Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: automated information system
- Requirements for information system of high school management Authors: Андреев В.В., Герова Н.В.
- Automated protection technology of the internet information service Authors: Алексеевский М.В.
- Development of automated systems state registration of real estate Authors: Степанова Л.А., Смирнова И.И.
- Simulation systems comparative analysis for information processing research in a globally distributed automated information systems Authors: Бондаренко А.А.
- Simulation of system indicators to estimate the effectiveness of scientific schools Authors: Ильясов Б.Г., Карамзина А.Г., Фазлетдинова Ю.Р.
- Complex industrial projects data representation models in automated information systems of industrial institutions Authors: Стоянова О.В., Дли М.И., Белозерский А.Ю.
- Editing and entering information into XML-documents of automated information systems Authors: Трусов А.Н., Иванченко П.Ю., Кацуро Д.А.
- Rating assessment of academic staff in a university based on an automated information system Authors: Зубкова Т.М., Наточая Е.Н.
- Design automation of adaptive user interfaces with elements of artificial intelligence Authors: Зубкова Т.М., Тагирова Л.Ф., Тагиров В.К.
- Application of the neural network model to support acceptance decisions of the applicant by choice of specialty Authors: Зубкова Т.М., Тагирова Л.Ф.