ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
13 September 2024

Articles of journal № 3 at 2011 year.

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Public date | Title | Authors

11. The joint description of spatial and attributive data on the basis of multivariate information objects [№3 за 2011 год]
Author: O.I. Khristodulo
Visitors: 13946
The method of the joint description of spatial and attributive data on the basis of the multivariate information objects has been proposed which can be used for integration of diverse databases in corporation information systems. It allows to describe each type of geographical object in the form of MIO, to reach a generality for the object’s layer description between different types, to simplify the existing database structure of data processing systems and to make model of data observable and understandable.

12. The influence of utility function form on multi-criteria choice results [№3 за 2011 год]
Authors: Микони С.В., Евстифеев В.А.
Visitors: 15810
It is investigated the influence of utility function form on multi-criteria choice results. It is considered the concave and convex form of utility function. On example of two-criteria scalar optimization the estimation difference is demonstrated between linear and non linear utility functions. The difference is proportional to degree of the non linear utility function. To achieve the acceptable result of optimization, it is necessary more carefully design the utility functions of the aggregated attributes.

13. Organization of adaptive computing systems streaming data processing [№3 за 2011 год]
Authors: Курчидис В.А., S.V. Ignatev, Погребной С.В., Круталевич А.Г., Dopira R.V.
Visitors: 11453
The principles of organization of parallel computing systems, oriented on processing streams of interrelated data and having the logical adaptation ability to the structure and parameters of the input dataflow. Adapting to the dataflow structure is achieved on account of certain architectural and structural solutions that provide a high degree of parallelization of an input stream.

14. Integrating CLIPS with rule-based expert system [№3 за 2011 год]
Author: Доровский С.В.
Visitors: 19108
Embedding CLIPS kernel within C++-written program arises a problem of interaction between program and kernel. Method of organizing program interface between C++ program and embedded CLIPS is suggested. CLIPS and C++ functions and data constructs, developed for information exchange between program and embedded CLIPS, are described.

15. Risk management in software projects of high reliability [№3 за 2011 год]
Authors: Налютин Н.Ю., Рябов В.А.
Visitors: 14934
Primary subject of this paper is risk management process embedded to mission-critical software development life cycle. Authors propose the method for qualitative and quantitative risk management, allowing to evaluate total risk of software development project.

16. Software defect prediction [№3 за 2011 год]
Authors: Кирносенко С.И., Лукьянов В.С.
Visitors: 10808
We propose a software defect prediction model. It allows to predict defect-prone files for the next release of the system. We consider experimental results of using two defect prediction models and our model to show its practical importance.

17. Using the pattern recognition methods for estimation of IT-projects development duration at the first stages of engineering [№3 за 2011 год]
Authors: Куликова Л.Л., Швакин В.Ю.
Visitors: 16134
The formalized target setting for estimation of new projects duration is described. The formulas and algorithm for searching the close projects based on the pattern recognition theory are given. The method for estimation of the project engineering duration is offered and the description of the developed software realizing the offered method is given.

18. SLIPH4M – a program for numerical solution Of the Sturm-Liouville problem [№3 за 2011 год]
Authors: Во Чонг Тхак, Пузынина Т.П.
Visitors: 9406
A program written in the language of the computer algebra system MAPLE is presented to calculate the spectrum of eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions of Sturm–Liouville differential equations. In the program the iteration schemes are realized on the base of a continuous analog of Newton’s method with accuracy O(h4), where h is the step size of the uniform grid.

19. Model of the dichotomous matrix of test result [№3 за 2011 год]
Author: Елисеев И.Н.
Visitors: 11477

20. Basic design of training systems for difficult technical complexes [№3 за 2011 год]
Authors: Reshetnikov V.N., Mamrosenko K.A.
Visitors: 13787
In the present article basic design and functioning requirements of training systems for difficult technical complexes are formulated. Classification is provided, the data about an estimation of training efficiency with the use of training systems is presented.

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