neural networksA distributed platform for parallel training of disann artificial neural networks Authors: Нгуен Занг, Краснощеков А.А.
- The regulatory base to design aerospace training systems Authors: Мамросенко К.А.
- “Parallel Matlab” cloud service Authors: Грибова В.В., Созыкин А.В., Гольдштейн М.Л., Москаленко Ф.М.
- Software module for automated calculation parameters for on-board electronic protection screens radiation protection equipment Authors: Зинченко Л.А., Казаков В.В., Миронов А.А., Дорофеев А.В., Кобылкин С.С.
- Developing universal framework design for federated learning Authors: Холод И.И., Ефремов М.А.
- An algorithm for using distributed computing resources based on the Edge computing principles Authors: Боганюк Ю.В., Воробьева М.С., Воробьев А.М.
- Using MPI library for parallel implementation of a brute-force algorithm Authors: Ай Мин Тайк, Лупин С.А., Федяшин Д.А.
- Synchronous distributed computing at continuous execution of blocks of a limited number of program resource copiess Authors: Павлов П.А., Коваленко Н.С.
- Increasing the PC computing power: Integration with a distributed smartphone system Authors: Шабанов Б.М., Телегин П.Н., Лупин С.А., Балабаев С.А.