Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №1-2018
- 1. Software to solve the problems of optimizing transport objects placement based on the algorithm of projection clustering
Author: B.A. Esipov
5 - 2. System analysis of the transport infrastructure in gis environment
Author: T.I. Mikheeva
12 - 3. Network-centric control based on micro and macro models of traffic flows
Author: S.V. Mikheev
19 - 4. Transport infrastructure model creation based on spatial and spectral aerospace information
Authors: A.A. Fedoseev, T.I. Mikheeva, S.V. Mikheev
25 - 5. A web-model of a distributed real-time information system
Authors: N.А. Ostroglazov, А.I. Chugunov, М.А. Kudrin, V.V. Elizarov
32 - 6. System of geodynamic 3D-visualization of virtual tourist routes
Authors: O.K. Golovnin, N.N. Kutovoy
38 - 7. Precedent decision support system in administrative cases
Authors: O.K. Golovnin, E.A. Romanova
44 - 8. Development of a simulation model for hydroelectric set process values for training operation staff
Authors: A.V. Nikulina, L.S. Zelenko
51 - 9. Development of an educational course ontological model for distance learning systems
Authors: E.A. Shumskaya, L.S. Zelenko
56 - 10. Study of the influence of initialization algorithms of Volterry network weight coefficients on forecast problem solving
Authors: I.V. Lyozina, K.V. Saraeva
60 - 11. Software system for research a measurement error of a laser experimental roundness measurement instrument
Authors: V.N. Belopukhov, O.A. Zayakin, A.V. Manukhin, A.A. Rostov
64 - 12. A multy-agent simulation of infecting objects dissemination and interaction
Author: K.E. Klimentev
72 - 13. Mathematical model of software user activity
Authors: A.A. Sytnik, T.E. Shulga, N.A. Danilov, I.V. Gvozdyuk
79 - 14. A universal data model as a data storage tool when solving applied problems of crystal chemistry
Author: D.E. Yablokov
85 - 15. Multi-agent approximation of social media users’ behavior
Authors: Ivaschenko A.V., A.A. Khorina, A.R. Diyazitdinova
91 - 16. The open cube concept for analysing social media big data
Authors: Ivaschenko A.V., N.M. Shlychkova, V.A. Isayko, P.V. Sitniko
95 - 17. Regularized orthogonal models of probabilistic characteristics with the condition of its basic properties execution
Authors: Prokhorov S.A., Kulikovskikh I.M.
99 - 18. An enterprise as a purposeful system
Author: Yu.M. Lisetskiy
102 - 19. Principles of creating hybrid integrated automated systems of technological process design and control
Authors: G.B. Burdo, N.A. Semenov
107 - 20. Multilingual thesaurus development framework
Authors: A.V. Kirillovich, A.M. Bashirov , A.R. Gatiatullin
112 - 21. A methodical approach to comparison of information aggregation results on highly dynamic objects
Authors: S.L. Artyukhov, V.S. Semenov
121 - 22. Evaluation of a degree of impact of access control means on information system efficiency
Author: Drobotun E.B.
128 - 23. Cost estimation in software projects design using the mountain algorithm
Authors: Zubkova, T.M., E.N. Natochaya
134 - 24. Algorithm and software of automated process control system with established product parameters
Authors: Niyonsaba T., V.A. Pavlov
140 - 25. A model of modification of intelligent agents types in the AnyLogic system dynamics methodology
Authors: Mutovkina N.Yu., Semenov N.A.
145 - 26. Source code model construction for software defect detection with type systems
Authors: L.V. Tsvetkov, A.I. Spivak
152 - 27. Algorithms for gamma radiation sources identification
Authors: A.E. Davydov, I.K. Fomina, B.B. Nikolsky
158 - 28. The study of the variation coefficient distribution in problems of test statistical analysis
Authors: Agamirov L.V., Agamirov V.L., Vestyak V.A.
166 - 29. Tools for determining a linguistic-statistical affinity of languages using the turkic morpheme model
Author: A.B. Almenova
172 - 30. The concept of development a training aids complex for assimilation of weaponry, military and special equipment
Author: A.F. Khalin
177 - 31. Conceptual basis for developing trainig models of a complex software system assembling generator
Authors: V.O. Georgiev, N.A. Prokopev, D.S. Polikashin
184 - 32. The software of the automated training control system for operators of ergotechnical radio-electronic means
Authors: Dopira R.V., V.A. Dikarev, Potapov A.N., V.S. Pakhomov
192 - 33. A software complex for designing unburned monomeneral composites
Authors: Petropavlovskaya V.B., D.A. Korovitsyn, Obraztsov I.V., K.S. Petropavlovsky
199 - 34. Development of a software package for the registration of laboratory animals
Authors: E.Yu. Furta, I.M. Shabalina
204 - 35. Anomaly prediction in tensioning devices operation of a color coating line of metal under conditions of small number of failures
Authors: N.I. Shakhanov, I.A. Varfolomeev, O.V. Yudina, E.V. Ershov
212 - 36. Architecture and algorithms of the intellectual support system for household sector functioning control process
Authors: E.A. Makarova, E.Sh. Zakieva, R.R. Valitov, E.S. Gizdatullina