Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: life cycle
- Authors: Дмитриевский Б.С., Матвейкин В.Г., Татаренко С.И., Панченко И.С.
- Bases of a rational choice electronic components of the foreign manufacture Authors: Ершов Л.А., Левин Р.Г., Уханов А.В., Панкратов В.К.
- Model of quality management information and educational resources Authors: Гусева А.И., Тихомирова А.Н., Гаврилов С.И.
- Status evaluation for software development project with deterministic life cycle structur Authors: Налютин Н.Ю., Синицын С.В., Давыдов А.А., Батаев А.В.
- Program complex of support life cycle the spatially-distributed systems Authors: Пикулин В.В., Веселовский А.М., Каряжкин А.А.
- Lifecycle management for informational business process Authors: Логинов И.В.
- Automated prediction calculations of operating costs of surface ships Authors: Кочнев В.В., Рожин К.Ю., Третьяков О.В.
- Information-simulation modeling system architecture for IT-infrastructure life cycle support Authors: Гришаков В.Г.
- Technological models for management of company automated control system development Authors: Логинов И.В.
- Modeling in computing clusters technical support system Authors: Гришаков В.Г., Фролов Д.В.
- Ship life cycle information support efficiency evaluation: an overview of the approach Authors: Третьяков О.В.
- Architecture and information technology tools software integrated logistics support industrial piping systems Authors: Мошев Е.Р.
- System analysis and decision-making on reengineering of corporate information management systems Authors: Шильникова О.В.
- A service model for military computer simulators Authors: Вус А.В.
- Models of enterprise information system support in lifecycle stages Authors: Лисецкий Ю.М.
- The core design of an integrated information system Authors: Черныш Б.А., Картамышев А.С.
- A GraphQL dynamic schema in integrated information system implementation Authors: Мурыгин А.В., Черныш Б.А.