Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Dli M.I.
Ph.D (
(Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute
Author in:
- Scalar function algorithm minimization of many variables with interval limitation on variables Co-authors: Бояринов Ю.Г.
- Range possible value probability stay estimation in the given condition of markov’s productive and economic model Co-authors: Круглов В.В., Бояринов Ю.Г.
- Building method of fuzzy semi-markov model of complex system functioning Co-authors: Borisov V.V., Бояринов Ю.Г., Мищенко В.И.
- System of support of decision-making on management of information resources Co-authors: Абраменкова И.В., Stoyanova O.V., Зайцев О.В.
- Management of intellectual resources of projects in the field of nanotechnology Co-authors: Stoyanova O.V., Васицына А.И.
- Approaches to analyzing the accuracy of multiagent models of dynamic systems Co-authors: Gimarov V.V., Ivanova I.V.
- Intelligent decision support system to manage complex objects using dynamic fuzzy cognitive maps Co-authors: Palyukh B.V., Какатунова Т.В., Багузова О.В.
- Development of agent behavioral adaptive models for multi-agent system of telecommunication enterprise management Co-authors: Гимаров В.А., Gimarov V.V., Ivanova I.V.
- Intelligent expert method for determine the optimal route of product transportation Co-authors: Gimarov V.V., Ivanova I.V., Глушко С.И.
- Creating a telecommunications market multiagent model Co-authors: Gimarov V.V., Ivanova I.V.
- Information-analytical system for complex manufacturing machine-building projects management under uncertainty Co-authors: Stoyanova O.V.
- Complex industrial projects data representation models in automated information systems of industrial institutions Co-authors: Stoyanova O.V., Belozersky А.Yu.
- Interval differential equations in kalman fuzzy filter structure in complex technological object management Co-authors: A.Yu. Puchkov
- Predicting an object state based on applying the Kalman filter and deep neural networks Co-authors: A.Yu. Puchkov , E.I. Lobaneva , M.A. Vasilkova
- Features of using neural network models to classify short text messages Co-authors: O.V. Bulygina