ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
13 September 2024

Journal articles №1 2015

21. Architecture and information technology tools software integrated logistics support industrial piping systems [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Moshev E.R. ( - Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper points the disadvantages of using disparate software systems for integrated logistics support of industrial piping systems life cycle. It notes that eliminating of these disadvantages is possible using a software system that is designed accordint to modern concept of integrated logistics support, the concept of inte-grated information environment and special IT tools basedon mathematical modeling, theory of artificial intelli-gence and techniques of resource economy logistics in production organization. The article describes the architecture, computing-network structure, information and technological tools that were used in the development of a software package of integrated logistics support. The software package architecture includes a database, software and is open to information exchange with external softwaresystems. The database consists of nine logical parts. They represent information and intelligent support designed with frame-based and production models of knowledge representation. The software includes eleven functional modules, programinterface and client inter-faces.Information organization of a computing-network structureof a software package is carried out using a centralized enterprise database server with the ability to connect remote users using terminal server. The paper considers an integrated logic-information model of integrated logistics support of industrial piping systems life cycle. It also describes a fragment of logic-information model of integrated logistics support of designed pipe-lines. It is based on IDEF0 methodology. The authors describe the examples of frame-based models of knowledge representations of the pipelines technological characteristics, as well as the examples of productive models of knowledge representation of flanges and flanged connections structural characteristics. The paper con-siders heuristic computational algorithms that formalizeprocedures for flanges characteristics calculation and flanges compatibility check.
Keywords: database, life cycle, frame, production model, heuristics combination method, pipeline, it tools, , heuristic computational algorithm, integrated logistics support
Visitors: 10995

22. A software system for studying of the dynamics of technological processes of chemical fiber spinning [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Kalabin, A.L. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Udalov E.V. ( - Tver State Technical University; Khabarov A.R. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article presents the developed software tool for studying the dynamics of chemical fiber spinning techno-logical processes. The chemical fibers production from melts and polymer solutions is one of the most innovative industries. Its main task is fiber creation with desired properties. This objective is implemented using spinning technology. Modeling is one of the methods for existing technologies researching and development of new ones. Modeling includes determining the quantitative relations between the conditions of production processes, the fiber structure and the obtained material properties. Modeling allows you to change technological modes and minimize experimental costs at the same time. The proposed system is used for modeling the fiber spinning process dynamics. Two types of fibers spinning are support-ed: spinning from a melt and aerodynamic spinning. The program is a Java Desktop application that has an intuitive graphical interface. It can display the technological scheme of the chemical fiber spinning process, the relationships between scheme elements and their characteristics, edit the parameters of scheme elements, calculate the forces acting on the fiber, display the calculated data in a graphic way. Result file export function was implemented to explore the results in more functional sys-tems. The application also has the ability to save a project into a file for next using. The application implements numerical methods for solving systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations, method of grids (finite difference method) in cylindrical coordinates given mobile boundary, the interpolation cubic splines experi-mental dependencies. The system proposes some algorithms for selection of boundary conditions and verification of numeri-cal solutions. The calculation process runs in a thread which is separated from the event dispatch thread due to thefact that calculation can take a relatively long time. The performance of a software system is confirmed by the simulation results which are in good agreement with the ex-perimental data.
Keywords: chemical fiber spinning, dynamic characteristics, modeling, software
Visitors: 12072

23. Program complex for calculation and research of the inaccuracy of turning nonrigid blanks [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Shelikhov E.S. ( - Orenburg State University; Serdyuk A.I. ( - Orenburg State University, Ph.D; Chernousova A.M. ( - Orenburg State University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The authors consider the problem of inaccuracy definitionarising when turning blanks with the length great-ly exceeding their diameter on CNC machines (computer numerical control). The authors have analysed mathematical models for definition of inaccuracies in the course of turning. The result showed that for the considered details the defining factor when forming inaccuracies is rigidity of MTTD (Machine-Tool-Tools-Detail) system. The paper also markes restrictions in the existing methods of research and practice of defyingdevia-tions taking into account constant and dynamic components of system elements flexibility. In particular, in terms of practi-cal significance, there are difficulties with accounting of elastic deformations caused by functional interrelations of cutting conditions with blanks parameters which are set by strength properties of the used material in the considered range of geo-metrical ratios. To increase the accuracy of processing, the authors offer a technique for determining optimum cutting pa-rameters. OptimRez software package allows the user to define cuttingmodes to minimize the considered inaccuracy taking into account the applied turning equipment capability and characteristics of processed blanks. Software package includes five in-terconnected modules, uses databases containing tools, machine tools and different workpieces. OptimRez can be used in process engineering, in research projects and educational process.
Visitors: 7383

24. Software implementation of a power transformer digitaldata processing [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Vasileva O.V. ( - National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Ph.D; Lavrinovich A.V. ( - Institute of High-Current Electronics of RAS;
Abstract: The work is devoted to software implementation of digital data processing with the *.csv expansion. The data is received from modern digital oscillographs such as Tektronix, Agilent, Aktakom and so on. The program is created in the Lab View environment. The article presents a program flowgraph with separate blocks naming and the description of a block for digital datasaving in the separate document. A restriction of the developed program is a requirement of an identical step sampling of initial signals. The paper describes the advantages of thecreated program: oscillograms processing time decreases, work procedure with big data files becomes simpler, manual processing is excluded. Processing of oscillograms allows equalizing initial time of processed impulses that have a spontaneous shiftfrom each other. It also allows receiving a difference of the processed oscillograms in a separate window. The authors offer using cursors with naming of coordinates for shifting oscillograms. The efficiency of the developed program is shown at inspection of the power transformer using a method of nanosecond impulses to reveal the differences between an impulse-norm gram of a “healthy” transformer and an impulse response of a defective transformer. The paper shows the order of processing oscillograms with findingnecessary sizes. It also presents visualization of initial impulses and their difference, as well as an order of schedule saving in a channel of tests.
Keywords: difference, format, data saving, flowchart, oscillograph, lab view, power transformer, digital processing, program realization
Visitors: 10907

25. Comprehensive assessment of transport and operationalcondition of a road section [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Anikeev E.A. ( - Voronezh State Forestry Engineering Academy, Ph.D; Cherkasov O.N. ( - Voronezh State Forestry Engineering Academy, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article describes a mathematical model of creating an integrated assessment of transport and operational condition of a road section. It also shows the necessity of such model area as interconnected set of factors affecting its condition. In the problem of increasing consumer qualities of roads the authors highlighte the task of separating theroad on sectors for their further ranking to draw up repair plans. Estimation of consumer properties of the road is represented as the difference between the existing features of the object of their ideal values that are expressed in the complex index of transport and operational condition. The authors marked the most important aspects of road sections for this task ascontrolled objects. They also defined the main factors that characterize thestate of the road section. There are the most significant factors of speed-standard security that take into account the influence of individual parameters and characteristics of roads on the complex index of road section quality. The article shows the mathematical tool of theory of fuzzy sets applied to the formation of this parameter. This allows simulating decision-making about road sections repair. The paper defines a set of attribute values describing the state of a road section. It also describes the values of fuzzy variables for each factor and shows their membership functions. There are linguistic variables to describe the coefficients and a fuzzy situation to create an integrated assessment of the road section. An integrated state of the road section is represented as a fuzzy situation. The authors calculate the degree of incorporation of the current fuzzy situation that characterizes the road section condition in the reference. There is a generalized algorithm for deciding the order of repair works. The paper shows the prospects of such approach to the solution of the problem of defining an integrated index of transport and operational status of the road.
Keywords: integral criteria, integrated assessment, linguistic variable, fuzzy situation, , motor vehicles, assessing road state, automobile transport
Visitors: 6809

26. Pedestrian flows control at peak traffic [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Anikeev E.A. ( - Voronezh State Forestry Engineering Academy, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article shows the relevance of the problem of motorization growth comparing to road network. It highlightes the problem of transport and pedestrian traffic regulation at pedestrian crossings outside intersections with traffic lights ringing. The paper considers a traditional way of solving this problem. It shows the factors leading to traffic jam crea-tion during peak hours when using the conventional method. The authors display the previous solution to the problem. Then they give the cycles of traffic light functioning with rigid management and traffic fuzzy control. There are definitions of input and output variables to control the traffic lights at the intersection, as well as the membership functions of these variables. The authors propose principles of determining an outputvalue. These principles are a base for fuzzy rules designed for a con-trol algorithm. The authors also propose a model of the functioning of this intersection, as well as the algorithm ofthe pedes-trian traffic lights ringing based on fuzzy logic. Thepaper shows modeling of the vehicles queue accumulation process at a crosswalk located outside the intersection under peak vehicle and pedestrian traffic. The theory of fuzzy sets is used for mod-elling. It allows simulating the expert conclusions in thefield in making decisions about changing the durationof waiting pe-destrian phase. There is also a simulation of the transition regulatory process using a traffic light with a constant latency phase and a phase defined using fuzzy rules. The authors give simulation results that show cars queue accumulationin both cases and the advantages of the proposed method comparing to conventional rigid regulation.
Keywords: , fuzzy logic, motor vehicles, pedestrian traffic light, urban traffic
Visitors: 11190

27. Modeling of soft tissue virtual dummy for designing corsetry and lingerie [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Senitsky I.A. ( - IIT Consulting, Ltd; Vasilev D.A. ( - IIT Consulting, Ltd; Gorelova A.E. ( - IIT Consulting, Ltd, Ph.D; Kornilova N.L. ( - Textile Institute Ivanovo State Polytechnic University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article discusses the theoretical basis of dummies formation for three-dimensional CAD models to design corsetry and lingerie. The distinctive feature of this clothing design is a necessity of modeling soft tissues behavior ofdifferent types of shapes, naked and under the influence of the product. The authors propose an algorithmically independent structure of soft tissues (breast, abdomen, buttocks) andthe torso of the dummy. Dummy virtual model is a torso and imposed on it simulation models of breasts, buttocks and abdomen. When creating a model of the torso the main task is to ensure model rebuilding for any size and growth while preserving the original shape. This article describes the author's method of creating a simulation model of the soft tissues of the dummy using geometrical and physical modelling. The method allows creating different forms of the breast, abdomen and buttocks by varying the parameters of the simulation model. The theoretical results are implemented in the softwaremodule “A virtual mannequin” for three-dimensional CAD to design BustCAD corsetry (Ivanovo, Russia). This CAD software allows the user to create a virtual mannequin to evaluateits aesthetic charac-teristics, to set the parameter changes of the torso and soft tissue based on modeling effects of the product, to create a model and to get detailed patterns.
Keywords: simulation model, human’s soft tissue, virtual mannequin
Visitors: 9595

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