ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 June 2024

Articles of journal № 3 at 2015 year.

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Public date | Title | Authors

31. Software for the analysis of technical systems fault tolerance based on the graph vertex integrity [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Bykova V.V., Kirillov Yu.I.
Visitors: 6217
Nowadays the study of graphs integrity measures is of current interest due to the use of graph models in the design of fault-tolerant complex technical systems. Vertex integrity is one of the determined measures of graph integrity. The system is considered to be ful-ly operational if the corresponding graph is connected. The vertex integrity evaluates the partial loss of system performance due to the com-ponent failure. The graph vertex integrity G = (V, E) is a value of I(G) = min S  V {| S | + w(G – S)}, where w(G – S) is the order of the highest component of the graph connectivity G – S, which is obtained from G by removing all elements belonging to S. The value of w(G – S) char-acterizes the size of the largest fragment of the system, which was formed after the failure of all elements of S. The definition of a vertex in-tegrity of a graph was introduced by Bagga, Barefoot, Entringer and Swart. It is known that the problem of computing I(G) for a general graph is NP-hard. To find the exact value of the vertex integrity we have to know all separators of the graph. This paper presents an algo-rithm and software for finding an approximate value of I(G). The proposed algorithm is limited by considering all minimal separators, there-fore it gives only an upper bound of the vertex integrity. The algorithm labor intensivity polynomially depends on the number of vertices and minimal separators of the input graph. The experimental results showed that the calculated estimates are good and often achievable. When carrying out computational experiments, the exact value of the vertex integrity was received by an exhaustive search of all separators of the input graph.

32. Software package for interpretation of nonverbal information by analyzing speech patterns or electroencephalogram [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Filatova N.N., Sidorov K.V., Terekhin S.А.
Visitors: 8882
Interpretation of non-verbal information that is contained in speech samples and EEG patterns provides a quantitative and qualitative assessment of human emotional reactions characteristics. The article considers software focused on this problem. The software package allows sample signal processing using both spectral analysis and nonlinear dynamics. It is possible to perform a calculation of a power spectrum or the reconstruction of attractors. The authors propose three types of signs to compare attractors: the maximum length of vectors describing the attractors’ projections contours, the density of the attractors’ projections trajectories, the degree of sparse matrix density of attractors’ projections trajectories. A user can create different versions of speech patterns models or EEG signals using the features that characterize the attractors geometry or power spectra. The models of biomedical signals provide transition to fuzzy features. Signs fuzzification is carried out using a triangular conorm. The interpreter emotions module evaluates three characteristics: the sign of an emotion, its level and direction of development (dynamics of emotions). The relationship between these characteristics and signal models components is described as a set of fuzzy rules. The software package has been tested on a set of speech samples in Russian, French and German, as well as on the samples of the EEG signals. The accuracy of the Russian speech emotions characteristics interpretation was 96%, for German (from Emo-DB base) it was 92 %. The coincidence of the emotions interpretation results using speech patterns and EEG recorded in the same test is experimentally proved.

33. Structural analysis through the finite differences method with the use of MathCAD approximating functions [№3 за 2015 год]
Author: Bakushev S.V.
Visitors: 9454
The question considered is the approximation of problem-solving results for the deformable solids me-chanics through finite differences with MathCAD built-in functions. It is shown that the most acceptable approximant in a MathCAD package for deformable solid mechanics problem-solving when required parameters express one in terms of other by derivatives is a cubic spline interpolation using cubic spline with function prediction. The statement is proved that if the required parameters of the task are expressed one via another using derivatives, then the re-execute of the differences operators for their definitions, as well as linear approximation data for out-of-node definitions, is un-acceptable and leads to significant errors. Furthermore, using the first derivations sequence for defying required pa-rameters of the task leads to data loss and calculation impossibility. The article considers an actual example of bending uniformly loaded hinged steel bar.

34. The strategy of agent interaction in graphic editor of forging Capp [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Muizemnek O.Yu., Konovalov A.V., Arzamastsev S.V.
Visitors: 7414
When developing computer-aided process planning (CAPP), special attention is paid to the issues of interac-tion of individual parts with the whole system. For this purpose a multi-agent approach is applied, meaning that agents repre-sent entities which are able to perceive their environment and modify it by their actions. The problems of information graphic representation during designing forgings are studied by the example of the graphic editor, which is an independent and self-sufficient component of the hammer and press forging computer-aided system. A graphic editor is a multi-agent system where agents look like special programs determining the laws of agent existence, behavior and the possibility of representa-tion. The agent’s function is to choose its own behavior according to the information received from other agents or an envi-ronment, which is CAPP and the user of the system. The aim of an agent is the selection of the optimal action directed to the correct and total representation of graphic information. The paper considers the problems of agent selection for representing graphic information in the computer-aided system of hammer and press forging, as well as the composition and interaction of agents, their properties and operation principles under uncertainty. The strategy of agent behavior is based on mathematical logic taking into account the fact that the problem of forging design is poorly formalizable. The authors developed a concep-tion of interrelated and coordinated behavior of the agents during choosing actions and decision-making. The paper discusses some rules of system response to the start of the selected agents depending on the range of utility. They ensure correct and complete representation of geometric information in the graphic editor of hammer and press forging CAPP.

35. Forming personnel development priority in a computer-aided management system [№3 за 2015 год]
Author: Golovina E.A.
Visitors: 8278
The article discusses the automation features of information processing system for human resource develop-ment management in the machine-building enterprise. The author brings up an issue of the need to improve this process through the development of a common approach to information processing and decision-making. The author also suggests a model of information processing based on the Shewhart-Deming cycle of continuous improvement. A staff development lev-el analysis is described in detail as a problem of handling a complex structure of indicators which are difficult to formalize. According to the author, the main feature of staff criteria is the fact that they have critical levels. To account this feature, an indicative approach to the problem as well as a corresponding methodology is suggested. The methodology determines the construction of a priority vector for staff development in the task on the basis of the analysis of the level of development of group criteria, as well as a global criterion. The article presents an algorithm of implementing a software package and de-scribes its features. The choice of Delphi 7.0 environment is explained using the Oracle databases tools for software system development. Based on the consistent application of the competency approach, the author proposes a universal structure of staff data for analysis. A base for information structuring is the concept that is typical for constructing professional standards. The software package is designed for HR managers who plan staff development activities. The developed software package has been tested in a machine-building enterprise and showed its effectiveness.

36. Human-intelligent software systems of creative problem solving intelligent support [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Semenov N.A., Kuznetsov V.N., Klyushin A.Yu., Mutovkina N.Yu.
Visitors: 9772
The article discusses the basics of creating human-intelligent software systems for creative problem solving intelligent support. Human intellect is determined by his brains, mind capabilities, its features and errors including neurophysiological and neurochemical processes in the human brain. This refers primarily to man's creative activity including decisionmaking for creative problems by scientists and research groups. Decision-making happens in all areas of human activity and is the defining element of management process. It is often necessary to make decisions in the conditions of data incompleteness, uncertainty and ambiguity. For example, it refers to decision-making when managing various economic entities activity, which usually have a rather difficult structure and a variety of the processes happening within them. Management subjects have their own interests, opinions, judgments, arguments on a specific question, points of view regarding an existing problem solution, this all brings additional uncertainty and assumes preliminary coordination of interests of decision-making process participants. Nowadays there is a problem of creating information and software systems to support creative solutions that would take into account and use the abilities of scientists and groups of scientists. In this case, it makes sense to talk about human-intelligent information and software systems to support creative solutions of creative problems.

37. Numerical methods for determining aircraft spatial attitude according to its 2-d optical images [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Mirzoyan А.S., Malyshev O.V., Khmarov I.M., Meshkov V.V., Shakhov S.V.
Visitors: 12948
The paper presents numerical methods of determining an aircraft spatial attitude according to its optical image: namely modernized method of reference points and external contours method. In general, the task is to define a spatial position of a solid according to its central projection on a plane. Each of these methods allows receiving accurate solving the problem of determining an aircraft spatial attitude in panoramic view systems. In particular, both of the methods give the opportunity to define an aircraft spatial attitude at close distances between aircraft center and a receiving matrix. In case of automatic method of external contours such a definition is carried out in real time using standard calculating facility. The authors propose a modification of a new method of external contours in comparison with the one elaborated earlier. It is based on the transfer of all calculations from a flat physical receiving matrix to a virtual spherical receiving matrix and their automation. Practical implementation and accuracy testing of the reference points method were carried out using coordinate-measuring stand including tracking an optical channel receiving matrix. Plotting and following processing of aircraft images external contours were made using a tracking function received on the coordinate-measuring stand. There is a comparison of the experimental results obtained using the method of external contours with the results received using the method of reference points in order to determine the distance and angles of orientation of the aircraft spatial attitude. The elaborated numerical methods of determining an aircraft spatial attitude according to its optical image provides miscalculation when calculating angles of aircraft orientation: for the reference points method it is 1.5 degrees, for the external contours method it is 4 degrees. The methods are implemented as corresponding software for systems of external control and aircrafts recognition.

38. A mediator pattern for sensor networks software [№3 за 2015 год]
Authors: Ivaschenko A.V., Minaev A.A., Spodobaev M.Yu.
Visitors: 7464
The paper addresses the challenges of implementation of Internet of Things concept when solving the prob-lems of distributed diagnostics in a technical sphere and medicine. To implement data exchange in a sensor network as in an open, distributed and self-organized system it is proposed to develop multi-agent software for diagnostic devices. A mediator agent pattern is proposed as a solution, that implements intermediary functionality in wireless sensor network (the network powered by such a software is called a Mediator network). The devices for data processing under the mediator agent control implement not only their direct purpose, but also take part in data transfer between other devices and adapt time sampling in-tervals. Load balancing is provided this way by load distribution between the sensors according to events velocity. The paper describes the functionality and architecture of a mediator agent, its pattern in the form of UML classes diagram, and imple-mentation features for a sensor network under control of FreeRTOS free real time operating system. The described solution was tested in practice for one of the medical monitoring problems to implement the intravenous infusion monitor. The bene-fits of the solution include adaptability of nodes connections according to the current load, interoperability due to reconfigu-ration, self organization, and the possibility of new nodes to be included themselves and failure tolerance.

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