Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: information system
- Authors: Клюшин Ю.Ф., Павлов И.И., Рощин Е.А.
- Authors: Ярушкина Н.Г., Шишкин В.В.
- Authors: Чернышева Т.Ю., Ефимов П.Н.
- Authors: Егоров А.Ф., Савицкая Т.В., Михайлова П.Г.
- Authors: Логунова О.С., павлов В.В.
- Authors: Масленников Б.И., Скворцов А.В.
- Authors: Богданов Д.В.
- Authors: Гулиев Я.И.
- Authors: Гулиев Я.И., Комаров С.И., Казаков И.Ф., Магсумов Д.Р.
- Authors: Гулиев Я.И., Малых В.Л.
- Authors: Дрождин В.В.
- Authors: Дмитриевский Б.С., Матвейкин В.Г., Татаренко С.И., Панченко И.С.
- Authors: Горюнов Е.В.
- Universum technique of development of the management information system of enterprises Authors: Масликов В.И.
- Automatized rating assessment system of student’s knowledge Authors: Герова Н.В.
- The operations of grammatics’ transformation Authors: Дрождин В.В., Тобольченко В.М.
- Information control system production movement in warehouses Authors: Букреев А.Ю., Тутарова В.Д., Калитаев А.Н., Файнштейн С.И.
- Control of the development of reliable information system cluster structures Authors: Ковалев И.В., Царев Р.Ю., Прокопенко А.В., Джиоева Н.Н.
- The generalized operation of abstracting as a realization of principle of openness of self-organizing information system Authors: Дрождин В.В., Зинченко Р.Е., Герасимова Е.В.
- Evolution of information systems architecture Authors: Дрождин В.В., Зинченко Р.Е.
- Information system evaluation scenarios for the industry Authors: Важдаев А.Н., Чернышева Т.Ю., Попова О.А.
- Educational programs resources planning system Authors: Пикулин В.В., Васин Д.А.
- Infological and structural models for education material and technical resources management system Authors: Пикулин В.В., Васин Д.А.
- GridNNN information system Authors: Крюков А.П., Шамардин Л.В., Патрикеев Д.О.
- Distributed information system for literature research Authors: Маран М.М., Лвин Маунг Со
- Virtual machine placement method with resource redistribution Authors: Соловьев В.П., Удовиченко А.О.
- Automation of management of national research university and monitoring of its activity Authors: Еленев Д.В., Кузьмичев В.С., Пашков Д.Е.
- Workflow with flexible transitions of stellar type Authors: Вышенский С.В., Дубенская Ю.Ю.
- Implementation method for interactive monitoring systems based on flexible workflows Authors: Вышенский С.В., Дубенская Ю.Ю., Григорьев П.В.
- Application of soft computing for to analyse the knowledge base structure of information system Authors: Гордеев Р.Н., Бурилин А.В.
- Models as basic information architecture artifacts Authors: Дрогобыцкая К.С.
- Information system for organizing, monitoring and managing collective scientific activity of students in a university Authors: Пиявский С.А., Елунин М.Н.
- Integrated system for development of polymer composite material products based on plm methodology Authors: Яблочников Е.И., Восоркин А.С., Цупиков А.В.
- Enterprise information resources modeling for process organization of enterprise management system Authors: Шведенко В.Н., Веселова Н.С.
- The ground-based subsystem to prepare onboard electronic documentation Authors: Колесников А.В., Кравченко С.И., Андреев Д.А., Долгов А.А.
- Intelligent information system for rolling stock carriage equipment faillures forecasting on railways Authors: Иванова Е.И.
- Problems of network traffic statistics processing to detect intrusion in existing information systems Authors: Ефимов А.Ю.
- Aspect-oriented programming as an approach to improve the efficiency of IT projects economic performance Authors: Семенов Н.А., Гончаров А.А.
- The architecture of the system for osteoporotic fracture diagnostics and risk assessment Authors: Дмитриев Г.А., Аль-Факих Али Салех Али
- Methodological aspects of information system life cycle management based on functional standardization tools Authors: Лукинова О.В.
- Analysis of integration levels of heterogeneous information system components Authors: Щекочихин О.В., Шведенко П.В.
- Architecture of an intelligent optimal control system for multi-stage processes evolution in a fuzzy dynamic environment Authors: Палюх Б.В., Ветров А.Н., Егерева И.А.
- Decision support system to determine a nosological entity of hepatitis Authors: Дмитриев Г.А., Астафьев А.Н.
- Analysis of the features of requirements management processes in information systems of state structures Authors: Сотников А.Н., Жижченко А.Б., Вишняков Ю.С., Поликарпов С.А., Гриб И.И., Табаченко Н.В.
- A methodical approach to comparison of information aggregation results on highly dynamic objects Authors: Семенов В.С., Артюхов С.Л.
- Models of enterprise information system support in lifecycle stages Authors: Лисецкий Ю.М.
- Information system for selecting control channels for a process facility to synthesize an energy-saving control system Authors: Вент Д.П., Соболев А.В., Ляшенко А.И.
- Automated control module for a production process monitoring system Authors: Соломаха Г.М., Хижняк С.В.
- Computer modeling for intelligent evaluation of dynamic interaction of solids Authors: Филатова Н.Н., Мешков В.В., Федосов Ю.А.
- Developing an information system in the field of composite materials using modern tools Authors: Кольцова Э.М., Кириллов Н.Д.
- Information system for calculation, information accumulation and certification of phosphorite thermophysical properties Authors: Панченко С.В., Орехов В.А., Бобков В.И.
- A GraphQL dynamic schema in integrated information system implementation Authors: Мурыгин А.В., Черныш Б.А.
- Features of working with Russian-language ontologies using the Owlready2 library in Python Authors: Щукарев И.А.
- Software system for production planning and inventory management Authors: Соломаха Г.М., Хижняк С.В., Тулуева В.А.
- Developing a chatbot to monitor a university's academic timetable Authors: Абрамов М.В., Хлобыстова А.О., Сазанов В.А.
- Mathematical model for calculating electrothermal reactor technological parameters: Software implementation Authors: Орехов В.А., Бобков В.И., Быков А.А., Незамаев С.В.