Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: multiagents systems
- Authors: Ковалев И.В., Джиоева Н.Н., Карасева М.В.
- Model of decision-making by the intellectual agent Authors: Виноградов Г.П.
- Basic stages of training system development basic stages Authors: Трембач В.М.
- Human behavior simulation based on the subjective view of choice situation Authors: Виноградов Г.П.
- The integrated system for structured physical knowledge processing Authors: Фоменков С.А., Яровенко В.А.
- Goal-resource networks Authors: Дюндюков В.С.
- Synergetics of information-cognitive interaction in intelligent robotic systems with remote knowledge exchange Authors: Ульянов С.В., Решетников А.Г.
- A software system for identification of a harmonization degree of creative decisions of intellectual agents Authors: Семенов Н.А., Кузнецов В.Н., Клюшин А.Ю., Мутовкина Н.Ю.
- A model of modification of intelligent agents types in the AnyLogic system dynamics methodology Authors: Семенов Н.А., Мутовкина Н.Ю.
- An automation technology and means for regional security control process simulation Authors: Маслобоев А.В., Путилов В.А.
- The algorithm for recognizing situations in a distributed video surveillance system Authors: Кручинин А.Ю., Колмыков Д.В., Галимов Р.Р.
- The specialization problem in hierarchical learning control systems for the foraging problem Authors: Ровбо М.А., Овсянникова Е.Е.
- Agent-based models, methods and tools for the development of compatible problem-solvers for intelligent systems Authors: Шункевич Д.В., Голенков В.В.
- Network enterprises: Production and business process models based on multi-agent systems Authors: Тельнов Ю.Ф., Казаков В.А., Данилов А.В., Брызгалов А.А.