Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: forecasting
- Authors: Макаров А.Н., Корнеев К.Б.
- Authors: Извозчикова В.В., Матвейкин И.В.
- Authors: Иванюк В.А., Андрейчиков А.В.
- Authors: Измайлов В.В., Наумов А.Е.
- Authors: Чернышева Т.Ю., Ефимов П.Н.
- Authors: Ильин А.А.
- Method of intellectual processing of medical and biologic data Authors: Цыганкова И.А.
- Neural network model for financial data forecasting Authors: Кратович П.В.
- Software for estimating situation at the avalance site Authors: Зимин М.И.
- Process of building subject area on the bases of analysis of conceptual diagram Authors: Извозчикова В.В., Матвейкин И.В.
- Use of ontology in forecasting business development Authors: Извозчикова В.В., Матвейкин И.В., Тюков Н.И.
- Program complex of algorithms for increase and forecast of petroreturn of a layer Authors: Кулиев Р.А.
- Prediction based on the allocation of border implementations of dynamic systems Authors: Сидоркина И.Г., Егошин А.В., Шумков Д.С.
- Estimation of degree of influence natural and technology factors on various types of failures of the main gas pipelines Authors: Жуков А.С.
- The intelligent «ANAPRO» software in problems of monitoring in power distribution network Authors: Курбацкий В.Г., Томин Н.В.
- Neural networks and ARIMA models for stock series forecasting Authors: Кратович П.В.
- Automated design system of artificial neural network Authors: Чернов А.В., Белявский Г.И., Пучков Е.В.
- Software for determining the cause of the avalanche Authors: Зимин М.И.
- Supply planning system at the diversify enterprise Authors: Ильина Л.Ю.
- Evolution algorithm of decision tree building Authors: Суконщиков А.А., Ржеуцкий А.В.
- Image processing time prediction using determinate methods Authors: Логунова О.С., Мацко И.И., Посохов И.А.
- Application of soft computing for to analyse the knowledge base structure of information system Authors: Гордеев Р.Н., Бурилин А.В.
- Prospects for applying hybrid forecasting of performance of the Russian Federation state program Authors: Ярушев С.А., Аверкин А.Н.
- Forecasting stock price growth using feedforward neural networks Authors: Лесик И.А.
- Early warning system of drinking water quality parameters violation Authors: Бубырь Д.С.
- Intelligent information system for rolling stock carriage equipment faillures forecasting on railways Authors: Иванова Е.И.
- Classification algorithm based on random forest principes for a forecasting problem Authors: Курейчик В.М., Картиев С.Б.
- Bank clients’ solvency forecasting based on machine learning methods and Markov chains Authors: Шунина Ю.С., Клячкин В.Н.
- Forecasting in dynamic system control Authors: Тиханычев О.В.
- Development and implementation of a forecasting model for a chromatic error of galvanized strip polymeric coating Authors: Осколков В.М., Варфоломеев И.А., Виноградова Л.Н., Ершов Е.В.
- Implementation of reinforcement learning methods based on temporal differences and a multi-agent approach for real-time intelligent systems Authors: Еремеев А.П., Кожухов А.А.
- Cognitive hybrid systems for decision support and forecasting Authors: Ярушев С.А., Аверкин А.Н., Павлов В.Ю.
- Study of the influence of initialization algorithms of Volterry network weight coefficients on forecast problem solving Authors: Лёзина И.В., Сараева К.В.
- Adequate interdisciplinary models in forecasting time series of statistical data Authors: Пранов Б.М.
- Local trends for time series pre-preparation in forecasting problems Authors: Белявский Г.И., Пучков Е.В.
- An agent approach when modeling the dynamics of changing quantitative and qualitative state of a fleet of special purpose radio systems Authors: Пахомов В.С.
- A method of situational forecasting of the emergence of novel Industry 4.0 technologies Authors: Андреев А.М., Березкин Д.В., Козлов И.А.
- Forecasting time series of infectious morbidity Authors: Тарасова С.А.
- An intelligent approach to online reporting and short-term forecasting of time series Authors: Тормозов В.С., Золкин А.Л., Менциев А.У.
- Forecasting based on the second generation artificial neural network for decision support in especially significant situations Authors: Антонов В.В., Пальчевский Е.В., Еникеев Р.Р.