ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Journal articles №4 2024

11. Recurrent fuzzy situational-precedent models for operational control of complex technical objects [№4 за 2024 год]
Authors: Sokolov, A.M. ( - NRU “MPEI” (Postgraduate Student), ; Borisov V.V. ( - Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper deals with the issues of operational management of complex technical objects (CTO) functioning in dynamically changing, uncertain environmental conditions, risks of dangerous and emergency situations. The authors analyzed the approaches to situational management of CTO. The analysis showed that a promising solution for operational management of these objects is the use of fuzzy models of the “Situation-Action” type. The main limitation of these models is the need for additional expert information to update the fuzzy knowledge base, as well as the lack of consideration of transition to different situations when applying similar control actions. To eliminate these disadvantages, the authors propose the application of the precedent approach. It involves accumulation of information about the CTO functioning in the base of fuzzy precedents for the purpose of their further use in the choice of management decisions. The authors proposed a new type of recurrent fuzzy situational-precedent models, as well as a method and algorithms for operational management of CTO by precedents based on these models. The author's solution differs in the application of iterative procedure of search and application of a sequence of precedent control decisions. This procedure provides an increase in the efficiency of CTO functioning under the condition of adaptation to changes in internal and external factors. The authors designed algorithmic and software tools that implement the proposed models, method and algorithms of CTO control. In the course of computational experiments, they confirmed the adequacy of the proposed models. The authors evaluated the effectiveness of operational CTO management by precedents using the created models, method and algorithms in conditions of uncertainty in comparison with the expert fuzzy situational network of the “Situation-Action” model.
Keywords: forecasting time series, precedent, fuzzy situational network of the “Situation-Action” model, recurrent fuzzy situational-precedent model
Visitors: 1495

12. Fuzzy clustering for improving control efficiency in automatic systems [№4 за 2024 год]
Authors: Ignatyeva, A.S. ( - Southern Federal University, Institute of Radio Engineering Systems and Control (Engineer);
Abstract: The paper focuses on finding new ways to improve control efficiency in automatic systems. It proposes a new method for optimizing the procedure of synthesizing intelligent controllers in automatic control systems for technical objects based on the analysis of advanced approaches to solving this scientific problem. Hybrid control as the most effective when operating objects under conditions of uncertainty. In order to organize hybrid control, the author proposes a method that is based on fuzzy clustering algorithms, as well as specially developed algorithms implemented in an intelligent controller. The controller is based on fuzzy logic methods, neural networks and bioinspired methods. The paper also shows the existing approaches to optimizing intelligent controllers in terms of the proposed method. At the conceptual level, the author proposes an approach to solving the problem of optimizing intelligent controller parameters, presents its generalization. In general, the paper describes the models for applying the developed method. In particular, there are the results of the ANFIS system method in hybrid control models. There is a presentation of ANFIS architectures before and after clustering. The obtained results are due to developing a multi-level architecture of combined control in an intelligent controller. The paper shows fuzzy controller structures when implementing ANFIS before and after fuzzy clustering. The author analyzes the study results. After applying the proposed method, the number of membership functions of linguistic variables of the intelligent controller and the number of control rules are significantly reduced. This allows reducing labor intensity of developing an intelligent controller and the time of its design without losing control quality and increasing computing resources.
Keywords: optimisation, intelligent controller, technical object, a control system, fuzzy clustering
Visitors: 1969

13. Software complex for multi-channel recognition and correction of speech messages based on machine learning algorithms in terms of import substitution [№4 за 2024 год]
Authors: Abu-Abed, F.N. ( - Tver State Technical University (Associate Professor, Dean), Ph.D; Zhironkin, S.A. ( - National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The research focuses on developing a software complex for multichannel recognition and correction of speech messages based on machine learning. The complex solves the problem of increasing the efficiency of production factors as a part of modeling an import substitution structure in the Russian economy. This work is relevant due to the lack of software analogs among domestic software products under conditions of increasing technological sanction restrictions. The study aims to improve the efficiency of internal communications of Russian companies. The authors use system analysis, machine learning, information and telecommunication system design and object-oriented programming as research methods. This paper presents the architecture and the main components of the software complex. For example, a bot for interaction with users, data caching, long-term storage of information and a service for recognizing and correcting speech messages using machine learning methods. The application implements a speech message recognition and decryption service to solve the problems of speech message deployment and containerization. The proposed system is based on data caching. It distributes the load among independent service components with containerization support. It is adapted to scale and work on different platforms and cloud environments. The application interface enables the user to make necessary adjustments in order to automatically recognize, diarize, correct and summarize speech messages. The scientific novelty consists in obtaining results that contribute to the optimization of internal communications using machine-learning algorithms to improve the accuracy and adaptability of corporate communication systems. These systems allow solving the important problem of modeling the structure for import substitution under the conditions of increasing external shocks and technological constraints.
Keywords: import substitution, database, commands and procedures, user interface, software, machine learning, speech message recognition, structure
Visitors: 1756

14. Improving the information technology for automating Navy ships technical readiness monitoring [№4 за 2024 год]
Authors: Yeletsky, M.I. ( - MESC of the Navy “Naval Academy” (Adjunct); Zalmarson, A.F. ( - MESC of the Navy “Naval Academy” (Senior Researcher), Ph.D; Zakhariev, A.A. ( - FRPC JSC “RPA “Mars” (Leading Researcher), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article describes the urgent problem of increasing an automation level, efficiency and quality of functional task solution for ships technical readiness monitoring by developing information technology components. This requires a mathematical formulation of the problem based on logic-linguistic modeling methods. The need to improve the information technology for automating the monitoring of ships' technical readiness is related to solving some theoretical and practical issues. The analysis of the existing information technology has shown that the stages of processing information on technical readiness of ships are labor-intensive. Moreover, their qualitative performance requires saving and analyzing large arrays of information. However, the information technology currently implemented in ACS is presented in a fragmentary and nonsystematic manner. To this end, a non-automated technology does not provide full and qualitative implementation of all information-processing stages identified during research. The solution of these problems requires the development of information technology components that provide comprehensive automation of ship technical readiness monitoring. The implementation of these requirements provides principally mathematical model development, which adequately and completely reflects the components of information technology, semantic and pragmatic properties of monitoring objects. The proposed approach should ensure creation of a high-quality information product from the information resource that meets operator's requirements.
Keywords: information processing, logicallinguistic model, technical readiness monitoring, information technology, information, automation
Visitors: 1687

15. Business analytics of a financial service availability level: Data visualization [№4 за 2024 год]
Authors: Fedko, V.S. ( - Derzhavin Tambov State University (Postgraduate Student), ; Kovaleva O.A. ( - Tambov State University of G.R. Derzhavin (Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies), Ph.D; Kovalev, S.V. ( - Derzhavin Tambov State University (Associate Professor, Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper analyzes relevant software products and tools for creating dashboards, highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each option. The authors identified the most appropriate ways to solve the problem of visualizing data on financial service availability that is a part of the work process of the Central Bank of Russia. The paper presents an IDEF0- model showing a sequence of data handling phases to visualize financial service availability indicators. The model includes data importing into the storage, assigning OCTMO codes (Russian classification of territories of municipal formations), calculating distances between settlements, visualizing results, and unloading reports in the required formats. The authors described the architecture of the developed program for BI-system of a financial service availability level. It consists of data preprocessing, visualization modules, and a report unloading module. A distinctive feature is the ability to work with object location data in a fully autonomous mode. The paper demonstrates the algorithm of the data-preprocessing module. It consists in assigning OCTMO codes and allows structuring all existing data on the availability of financial service accessibility tools in settlements. The authors describe the database for storing all available data about settlements and the level of financial infrastructure development. They also show the process of automatic calculation of distances between settlements using the haversine formula. They describe a gradient fill module for graphs. The module improves data clarity using intuitive coloring and selecting the color depending on a specific value. The developed program allows reducing the time spent on data processing for one reporting period, to expand visualization possibilities of the available data.
Keywords: availability of financial services, BI, dashboard, data preprocessing, data visualization
Visitors: 1286

16. Scenario of an attack on an automated process control system taking into account Modbus TCP protocol vulnerability [№4 за 2024 год]
Authors: Konev, A.A. ( - Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR) (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Repkin, V.S. ( - Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR) (Student); Tsimbalov, K.I. ( - Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR) (Postgraduate Student), ;
Abstract: The paper focuses on computer modeling of a scenario of an attack on an automated process control system (APCS); the scenario recreates vulnerabilities in the industrial Modbus TCP protocol. The paper presents an analytical review of current scientific works related to automated process control system security, formalization and attack modeling. The authors describe the ACS laboratory stand, which became a base for a computer model in the Python programming language. The model includes a control console (Modbus client), a programmable logic controller (Modbus server) and an executive module “Freight elevator” (graphical interface). Theку is a special UML sequence diagram that visualizes the user scenario and the processes between model components. The authors also verified the adequacy of the model by comparing the model and bench results. In addition, they have developed and formally described the attack scenario using graphical notation MAL. It exploits Modbus TCP protocol vulnerabilities related to the lack of built-in authentication and encryption mechanisms. The attack scenario is successfully implemented on the model and bench using Metasploit Framework. To eliminate the possibility of exploiting the vulnerabilities, the authors defined and tested a defense measure in the form of the WireGuard protocol. The protocol safely accomplished the task. The study results can be used to train specialists in cyber range for developing, implementing and formal description of attack scenarios, for analyzing vulnerabilities in the Modbus TCP protocol, as well as for testing software information security measures.
Keywords: Meta Attack Language, python, Metasploit, Modbus TCP, programmable logic controller, attack scenario, vulnerability exploitation, specialist training, infosecurity
Visitors: 1807

17. Mathematical model for calculating electrothermal reactor technological parameters: Software implementation [№4 за 2024 год]
Authors: Bykov, A.A. ( - National Research University “MEI” in Smolensk (Associate Professor), Ph.D; Bobkov V.I. ( - Branch of the National Research University "MPEI" in Smolensk (Head of Department), Ph.D; Orekhov V.A. ( - Branch of the National Research University "MPEI" in Smolensk (Assistant); Nezamaev, S.V. ( - First Mining Company (Director General);
Abstract: The paper presents a mathematical model describing a possible method for calculating thermal mass processes. The model has become a basis for developing an iterative algorithm and creating an information system. The system simulates calculating technological parameters of electrothermal reactors used for ore phosphate raw material processing. The peculiarity of the developed model is that it takes into account the interrelation of zonal representation of the processes occurring in ore thermal furnaces. On the basis of thermal-hydraulic mode parameters it is possible to solve the problem of identifying raw materials entering the reaction zone. In the future, it will be possible to develop a system of process control automation in this zone in order to remove impurities. The created mathematical model allows taking into account the configuration of the internal structure of the investigated installations to understand the processes and phenomena occurring in them. When searching for a solution, the authors also used the model algorithm for the automatic construction of the finite element grid. They also proposed an algorithm for the finite element equation implementation with the matrix width optimization and the use of symmetry properties. The created software package allows automated calculations of operation modes of electrothermal ore-reduction reactors of any design, including those used in smelting phosphate raw materials. The information system database allows selecting an ore-reduction reactor model. It also allows calculating heat and mass exchange processes, as well as setting the system of effective coefficients for calculating the developed experimental reactor model. In this case, the program complex can calculate not only a complex of the ore thermal reactor, but also its individual characteristics. The multi-document interface visualizes calculation results in the field of isolines and velocity vectors of thermal mass processes.
Keywords: numerical computation, computer modeling, iterative algorithm, differential equations, software package, information system, mathematical model
Visitors: 1671

18. Continuous multistage production diagnostics: Software implementation using a dynamic expert system [№4 за 2024 год]
Authors: Merkurev, S.A. ( - Tver State Technical University (Postgraduate Student), ; Palyukh B.V. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Vetrov A.N. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper describes the architecture of the developed software system for diagnostics of multistage continuous productions. The work is relevant due to a great danger of an equipment failure or defect in such productions. The authors aim to design an architecture and to develop a software package of a dynamic expert system in order to analyze the current state of a technological process and to support decision making for identifying and eliminating defects in technological circuits. The paper summarizes the application domain problem. It also describes the problems of existing software implementations and their main shortcomings. The authors give the structural and integration schemes of the developed software system. They present the block diagram and describe modules. The first module implements two tasks: anomaly detection and bifurcation moment detection. The authors solve these two tasks based on the analysis of multivariate flow of diagnostic variables using the original double sliding window method. The second module aims to form hypotheses about the causes of crisis states using a confidence function. The third module implements logical inference on detection of defects in technological circuits and methods of their elimination. The conclusion describes the used tools for implementing the diagnostic dynamic expert system. The practical significance of the work consists in the development of information, algorithmic and software tools in C# language to improve the operational reliability of continuous productions.
Keywords: bifurcation point, diagnostics, dynamic expert systems, applied artificial intelligence systems
Visitors: 1464

19. Applying the digital twin concept to chemical process design, modeling and control [№4 за 2024 год]
Authors: Kuzmin, M.I. ( - N. Sazhin State Research and Design Institute of Rare Metal Industry “Giredmet”, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation (Associate Researcher), ; Kushniruk, D.I. ( - N. Sazhin State Research and Design Institute of Rare Metal Industry “Giredmet” (Head of Group); Anikin, A.V. ( - N. Sazhin State Research and Design Institute of Rare Metal Industry “Giredmet” (Junior Researcher); Verba, S.V. ( - N. Sazhin State Research and Design Institute of Rare Metal Industry “Giredmet” (Chief Designer); Zubov, D.V. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper considers the development and increasing relevance of the digital twin concept. It is is relevant due to the intensive development of information and communication technologies, as well as and the digital production. The authors give some classification options according to various features. They demonstrate the practical realization of the digital twin concept on the example of an installation in which a chemical process controlled by temperature change takes place. The authors consider the product life cycle from the design stage of a stand-alone virtual copy to the physical copy, which is associated with the virtual twin by means of middleware. They propose the structural and organizational design version of a digital model using information about the process chemical kinetics as an interchangeable core. There is a description of the internal logic of the numerical model in the finite automaton format. The logic aims at optimal control in terms of achieving the maximum level of conversion by a semi-product at each intermediate stage and by the target product at the final stage. The authors apply the digital twin concept at the product design stage in terms of conducting virtual tests to level design flaws and verify design solutions. Based on the results of the work, the authors state the main advantages of using the digital twin concept in comparison with the traditional approach. The results can be used as a starting point when designing and constructing similar systems in the field of chemical processes, which are controlled by changing any technological parameter. The copyright holder for the project results of the is a private enterprise "Science and Innovations".
Keywords: chemical process, mathematical and computer modeling, design, optimal control, digital twin
Visitors: 1447

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