Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: optimal control
- Parallel algorithms and programs for modelling of euler elasticae Authors: Сачков Ю.Л., Ардентов А.А.
- The information environment of designing of systems resource-saving managements of industrial targets Authors: Муромцев Д.Ю., Тюрин И.В., Белоусов О.А., Гребенников Р.В.
- Reconstruction of images via variational principle Authors: Сачков Ю.Л., Ардентов А.А., Касимов В.М., Маштаков А.П.
- Development of algorithm for optimum control of growth of a biomass of seaweeds Authors: Шилова Н.А.
- Parallel software package for nonholonomic control problems Authors: Маштаков А.П.
- Parallel software package for optimal development Of dynamic flow network Authors: Григоренко Н.Л., Жарков А.В., Пивоварчук Д.Г., Попова Н.Н.
- On the application of linear programming to enhance the survivability of technological processes automated control system Authors: Матвеев Ю.Н., Григорьев В.А., Стукалова Н.А.
- A mathematical model of computer network antivirus protection Authors: Семыкина Н.А., Шавыкина И.В.
- Architecture of an intelligent optimal control system for multi-stage processes evolution in a fuzzy dynamic environment Authors: Палюх Б.В., Ветров А.Н., Егерева И.А.
- A performance evaluation methodology for energy efficient control system alternatives for MIMO systems Authors: Муромцев Д.Ю., Тюрин И.В., Грибков А.Н., Шамкин В.Н.
- Applying the digital twin concept to chemical process design, modeling and control Authors: Кузьмин М.И., Кушнирук Д.И., Аникин А.В., Верба С.В., Зубов Д.В.