Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
13 December 2024
Keyword: multi-agent systems
- Authors: Маслобоев А.В., Шишаев М.Г.
- Multi-agent system of manufacturing execution management in heavy engineering industry Authors: Иващенко А.В., Андреев М.В., Скобелев П.О., Кривенок С.А.
- Distributed case-based reasoning system architecture for intelligent systems Authors: Бредихин К.Н., Варшавский П.Р.
- Planning problems solving in coalition model Authors: Зраенко А.С., Федотов В.П., Аксенов К.А.
- Multiagent system of information retrievial for industrial enterprise Authors: Швецов А.Н., Летовальцев В.И.
- Artificial world's: spatial organization principles Authors: Кольчугина Е.А.
- VMASTER – environment for probabilistic multiagent system development and verification Authors: Лебедев П.В.
- Artificial worlds: temporal organization principles Authors: Кольчугина Е.А.
- Social processes modeling and multi-agent approach Authors: Копылова Н.С., Мурзин Ф.А., Курков И.А.
- Multiagent systems verification with markov chains: probability estimation of optimal solution finding by agents Authors: Зайцев И.Д.
- IACPaaS cloud platform for the development of intelligent service shells: current state and future evolution Authors: Клещев А.С., Тимченко В.А., Грибова В.В., Федорищев Л.А., Москаленко Ф.М., Шалфеева Е.А.
- A formal model of multiagent systems for federated learning Authors: Холод И.И., Юлейси Г.П.
- Classification of common design patterns for multi-agent systems Authors: Чернышев С.А.