Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: multicriteria optimization
- Authors: Пиявский С.А., Кадочкин В.Е.
- The system of calculating the priorities on the basis of matrices of paired comparisons Authors: Микони С.В., Киселёв И.С.
- Coevolutionary algorithm for constrained and multiobjective optimization problems Authors: Семенкин Е.С., Сергиенко Р.Б.
- Co-evolutionary approach to analog integrated circuits design Authors: Семенкин Е.С., Токмин К.А.
- Mathematical formulation for multicriterion problem of flight plan optimization Authors: Беляев А.М., Орловский Н.М.
- Intelligent expert method for determine the optimal route of product transportation Authors: Дли М.И., Гимаров В.В., Иванова И.В., Глушко С.И.