ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


Next issue

Publication date:
16 March 2024

Keyword: decision support system

  1. Authors: Вагин В.Н., Новоселов Ю.В.

  2. Accelerated preference formalization algorithm for decision support
  3. Authors: Портоне Д.С.

  4. Decision support system for trade stock management
  5. Authors: Синюк В.Г., Пивненко Е.В.

  6. Decision support system for group decision-making
  7. Authors: Павлов А.И., Юрин А.Ю., Малтугуева Г.С.

  8. Software system for support decisions for operational planning
  9. Authors: Колесников А.В., Солдатов С.А.

  10. Modeling decision-making processes in compex organizational and technical systems
  11. Authors: Завгородний В.Н.

  12. The system for multi-criteria decision analysis decernsmcda and its practical application
  13. Authors: Яцало Б.И., Грицюк С.В., Диденко В.И., Мирзеабасов О.А.

  14. On some problems in the decision support domain
  15. Authors: Тиханычев О.В.

  16. The methodology and algorithms of aerial object classification by the decision support system under intense information influence
  17. Authors: Допира Р.В., Потапов А.Н., Семенов В.Ю., Гетманчук А.В., Семин М.В.

  18. A method of situational forecasting of the emergence of novel Industry 4.0 technologies
  19. Authors: Андреев А.М., Березкин Д.В., Козлов И.А.

  20. Decision support system for risk management of dangerous situations in complex gas supply systems
  21. Authors: Мешалкин В.П., Бутусов О.Б., Кантюков Р.Р., Панарин В.М.

  22. Architecture and functioning modes of a decision support system for dispatch and organizational management of gas supply facilities
  23. Authors: Кантюков Р.Р.

  24. A group multicriteria decision analysis module based on fuzzy extension of TOPSIS method
  25. Authors: Яцало Б.И., Радаев А.В., Шершнев Р.В., Коробов A.В.

  26. The DecernsFMCDA fuzzy multi-criteria decision support system
  27. Authors: Яцало Б.И., Грицюк С.В., Радаев А.В., Коробов А.В.

  28. An architecture of the decision support system for monitoring a technical condition of critical equipment
  29. Authors: Черный С.Г., Емельянов В.А., Емельянова Н.Ю.

  30. The system for prescribing personalized treatment by case-based reasoning using a hybrid precedent extraction method
  31. Authors: Грибова В.В., Ковалев Р.И., Окунь Д.Б.

  32. Information support for decision making when monitoring the condition of cryogenic equipment
  33. Authors: Солдатов Е.С.

  34. Increasing the level of automation and objectivity of decision-making when transporting liquid cast iron in production
  35. Authors: Черный С.Г., Емельянов В.А., Емельянова Н.Ю.

  36. Temporal database in intelligent real-time decision support systems: The case of a university educational process
  37. Authors: Еремеев А.П., Панявин Н.А., Маренков М.А.