Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
09 December 2024
Keyword: data warehouse
- Implementation possibilities of temporal database for intelligent systems Authors: Еремеев А.П., Еремеев А.А., Пантелеев А.А.
- Integration of the OLAP technology and fuzzy sets for processing of uncertain and inexact data in decision support systems Authors: Еремеев А.П., Еремеев А.А.
- Cloud technologies: basic models, applications, concepts and development tendencies Authors: Мурзин Ф.А., Батура Т.В., Семич Д.Ф.
- A questionnaire information system “Apofasi” Authors: Камаев В.А., Меликов А.В.
- Implementing an expert system to evaluate technical solutions innovativeness Authors: Палюх Б.В., Иванов В.К., Образцов И.В.
- Determination of weight coefficients for additive fitness function of genetic algorithm Authors: Семенов Н.А., Иванов В.К., Думина Д.С.