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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
A.N. Sotnikov
Ph.D (
Joint Supercomputer Center of RAS
Author in:
- Engineering and scientific manpower development for supercomputer technologies Co-authors: Shabanov, B.M., Savin, G.I.
- Metadescriptions and cataloguing of scientific information resources of the RAS Co-authors: Еркимбаев А.О., A.B. Zhizhchenko, Зицерман В.Ю., Кобзев Г.А., Serebryakov V.A., Шиолашвили Л.Н.
- Scientific Heritage of Russia Digital Library: Construction and sources aggregation philosophy Co-authors: Savin, G.I., Serebryakov V.A., N.E. Kalenov
- Data center as an integrator of shared information space for research, education and innovation Co-authors: Жижченко М.А., A.B. Zhizhchenko, Yu.S. Vischnyakov, S.A. Polikarpov
- Architecture of intelligent information support system for innovations in science and education Co-authors: Palyukh B.V., Ivanov V.K.
- On the problem of non-format documents retro-conversion in digital content formation and provision systems Co-authors: I.N. Cherednichenko
- Analysis of the features of requirements management processes in information systems of state structures Co-authors: A.B. Zhizhchenko, Yu.S. Vischnyakov, S.A. Polikarpov, I.I. Grib, N.V. Tabachenko
- Investigation of the optimal number of processor cores for parallel cluster multiple labeling on supercomputers Co-authors: S.Yu. Lapshina, V.E. Loginova , C.Yu. Yudintsev
- A web-based content generation system for a common digital space of scientific knowledge Co-authors: N.E. Kalenov , S.A. Vlasova
- Algorithm analysis for multiple marking of percolation clusters with a partial load of computing nodes on supercomputer systems Co-authors: S.Yu. Lapshina, V.E. Loginova
- Developing the Expert system as a tool to form encyclopedias and to fill the Common digital space of scientific knowledge Co-authors: N.E. Kalenov , S.A. Vlasova