Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: social networks
- Information system for organizing, monitoring and managing collective scientific activity of students in a university Authors: Пиявский С.А., Елунин М.Н.
- Multi-agent approximation of social media users’ behavior Authors: Иващенко А.В., Хорина А.А., Диязитдинова А.Р.
- The open cube concept for analysing social media big data Authors: Иващенко А.В., Шлычкова Н.М., Исайко В.А., Ситников П.В.
- Comparative analysis of community identification algorithms in complex network systems using social networks as an example Authors: Кочкаров А.А., Калашников Н.В., Кочкаров Р.А.
- A software package prototype for analyzing user accounts in social networks: Django web framework Authors: Олисеенко В.Д., Абрамов М.В., Тулупьев А.Л., Иванов К.А.
- Developing a software tool for constructing a social graph of a social network user in the task of analyzing its security from multi-pass social engineering attacks Authors: Абрамов М.В., Хлобыстова А.О., Сазанов В.А.