Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
13 December 2024
Keyword: machine learning
- Segmentation of regions of interest based on isolines classification Authors: Сенюкова О.В., Галанин В.Е.
- Transductive learning logistic regression for the text classification problem Authors: Фальк В.Н., Бочаров И.А., Шаграев А.Г.
- A software package for inductive formation of medical knowledge bases Authors: Смагин С.В.
- Modeling of placing service-oriented applications in a software-defined infrastructure of the virtual data center Authors: Решетников В.Н., Болодурина И.П., Парфёнов Д.И.
- Automatic text classification methods Authors: Батура Т.В.
- Parallel computing when implementing web-based pattern recognition tools based on use case methods Authors: Фомин В.В., Александров И.В.
- Anaphor resolution system development based on machine learning methods Authors: Батура Т.В., Соколов А.В.
- A method for improving interpretability of regression models based on a three-step building cognition model Authors: Куликовских И.М.
- Development of a simulation model for hydroelectric set process values for training operation staff Authors: Никулина А.В., Зеленко Л.С.
- Anomaly prediction in tensioning devices operation of a color coating line of metal under conditions of small number of failures Authors: Варфоломеев И.А., Ершов Е.В., Шаханов Н.И., Юдина О.В.
- On the implementation of machine learning tools in real-time intelligent systems Authors: Еремеев А.П., Кожухов А.А., Голенков В.В., Гулякина Н.А.
- Research on compression of raster images using artificial neural networks Authors: Генов А.А., Осипов В.В., Русаков К.Д., Моисеев А.А.
- A neural network method for detecting malicious programs on the Android platform Authors: Татарникова Т.М., Журавлев А.М.
- A constructive learning method for artificial neural networks with weighted rates Authors: Казаков М.А.
- Item-based recommender system with statistical learning for unauthorized customers Authors: Филипьев А.В.
- Neural network user behavior analysis for detecting host-level intrusion Authors: Ефимов А.Ю., Зуев В.Н.
- A method of identifying technical condition radio engineering means using artificial neural network technologies Authors: Допира Р.В., Ягольников Д.В., Шведун А.А., Яночкин И.Е.
- Machine learning to predict the supercomputer jobs execution time Authors: Баранов А.В., Николаев Д.С.
- Setting up and training a multilayer perceptron for the problem of highlighting the road surface in the city space images Authors: Тормозов В.С., Василенко К.А., Золкин А.Л.
- Support vector method modification development for solving the classification problem with domain restrictions Authors: Михайлов И.С., Зеар Аунг, Йе Тху Аунг
- The software for the subsystem of quality control of manufactured products using intelligent algorithms Authors: Гришин Е.С.
- Network anomalies detection by deep learning Authors: Зуев В.Н.
- The adaptation of the LSTM neural network model to solve the pattern recognition complex problem Authors: Тормозов В.С.
- The analysis model and prediction of technological parameters for the process of electron beam welding Authors: Тынченко В.С., Петренко В.Е., Курашкин С.О., Головенок И.А.
- The program for forming a stack of artificial intelligence methods to solve applied problems Authors: Пучков А.Ю., Лобанева Е.И., Василькова М.А.
- The adaptive image classification method using reinforcement learning Authors: Елизаров А.А.
- Automating the assessment of the power grid state in remote areas of Russia using smart structures Authors: Шевнина Ю.С.
- Automated detection and classification of objects in the traffic flow on satellite images of the city Authors: Тормозов В.С.
- Developing universal framework design for federated learning Authors: Холод И.И., Ефремов М.А.
- Forecasting technological trends based on the heterogeneous data analysis Authors: Кравец А.Г., Нгуен Тхань Вьет
- Applying artificial neural networks in automatic control systems for magnetic levitation Authors: Коробейников А.Г.
- Terms extraction from texts of scientific papers Authors: Батура Т.В., Бручес Е.П., Дементьева Я.Ю.
- Aspect extraction from scientific paper texts Authors: Батура Т.В., Бручес Е.П., Маршалова А.Э.
- Modeling the intelligent agent behavior based on machine learning methods in competition models Authors: Парыгин Д.С., Анохин А.О., Садовникова Н.П., Финогеев А.А., Гуртяков А.С.
- Finding an optimal letter set for stylistic classification of literary texts by a statistical index method Authors: Горбич Л.Г.
- Developing predictive analytics models for industrial equipment failures Authors: Савицкая Т.В., Чернухин А.В., Богданова Е.А.
- Recognizing jet trajectories of fire monitor extinguishing agent based on digital images Authors: Пожаркова И.Н.