ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

Journal articles №1 2014

11. Technological models for management of company automated control system development [№1 за 2014 год]
Authors: Loginov I.V. ( - Academy of the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation, Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers technological models of company automated control system on informatizied business -process level for development management. Technological models application is based on the necessity of development management automation based on continuous effectiveness evaluation of management activities (maintenance, modernization and adaptation of company automated control system considering environment conditions changing). The article extracts four levels of technological models that indicate qualitative assessment of state and effectiveness for informatizied business-processes. These technological models allow estimating instantaneous and integrated effectiveness characteristic values of automatization and informatization for achievement company goals and tasks within a lifecycle. An effect from applying technological models allows increasing management effectiveness. It includes timely detecting uneffective and loweffective automatization projects and utilization of obsolete business-processes.
Keywords: appraisement, effectively, life cycle, lifecycle, management, technological model, informatizied business-process, company automated control system
Visitors: 13371

12. The modified query processing model in distributed databases [№1 за 2014 год]
Authors: Tarakanov O.V. ( - Academy of the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation, Ph.D; Dunaev V.A. ( - Academy of the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation;
Abstract: The authors research the methods to remove inconsistencies between the need to support a current status of distributed database components with real-time replication and limited bandwidth capacity of telecommunication subsystem. The actuality of efficiency increasing of distributed database under conditions of limited telecommunication subsystem ca-pacity is explained. Existing approaches to mathematical modeling of information exchange in distributed databases in a rep-lication mode are presented. They are based on the finite automata theory, the theory of probability and the queueing theo-ry.Local and remote query processing procedures are shown in detail as well as different characteristics of distributed data-base replica fragment. The model using the characteristics of replica's fragment is proposed. The characteristics are listed. The possibility of queuing theory and renewal theory usage in query processing modeling in distributed databases is consid-ered. The adequacy estimation for developed model in the case of using in mining enterprises is given. The scope of proposed model is shown.
Keywords: queuing theory, replica, priority, reactivity distributed database, mathematical model, replication, information exchange, distributed database
Visitors: 10635

13. Ontologies in the “Binary Model of Knowledge” [№1 за 2014 год]
Authors: G.S. Plesniewicz ( - National Research University “MPEI”, Ph.D; B.S. Karabekov ( - Kazakh University Ways of Communication, Ph.D;
Abstract: Онтология представляет в формальном виде общее знание о предметной области для данного приложения. Конкретное знание для приложения выражается с помощью фактов, структурированных в соответствии с онтологией. База фактов представляет текущее состояние приложения. В настоящее время известно много формализмов для спецификации онтологий. Наиболее разработанными и исследованными являются языки дескриптивных логик. На основе этих логик были разработаны языки семейства OWL, которые признаны стандартными комитетом W3C. Однако эти языки не являются типизированными и поэтому лишены тех преимуществ, которыми обладают типизированные языки. В настоящей работе дается краткое описание типизированных концептуальных языков для разрабатываемой системы «Бинарная Модель Знаний» (БМЗ), предназначенной для построения и анализа онтологий и баз фактов. В частности, описаны язык структурной спецификации (для определения структуры индивидных объектов и фактов), язык запросов к базам фактов, язык логической спецификации (для спецификации экстенсионалов понятий), язык продукций (для состоятельного преобразования баз фактов). В работе также показана возможность применения системы БМЗ к задаче прогнозирования автодорожных пробок.
Keywords: интеллектуальные транспортные системы, продукционный вывод, конъюнктивные запросы, базы фактов, спецификация онтологий, онтологии
Visitors: 5181

14. Study of differential adaptive genetic algorithm for conditional optimization problems solving [№1 за 2014 год]
Authors: Zhukov V.G. ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, Ph.D; Parotkin N.Yu. ( - Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, ;
Abstract: The article discusses standard methods for solving constrained optimization problems based on artificial dete-rioration of the objective function value when violating given constraints. The methods of assigning dynamic and adaptive penalties are described. The paper considers selection modifications in a differential adaptive genetic algorithm based on the behavioral memory method for adapting it to this class of problems. The paper presents the results of study a combination of standard methods and observable differential algorithm on a test functions set that show the most efficient combination of dynamic penalty and algorithm modification. The algorithm modification is presented in the possibility of a transition to S k subset only solutions that satisfy all the constraints. Allocation of two subsets determines low efficiency of adaptive penalties due to inability to obtain complete information on the entire set of decisions and frequent changes in S o subset. Based on a comparison of the data and test results of other genetic algorithms, it is concluded that the differential algorithm is better av-eraged performance of the classical algorithm, but can yield better at non-optimal settings, as well as comparable to the co-evolutionary algorithm. This allows using differentiated adaptive genetic algorithm to solve practical optimization problems.
Keywords: behavioral memory, penalty functions, differentiated adaptive genetic algorithm, constrained optimization
Visitors: 8060

15. Program software of recovering values in multivariate data based on fuzzy modeling methods [№1 за 2014 год]
Authors: Peremitina T.O. ( - Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS, Ph.D; Yashchenko I.G. ( - Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS, Ph.D; Luchkova S.V. ( - Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS;
Abstract: The article describes the features of fuzzy systems to solve the problem of restoring missing values in multi-variate data. It considers the Singleton fuzzy system and triangular membership function of the fuzzy linguistic terms. Gen-eral algorithm of an evolutionary strategy method to identify fuzzy system is provided. The article considers two types of this algorithm to assess the advantages and disadvantages of using. Principle of fuzzy system parameter identification based on the evolutionary strategy is described. The article also describes the requirements for the input data and the algorithm of re-storing missing values using fuzzy system based on the evolutionary strategy. There is the experimental efficiency evaluation of the presented algorithm of fuzzy system on the basis of the evolutionary strategy for the problem of recovering missing values. It is tested on a test set of oil properties data. Optimal parameters of fuzzy system and a method of the evolutionary strategy were selected for test data. The article investigates influence of the main parameters of the fuzzy system and metho d parameters of the evolutionary strategy on the recovery of multivariate data.
Keywords: evolutionary strategy, parameter identification, fuzzy set function, rule base, singleton, fuzzy system
Visitors: 9482

16. Signals interpreter based on neural-like hierarchical structure [№1 за 2014 год]
Authors: Filatova N.N. ( - Tver State Technical University, Ph.D; Khaneev D.M. ( - Tver State Technical University; Sidorov K.V. ( - Tver State Technical University;
Abstract: The article considers the possibility of applying hybrid system that integrates a strategy of neural network models and methods of processing data to create fuzzy classification rules and interpret acoustic signals using developed in-terpreter. Acoustic signals interpreter is based on the idea of growing pyramidal network that is adapted for working with fuzzy descriptions of objects. Class models in constructed network are interpreted in fuzzy statements that serve as a set of production rules for a fuzzy logic conclusion. The production rules are presented as understandable verbal terms for expert. The paper discusses program implementation of the interpreter. It also describes an algorithm for constructing hierarchical neural structure and the production rules forming procedure. The article presents the results of testing a software implementa-tion of the interpreter in actual recordings of acoustic signals (respiratory noises and a voice signals).
Keywords: test set, learning sample, production rule, fuzzy set, acoustic signal, growing pyramidal networks, neural-like hierarchical structure, software, interpreter
Visitors: 12131

17. Decision-making support system UNIQUE [№1 за 2014 год]
Authors: Butenko L.N. ( - Volgograd State Technical University, Ph.D; Oleynikov D.P. ( - Volgograd State Technical University; Oleynikov S.P. ( - Publishing House «Uchitel», Ph.D;
Abstract: Most of the solved problems in the beginning of design process are mixed formulation problems. Type of input conditions can be quantitative (objective evaluation), qualitative (subjective assessment) and mixed. In the case of mixed type, when using standard decision-making methods there is a choice to transform qualitative data into quantitative or vice versa. The consequence is reducing the accuracy of decision-making because of the information loss related to the process of converting information. This is caused by the lack of decision-making methods that could have used the available different-nature information as much as possible. Authors have developed a new method of decision-making to resolve this problem. It is called “UNIQUE” and allows solving problems of mixed nature. The method “UNIQUE” includes considering criteria de-pendences by a hierarchical structure, and a partial accounting of mismatches of expert judgments by using the method of matching clustered rankings. The software package “UNIQUE” was designed for the purpose of automating the method “UNIQUE”. The software package “UNIQUE” is decision-making environment, which consists of structuring subsystem, survey solutions subsystem, justify solutions subsystem, accounting inconsistencies subsystem and verbalization subsystem. The paper contains solutions of common tasks from different domains to demonstrate the operability of software package “UNIQUE”.
Keywords: an automated system issue, hierarchical methods, decision making
Visitors: 9469

18. ALPHA-Synthesis– automated system for decision-making methods synthesis [№1 за 2014 год]
Authors: Butenko L.N. ( - Volgograd State Technical University, Ph.D; Oleynikov D.P. ( - Volgograd State Technical University;
Abstract: Problems of early-stage design are characterized by analysis of a large number of alternatives that have both quantitative and qualitative assessments. Existing decision-making methods can’t be used always due to the nature of alternatives assessments or environmental constraints. The authors have developed an approach for the synthesis of decision -making methods. And automated system (AS) Alpha-Synthesis has been developed to automate procedures of synthesis. The pro-posed approach needs a formalized description of decision-making methods; the model is presented in the article. The ap-proach for the synthesis consists of three steps. A linear structure of solutions is formed with a block-labyrinth morphologi-cally method at the first step of the approach. A linear solution is transformed into network structure in order to increase the “determinacy” at the second step of the approach. The synthesis of the network nodes is the third step of the approach. The result of the synthesis is the conceptual structure of decision-making method – the structure of the process of converting input data flow into output data flow. The automated system allows to structure decision-making methods, to keep their structured description, to synthesize new decision-making methods. Decision-making method "Verbal Pareto-Minimax criterion" is shown in this paper. This method differs from the well-known Мinimax criterion with verbal estimates, and it uses Pareto cri-terion at the first stage of the decision-making method.
Keywords: morphological approach, system synthesis, system analysis, decision-making, automated synthesis of the systems
Visitors: 11553

19. Methodology of modular applications development on the client side of SAAS and implementation of the MODULES.JS framework [№1 за 2014 год]
Author: Trukhin Yu.V. ( - Tver State Technical University;
Abstract: The paper describes the methodology of developing modular applications on the client side for systems «soft-ware as a service» (SAAS) and implementation of the modules.js framework. The paper presents the rationale for software modularization on the SaaS client side and unsolved problems in the existing technologies. A set of actions for software modularization is considered in the section on methodology for developing modular applications on the client side of the SaaS. The section on the software implementation methodology considers a set of modules.js framework subsystems and their practical application in the methodology. Software implementation allows creating single page application with dyna m-ic loading and unloading of modules, dynamical redirecting requests to a scalable server-side and creating specific types of modules for data visualization using data templates. This approach simplifies the development of complex SAAS applica-tions and improves code supportability.
Keywords: css, html, javascript, software as a service, modularity
Visitors: 7844

20. Intelligent robust control of a robot manipulator based on quantum soft computing [№1 за 2014 год]
Authors: Ulyanov, S.V. ( - Dubna State University – Institute of System Analysis and Control, Dubna, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research – Laboratory of Information Technology (Professor), Ph.D; Nikolaeva A.V. ( - Dubna Internacional University for Nature, Socitty and Man;
Abstract: The problem of intelligent control systems design with soft and quantum computing for a robot manipulator with 3 degrees of freedom is described. The self-organization knowledge base strategy of one type fuzzy controllers using quantum soft computing technologies is considered. Coordination control of a robot manipulator with 3 degrees of freedom is organized by generalized unit in control system loop based on soft computing. General methodology of generalized unit de-sign based on physical laws of quantum computing and connection circuit of control system with intelligent buildup on one type fuzzy controllers sequence is considered. Efficiency of proposed intelligent control systems constructing method for working in typical and unpredicted control situations is demonstrated in case of practical control object comparing with con-trol systems structures based on soft computing. The comparison is produced for both control systems: a system with one type of independent fuzzy controllers’ sequences and control system with one fuzz y controller knowledge base. New control system type is organized with generalized unit introduction into control loop system on one type independent fuzzy contro l-ler’s sequences.
Keywords: quantum fuzzy inference, fuzzy controller, knowledge base, correlation, quantum computing
Visitors: 13316

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