Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Abu-Abed, F.N.
Ph.D (
Associate Professor, Dean
Tver State Technical University
Author in:
- Application of simulation neuron network for the analysis of preemergencies on the chisel Co-authors: Dopira R.V.
- Oil wells technical repair service processes imitating modeling
- The method of quality factors estimation for radar detection Co-authors: Pomazuev O.N., Platonov A.Yu., Mironov A.M., Ryumshin A.R.
- Simulation model for repair and diagnostic complex benchmark evaluation Co-authors: Martynov D.V., Kordyukov R.Yu., Sergienko S.V.
- Objective methods of simulation modeling adequacy probabilistic assessment in information systems of ergatic radioelectronic facilities acquisition Co-authors: Martynov D.V., Kordyukov R.Yu., Potapov A.N.
- A model and algorithmization of the assignment problem under additional constraints Co-authors: Martynov D.V., Dopira R.V., Kordyukov R.Yu., Ivanova A.V.
- Development of an online radio mobile application Co-authors: Khabarov A.R., Bychkovsky D.Yu., Karelskaya K.A.
- Implementation of subjective methods of simulator adequacy probabilistic assessment based on a software system involving experts and questioning trainees Co-authors: Martynov D.V., Potapov A.N., Uglovsky E.P.
- A software suite to analyze cause-effect factors of a conflict of ergotechnical radio-electronic equipment simulators Co-authors: Martynov D.V., Talalaev A.B., Potapov A.N.
- The directions of implementation of automated system means for electronic systems development Co-authors: Martynov D.V., Dopira R.V., Potapov A.N., V.A. Dikarev
- Unified description of information radioelectronic system functioning to estimate training aids software Co-authors: Dopira R.V., Potapov A.N., I.N. Ishchuk, E.Yu. Brezhnev
- Russian import-substitution structure based on an optimal distribution system model Co-authors: Zhironkin, S.A.
- Components and functionality of a software tool for modelling an import substitution structure Co-authors: Zhironkin, S.A.
- Software complex for multi-channel recognition and correction of speech messages based on machine learning algorithms in terms of import substitution Co-authors: Zhironkin, S.A.