ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Keyword: generic algorithm

  1. Authors: Иванюк В.А., Андрейчиков А.В.

  2. Authors: Синюк В.Г., Акопов В.Н.

  3. Authors: Калугин Ф.В.

  4. The generic algorithm for choosing the dominant signs for a neural network
  5. Authors: Нигматуллина А.Н.

  6. Coevolutionary algorithm for constrained and multiobjective optimization problems
  7. Authors: Семенкин Е.С., Сергиенко Р.Б.

  8. Solution for extended logistic problem using evolutionary algorithm
  9. Authors: Медянников М.В.

  10. Program of parametric synthesis of flexible manufacturing systems
  11. Authors: Сергеев А.И., Корнипаева А.А., Гончаров А.Н.

  12. Optimization of placing of trajectory measurements means by genetic algorithms
  13. Authors: Ковалев А.А.

  14. Human head modeling from images for virtual reality systems
  15. Authors: Федюков М.А.

  16. Design-automation system of wireless network IEEE 802.11
  17. Authors: Жуков В.Г., Паротькин Н.Ю.

  18. Genetic algorithm for nfa state minimization problem
  19. Authors: Цыганов А.В.

  20. Effectiveness investigation of biology-inspired algorithms for combinatorial optimization
  21. Authors: Семенкина О.Е., Семенкина О.Э.

  22. Application of soft computing for to analyse the knowledge base structure of information system
  23. Authors: Гордеев Р.Н., Бурилин А.В.

  24. Soft computing technologies in intelligent control
  25. Authors: Ульянов С.В., Решетников А.Г., Керимов Т.А., Бархатова И.А.

  26. Performance investigation of self-configuring genetic algorithm for spacecrafts' control systems effective variant choice
  27. Authors: Семенкин Е.С., Семёнкина М.Е., Попов Е.А.

  28. Determination of sentiment words weights based on genetic algorithm in the sentiment analysis
  29. Authors: Котельников Е.В., Клековкина М.В.

  30. Genetic algorithm implementation for effective document subject search
  31. Authors: Иванов В.К., Мескин П.И.

  32. A genetic algorithm for computer-aided design of preparatory forging transitions
  33. Authors: Коновалов А.В., Канюков С.И.

  34. A genetic algorithm for designing main transitions in Capp of shaft forging
  35. Authors: Коновалов А.В., Канюков С.И.

  36. Intelligent information system for rolling stock carriage equipment faillures forecasting on railways
  37. Authors: Иванова Е.И.

  38. Program system of structural and parametrical synthesis of an information security system
  39. Authors: Жуков В.Г., Жукова М.Н., Тимохович А.С., Волков Д.С.

  40. Evaluating the effectiveness of sustainability problem solving methods of distributed information system functioning
  41. Authors: Есиков Д.О.

  42. Clustering software solution
  43. Authors: Курейчик В.В., Курейчик В.М., Григораш А.С.

  44. Determination of weight coefficients for additive fitness function of genetic algorithm
  45. Authors: Семенов Н.А., Иванов В.К., Думина Д.С.

  46. A GraphHunter software tool for mapping parallel programs to a supercomputer system structure
  47. Authors: Телегин П.Н., Киселёв Е.А., Баранов А.В., Сорокин А.А.

  48. Physical model of a robot manipulator: Optimization of real-time intelligent control processes using a genetic algorithm
  49. Authors: Ульянов С.В., Решетников А.Г., Катулин М.С., Рябов А.Р.