ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


Next issue

Publication date:
16 March 2024

Keyword: cloud computing

  1. Distributed allocated information space and portal of modern simulator
  2. Authors: Янюшкин В.В.

  3. Cloud computing for computer simulation in science and engineering
  4. Authors: Тарнавский Г.А.

  5. Program based traffic generator of the virtual lab resource users
  6. Authors: Николаев А.В., Жевнерчук Д.В.

  7. The experimental cloud computing environment in institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Ural Branch of RAS
  8. Authors: Ермаков Д.Г., Усталов Д.А.

  9. The state orders market monitoring information system with the possibility of multi-criteria search, management decision support and results personalization
  10. Authors: Горюнов И.Г., Пономарев С.А., Сытник Д.А.

  11. “Parallel Matlab” cloud service
  12. Authors: Грибова В.В., Созыкин А.В., Гольдштейн М.Л., Москаленко Ф.М.

  13. Cloud technologies: basic models, applications, concepts and development tendencies
  14. Authors: Мурзин Ф.А., Батура Т.В., Семич Д.Ф.

  15. Online chair: cloud technology in higher education
  16. Authors: Мышев А.В., Тельнов В.П.

  17. The architecture of a smart home management system integrated into the сloud environment
  18. Authors: Николаев П.Л.

  19. A hybrid desktop/cloud platform for design space exploration
  20. Authors: Прохоров А.А., Давыдов А.В., Назаренко А.М., Пересторонин Н.О.

  21. Modeling of placing service-oriented applications in a software-defined infrastructure of the virtual data center
  22. Authors: Решетников В.Н., Болодурина И.П., Парфёнов Д.И.

  23. Software system for research a measurement error of a laser experimental roundness measurement instrument
  24. Authors: Заякин О.А., Белопухов В.Н., Манухин А.В., Ростов А.А.

  25. Continuous execution of system dynamics models on input data stream
  26. Authors: Перл И.А., Петрова М.М., Мулюкин А.А., Каленова О.В.

  27. IACPaaS cloud platform for the development of intelligent service shells: current state and future evolution
  28. Authors: Клещев А.С., Тимченко В.А., Грибова В.В., Федорищев Л.А., Москаленко Ф.М., Шалфеева Е.А.