ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


Next issue

Publication date:
16 March 2024

Keyword: software package

  1. Authors: Федин В.В.

  2. Authors: Елисеев И.Н., Елисеев И.И., Фисунов А.В.

  3. Application of informational technologies for multilevel training of chemical technology specialists
  4. Authors: Колыбанов К.Ю., Корнюшко В.Ф., Бурляева Е.В., Арбенин Д.Е.

  5. Modelling of three-dimensionnal temperature fields in electronic modules
  6. Authors: Мадера А.Г., Кандалов П.И.

  7. Software package for ground radioactive contamination modeling
  8. Authors: Яковлев О.В.

  9. Software package for estimation of computational complexity of graph algorithms
  10. Authors: Кохов В.А., Ткаченко С.В.

  11. Software package for structural similarity analysis of systems taking placement of fragments into account
  12. Authors: Кохов В.А., Незнанов А.А.

  13. Program complex for an estimation of efficiency of manufacturing of a product
  14. Authors: Сердюк А.И., Галина Л.В., Черноусова А.М.

  15. Integrated hardware and software system for measuring of power-frequency electric and magnetic fields in electric networks
  16. Authors: Курбацкий В.Г., Струмеляк А.В.

  17. Program complex preparation of meteorological records AMIS.Utils
  18. Authors: Тутарова В.Д., Коробейников А.В.

  19. Program complex to modeling of fluidized bed coating process
  20. Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Маковская Ю.В., Голомидов Е.С., Гордиенко М.Г.

  21. The program complex for linguistic interpretation of graphic dependencies with fuzzy coordinates of central points
  22. Authors: Филатова Н.Н., Миловидов А.А.

  23. Complete economic activities automation of the holding that controls the real estate objects
  24. Authors: Смирнов М.И., Огиренко А.Г.

  25. Software system of detection the anomalies of form of railway lines
  26. Authors: Соломаха Г.М., Уманский В.И.

  27. Mathematical modeling of conjugate convection processes in electronic devices
  28. Authors: Мадера А.Г.

  29. Control system of innovative production system
  30. Authors: Дмитриевский Б.С., Матвейкин В.Г., Панченко И.С.

  31. Software tool for simulation modeling with the graph models
  32. Authors: Кораблин Ю.П., Незнанов А.А., Карпухин И.Н.

  33. Automation design of tools using metal extrusion technology modeling
  34. Authors: Агапитова О.Ю., Бывальцев С.В., Залазинский А.Г.

  35. Matrix-topological method for mathematical and computer modeling of temperature fields in electronic modules: programming complex STF-ElectronMod
  36. Authors: Мадера А.Г., Кандалов П.И.

  37. Software complex for modeling object motion with impact barrier
  38. Authors: Манжосов В.К., Новиков Д.А.

  39. Program complex to predict of the solubility in supercritical fluids
  40. Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Гуриков П.А., Батин С.Э.

  41. Software system for ionospheric measurements data processing
  42. Authors: Скрипачев В.О.

  43. Features of creating a custom qualifier for situation display on the electronic map
  44. Authors: Войцеховский С.В., Девяткин А.М., Котенок А.А., Обухов А.В.

  45. Forming personnel development priority in a computer-aided management system
  46. Authors: Головина Е.А.

  47. Search algorithm of optimal sensors location for solving the space monitoring problem
  48. Authors: Кочкаров А.А., Яцкин Д.В.

  49. Forest fire simulation using an agent-based model
  50. Authors: Яровой С.В.

  51. Software for spatial navigation and monitoring based on visual odometry algorithm
  52. Authors: Кочкаров А.А., Калинов И.А.

  53. Software modeling of stochastic temperature fields in stf-electron mod technical systems
  54. Authors: Кандалов П.И.

  55. A software package to measure time of audio motor reaction of chemical technological process control system operators
  56. Authors: Ахремчик О.Л., Базулев И.И.

  57. A software complex for electronic system thermal design: requirements for architecture and functional possibilities of modeling
  58. Authors: Решетников В.Н., Мадера А.Г.

  59. A software complex to manage and test a distributed database
  60. Authors: Тимофеева Н.Е., Полулях К.А.

  61. A web-model of a distributed real-time information system
  62. Authors: Остроглазов Н.А., Чугунов А.И., Кудрин М.А., Елизаров В.В.

  63. The software of the automated training control system for operators of ergotechnical radio-electronic means
  64. Authors: Допира Р.В., Потапов А.Н., Дикарев В.А., Пахомов В.С.

  65. A software complex for designing unburned monomeneral composites
  66. Authors: Петропавловская В.Б., Образцов И.В., Коровицын Д.А., Петропавловский К.С.

  67. Algorithmic software of software maintenance complex controlling the reliability level of flight facilities
  68. Authors: Допира Р.В., Потапов А.Н., Дикарев В.А., Буешев Е.Е., Юрьев И.А.

  69. An automation technology and means for regional security control process simulation
  70. Authors: Маслобоев А.В., Путилов В.А.

  71. Principles of software construction for electronic system thermal design
  72. Authors: Мадера А.Г., Кандалов П.И.

  73. An agent approach when modeling the dynamics of changing quantitative and qualitative state of a fleet of special purpose radio systems
  74. Authors: Пахомов В.С.

  75. Software suite for assessing the factors that determine the quality of Earth remote sensing information
  76. Authors: Калинин Т.В., Хрестинин Д.В., Жуков А.О.

  77. Software complex for the status assessment and the region management efficiency
  78. Authors: Боброва Е.И.

  79. Software solution for modeling of a phased antenna array radiation pattern and coding of phase shifter parameters
  80. Authors: Калинин Т.В., Хрестинин Д.В., Богомаз Д.В., Вихрев А.В.

  81. A software package for simulating a silicon hydrochlorination reactor
  82. Authors: Чистякова Т.Б., Глушков И.В., Аверина Ю.М.

  83. Automated solution of the problem of detecting industrial objects on a orthomosaic using a neural network
  84. Authors: Назаров Т.Р., Мамедова Н.А.

  85. Risk-oriented approach to designing an anti-terrorist protection system of educational institutions
  86. Authors: Колодкин В.М., Варламова Д.М., Шакиров А.Д.

  87. Dialogue software complex for forming Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge ontology
  88. Authors: Калёнов Н.Е., Власова С.А.

  89. Mathematical model for calculating electrothermal reactor technological parameters: Software implementation
  90. Authors: Орехов В.А., Бобков В.И., Быков А.А., Незамаев С.В.