Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: data analysis
- The intelligent «ANAPRO» software in problems of monitoring in power distribution network Authors: Курбацкий В.Г., Томин Н.В.
- Analysis of data collection using logic-set histogram representation Authors: Папулин С.Ю.
- Estimation of advanced characteristics of airoplanes using cluster analysis Authors: Вестяк В.А., Малашкин А.В., Малашкин А.А.
- Data analysis and processing to predict patients’ health status Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Гордиенко М.Г., Иванов С.И., Матасов А.В.
- A contracted representation of strong associative rules in data analysis Authors: Быкова В.В., Катаева А.В.
- Development of the case-based reasoning module for identification of acoustic-emission monitoring signals of complex technical objects Authors: Варшавский П.Р., Алехин Р.В., Кожевников А.В.
- Development of a database and a converter for retrieval and analysis of specialized data from a medical device Authors: Еремеев А.П., Ивлиев С.А.
- Implementation of data classification software based on convolutional neural networks and case-based reasoning approach Authors: Варшавский П.Р., Кожевников А.В.
- Unification of a data presentation model and format conversion based on a non-relational Neo4j DBMS Authors: Еремеев А.П., Панявин Н.А.