Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: DBMS
- Automated protection technology of the internet information service Authors: Алексеевский М.В.
- Search acceleration in indexes based on R-trees Authors: Чернов А.Ф.
- A method of artificial matching of SQL query to relational databases indexes Authors: Сорокин В.Е.
- Design principles for a converter that converts MS DOS projects into MS Windows projects Authors: Зенков В.В.
- About table inheritance effectiveness in PostgreSQL DBMS Authors: Сорокин В.Е.
- Database security: problems and prospects Authors: Полтавцева М.А., Хабаров А.Р.
- A software complex to manage and test a distributed database Authors: Тимофеева Н.Е., Полулях К.А.
- A corpus manager system: corpus data architecture and models Authors: Сулейманов Д.Ш., Мухамедшин Д.Р.
- Module for morphological disambiguation: architecture and database organization Authors: Сулейманов Д.Ш., Мухамедшин Д.Р.
- Comparative analysis of DBMS for tourist social network Authors: Феоктистов Е.Ф.
- Ontology processing in attributive access control in cyber-physical systems Authors: Полтавцева М.А.
- On-the-fly data clustering for the PostgreSQL database management system Authors: Татарникова Т.М.
- Modeling information processes of big data management systems to solve cybersecurity problems Authors: Полтавцева М.А., Зегжда Д.П.
- Cyber-physical system objects: Organizing operation data storage Authors: Подвесовский А.Г., Коростелев Д.А., Захарова А.А.