Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
13 December 2024
Keyword: database
- Requirements for information system of high school management Authors: Андреев В.В., Герова Н.В.
- Program for automated verification of databases integrity constraints Authors: Хомоненко А.Д., Глухарев М.Л., Косаренко А.П.
- Time analysis of handling of conflict transactions in Oracle Enterprise Manager and Errmanager Authors: Базилевский Е.В.
- Academic performance rating in the automatic training system Authors: Шустова Н.А.
- Technology creation for managers data support systems development when shipboard damage control Authors: Москаленко В.А.
- Software-hardware complex for research, designing and control of processing the plastics masses Authors: Равичев Л.В., Логинов В.Я., Беспалов А.В.
- The integrated system for structured physical knowledge processing Authors: Фоменков С.А., Яровенко В.А.
- Software for record-keeping and storage of clinical and socio-demographic information about patients Authors: Иванов С.И., Голубчиков М.А., Тарутина Н.В., Сафаров Р.Р.
- Knoware of an adaptive knowledge testing system Authors: Бондаренко А.В., Бессарабов Н.А., Кондратенко Т.Н., Тимофеев Д.С.
- Imitation modeling for aerospace confrontation Authors: Смирнов А.А., Богданов О.А., Ковалев Д.В.
- Building association rules in medical diagnosis Authors: Биллиг В.А., Иванова О.В., Царегородцев Н.А.
- Natural language user interface of a dialogue system Authors: Бессмертный И.А., Посевкин Р.В.
- Database security: problems and prospects Authors: Полтавцева М.А., Хабаров А.Р.
- A concept of intersubjective response receiving to fuzzy queries to forging computer-aided process planning database Authors: Коновалов А.В., Муйземнек О.Ю., Канюков С.И.
- Tools for determining a linguistic-statistical affinity of languages using the turkic morpheme model Authors: Альменова А.Б.
- A method of automated development of the semantic dialogue system database model Authors: Посевкин Р.В.
- Information support of the development stage of solid dosage form composition Authors: Корнюшко В.Ф., Николаева О.М., Богунова И.В., Флид А.А., Гребенщиков А.А.
- Development of a database and a converter for retrieval and analysis of specialized data from a medical device Authors: Еремеев А.П., Ивлиев С.А.
- Module for morphological disambiguation: architecture and database organization Authors: Сулейманов Д.Ш., Мухамедшин Д.Р.
- Comparative analysis of DBMS for tourist social network Authors: Феоктистов Е.Ф.
- On the implementation of a multifunctional web-based system for recording and accounting the scientists’ intellectual activity Authors: Калёнов Н.Е., Власова С.А.
- An automated system for key terms analysis Authors: Калёнов Н.Е., Власова С.А.
- Using three-dimensional data cubes in the implementation of a business intelligence system Authors: Мурыгин А.В., Черныш Б.А.
- Components and functionality of a software tool for modelling an import substitution structure Authors: Абу-Абед Ф.Н., Жиронкин С.А.