Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Dopira R.V.
Ph.D (
Professor, Head of Department
Author in:
- Application of simulation neuron network for the analysis of preemergencies on the chisel Co-authors: Abu-Abed, F.N.
- Organization of adaptive computing systems streaming data processing Co-authors: Курчидис В.А., S.V. Ignatev, Погребной С.В., Круталевич А.Г.
- Data support method for structural-complicated projects implementation Co-authors: Kordyukov R.Yu., Лобузько А.В., Begletsov A.A., Talalaev A.B.
- A redundancy-based functional reliability method for automation facilities sets Co-authors: Begletsov A.A., V.L. Lyaskovsky , Кабардинский А.Ю., Догадов А.А.
- An indicator of engineering-economic analisys and the choice of ground-based radar alternate design Co-authors: Смолкин М.А., Berdyshev V.P., Копылов В.А.
- Tactical chracteristics of weapons and military equipment samples life cycle costing Co-authors: Arepin Yu.I., Зосиев В.В.
- Complex engineering systems development management Co-authors: Kordyukov R.Yu., Begletsov A.A., Platonov A.Yu., Sergienko S.V.
- Network planning method for developing complex engineering systems Co-authors: Kordyukov R.Yu., Begletsov A.A., Sergienko S.V.
- A model and algorithmization of the assignment problem under additional constraints Co-authors: Martynov D.V., Abu-Abed, F.N., Kordyukov R.Yu., Ivanova A.V.
- The directions of implementation of automated system means for electronic systems development Co-authors: Martynov D.V., Abu-Abed, F.N., Potapov A.N., V.A. Dikarev
- Unified description of information radioelectronic system functioning to estimate training aids software Co-authors: Abu-Abed, F.N., Potapov A.N., I.N. Ishchuk, E.Yu. Brezhnev
- Method of managing order projects package at a defence contractor Co-authors: V.Yu. Semenov, D.V. Yagolnikov
- The software of the automated training control system for operators of ergotechnical radio-electronic means Co-authors: Potapov A.N., V.A. Dikarev, V.S. Pakhomov
- Algorithmic software of software maintenance complex controlling the reliability level of flight facilities Co-authors: Potapov A.N., V.A. Dikarev, E.E. Bueshev, I.A. Yuriev
- A methodical approach to modeling of complex technical system support with spare parts Co-authors: D.Yu. Brezhnev, A.A. Sudarikov
- The methodology and algorithms of aerial object classification by the decision support system under intense information influence Co-authors: Potapov A.N., V.Yu. Semenov, A.V. Getmanchuk, M.V. Semin
- Efficiency evaluation of methodical and algorithmic support of a special purpose decision support system Co-authors: Potapov A.N., D.Yu. Brezhnev, A.V. Getmanchuk, M.V. Semin
- A method of identifying technical condition radio engineering means using artificial neural network technologies Co-authors: D.V. Yagolnikov, A.A. Shvedun , I.E. Yanochkin