Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: classification
- Authors: Островский А.А.
- Authors: Корунова Н.В.
- Authors: Селяев А.Г., Радионова Ю.А.
- Authors: Филатова Н.Н., Спиридонов А.В.
- Authors: Горюнов Е.В.
- Instrumental system for solving multi-criteria choice Authors: Микони С.В., Бураков Д.П., Гарина М.И.
- Fuzzy set approach to classifier combination Authors: Сорокин С.В., Багрова И.А., Пономарев С.А., Сытник Д.А.
- Supply planning system at the diversify enterprise Authors: Ильина Л.Ю.
- Multifunctional simulator of neural networks Authors: Солдатова О.П.
- Evolutionary method of ranking and classification of biological objects Authors: Цыганкова И.А.
- The homogeneity analysis application to visualize and analyse bibliometrics and scientometrics data Authors: Гордеев Р.Н., Бурилин А.В.
- Problems of information retrieval as part of a distributed intelligent software system of information support of innovation Authors: Борисов А.Л., Чохонелидзе А.Н., Борисов С.Ю.
- Simulation of taxonomy program of parts production technology for mechanical-engineering using petri nets Authors: Шестаков А.М.
- Classification algorithm based on random forest principes for a forecasting problem Authors: Курейчик В.М., Картиев С.Б.
- Classification and clustering methods for improving efficiency of case-based systems Authors: Варшавский П.Р., Ар Кар Мьо, Шункевич Д.В.
- A neural network method for detecting malicious programs on the Android platform Authors: Татарникова Т.М., Журавлев А.М.
- Implementation of data classification software based on convolutional neural networks and case-based reasoning approach Authors: Варшавский П.Р., Кожевников А.В.
- Development of theoretical bases for classification and clusterization of fuzzy features based on the theory of categories Authors: Савилкин С.Б., Русаков К.Д., Хиль С.Ш., Селиверстов Д.Е.
- Process control algorithms in responsive sensory networks in object protection problems Authors: Виноградов Г.П.
- Classification of common design patterns for multi-agent systems Authors: Чернышев С.А.
- Temporal database in intelligent real-time decision support systems: The case of a university educational process Authors: Еремеев А.П., Панявин Н.А., Маренков М.А.