ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


Next issue

Publication date:
16 March 2024

Keyword: an automated system issue

  1. Authors: Измайлов В.В., Наумов А.Е.

  2. Authors: Фам Ки Куанг , Вишневский Ю.Г.

  3. Automated construction of physical models based on linguistic descriptions of precedents
  4. Authors: Филатова Н.Н., Зинякин Р.С.

  5. Procedure of calculating the coefficients of the diagnostic indices comparative value
  6. Authors: Ермаков А.Е.

  7. Expanding system of tests accumulation
  8. Authors: Бакушев С.В., Куликов А.В.

  9. Method of construction the security model of automated systems
  10. Authors: Ковалев И.В., Золотарёв В.В., Жуков В.Г., Жукова М.Н.

  11. Automated control system of transport of liquid carbon dioxide pipeline
  12. Authors: Бочкарев С.В., Цаплин А.И., Друзьякин И.Г.

  13. Computer-aided control system design in secured implementation
  14. Authors: Карпов В.В.

  15. Automated system of decision making support in emergencies
  16. Authors: Скобелев П.О., Потоцкий С.И., Матюшин М.М., Потапов В.И., Лахин О.И.

  17. Decision-making support system UNIQUE
  18. Authors: Бутенко Л.Н., Олейников Д.П., Олейников С.П.

  19. Automated system for synthesis of physical principle of technical systems action
  20. Authors: Фоменков С.А., Гопта Е.А.

  21. Automated control system for science-based mechanical engineering product development
  22. Authors: Стоянова О.В., Бурдо Г.Б.

  23. The software of technological process of soldering spacecrafts’ waveguides
  24. Authors: Тынченко В.С., Бочаров А.Н., Лаптёнок В.Д., Серёгин Ю.Н., Злобин С.К.

  25. Statement of the problem of formation of directions of development of organizational automated systems and its solution algorithm
  26. Authors: Лясковский В.Л., Бреслер И.Б., Алашеев М.А.

  27. A methodical approach to forming functional requirements for a computer attacks protection system for automated control systems and its software implementation
  28. Authors: Дроботун Е.Б.

  29. Study of the influence of initialization algorithms of Volterry network weight coefficients on forecast problem solving
  30. Authors: Лёзина И.В., Сараева К.В.

  31. An automation system of induction soldering based on two control loops with work position shift
  32. Authors: Тынченко В.С., Лаптёнок В.Д., Петренко В.Е., Мурыгин А.В., Милов А.В.

  33. Method of forming a priority list of automated control equipment in special purpose systems and its software implementation
  34. Authors: Лясковский В.Л., Бреслер И.Б., Алашеев М.А.

  35. Software for an automated control system for electron beam welding of thin-walled structures
  36. Authors: Тынченко В.С., Петренко В.Е., Милов А.В.

  37. On the implementation of a multifunctional web-based system for recording and accounting the scientists’ intellectual activity
  38. Authors: Калёнов Н.Е., Власова С.А.

  39. Diagnosing the functional suitability of developing multifunctional automated systems based on a reconfigurable model
  40. Authors: Логинов И.В.

  41. An automated system for key terms analysis
  42. Authors: Калёнов Н.Е., Власова С.А.

  43. Search organization in a database with related entities
  44. Authors: Савин Г.И., Погорелко К.П.