ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
13 September 2024

Journal articles №4 2017

31. Comparison of DLA and RLA porous structure modelling algorithms [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: A.Yu. Tyrtyshnikov ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation; I.V. Lebedev ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation; Ivanov S.I. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation, Ph.D; Menshutina N.V. ( - D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian Federation, Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper analyzes different methods of porous materials structures generation. It shows that diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) and reaction-limited aggregation (RLA) methods are perspective for modeling and visualization of high-porosity aerogel materials. The authors have developed algorithms for calculations using DLA and modified RLA. RLA algorithm modification in comparison with DLA is in using probability of particle aggregation when colliding with a cluster. The particle is not always aggregated, but with a given probability. This allows adjusting the branching of the generated structure. Software is implemented in C# in a Microsoft Visual Studio environment. This software requires Microsoft Windows 7 and higher operating system and at least 2 GB RAM. The paper has visualization of the generated aerogel structures. After comparing two methods it is established that the DLA method requires less computational time than RLA, however it allows modeling not only the structure but also the gelation process (structure creation), allowing controlling the specific surface area of the structure and the pore size distribution in it. The paper presents calculation data and algorithms for generating various aerogel structures. It is shown that with de-creasing the aggregation probability of the generated structure, the performance of the modified RLA algorithm decreases too. The low performance is particularly noticeable on large structures. The authors make a conclusion that it is reasonable to use the DLA method for big structure generation when it is not necessary to consider pore size distribution.
Keywords: reaction-limited aggregation, diffusion-limited aggregation, pore size distribution, specific surface area, gelation, aerogels, structure, modeling
Visitors: 10684

32. Algorithms of regular time series continuous wavelet transformation: development and software implementation [№4 за 2017 год]
Author: A.A. Stolbova ( - Samara National Research University (Assistant);
Abstract: One of the actively developing directions of data analysis is wavelet transformation. It is used for analyzing medical data, image processing and other purposes. This paper considers methods of calculating coefficients of continuous wavelet transformation of even time series. In the classical approach, calculation of some coefficients is redundant because the value of some wavelets is zero. To remove redundancy, the authors propose using wavelet characteristics in the time domain, which allows obtaining a wavelet window width, wich depends on the given scale. The paper gives the obtained characteristics values of mother wavelets, such as Gaussian wavelets of the 1st to the 8th order, the DOG wavelet and the Morlet wavelet. The proposed algorithm for calculating wavelet values is based on these characteristics. The algorithm allows reducing the number of readings of the used wavelet. For each given scale, there is a determined number of nonzero wavelet values and their calculated values. As a result, we get an array of all wavelet values, which are necessary for transformation. The paper proposes an algorithm for evaluating the coefficients of continuous wavelet transformation. It is based on decreasing repeated calculations of wavelets. The reduction of computations is due to taking into account wavelet invariance regarding a shift. Thus, if we calculate all nonzero wavelet values for all scale once and store it, then it is enough we to refer to the wavelet value by number in array corresponding to the shift. The developed algorithms are implemented as a software package. The paper shows that the proposed algorithm works faster than the classical one without significant loss of calculation accuracy.
Keywords: norm of the wavelet, radius of the wavelet, continuous wavelet transformation
Visitors: 8289

33. Mathematical models of rheograms of states in Table Curve 2d/3d programs as a basis of the intelligent system for managing structuring processes of multicomponent elastomer composites [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: A.S. Kuznetsov ( - Moscow Technological University (MIREA) (Assistant), Ph.D; Kornyushko V.F. ( - Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies (Professor, Head of Chair), Ph.D;
Abstract: Nowadays, most of the elastomeric products are the result of the structuring process. It is a chemical process of spatial cross-linking and a technological process of creating a finished product from elastomers. Modern industrial elastomeric production is a complex multi-stage process that has several stages. In general, the elastomer production system is an ex-ample of a chemical-technological system with a serial connection of elements. The paper considers a unified chemical-technological elastomer production system, as well as chemical-technological processes for mixing and structuring multicomponent elastomeric composites as components of a chemical-technological system. Nowadays, the requirements to the attribute level of elastomeric products are increasingly tightened. To obtain qualified products with the required set of properties, it is necessary to follow the sequence and parameters of all the preparatory and technological operations and stages of rubber production. Improving the quality of finished products is possible due to applicating methods of control and management of mixing and structuring processes, system analysis of production processes, their detailed verbal and mathematical description, as well as information support for decision making while controlling mixing and vulcanization processes based on the analysis of rheometric curves and information databases. The organization of the elastomeric composite structuring process is impossible without its information support based on modern information technologies and systems. The paper considers the constructed intelligent information management system for complex chemical-technological processes of structuring multicomponent elastomeric composites based on analysis and modeling of rheographic information. It also provides mathematical modeling of rheograms of the state of multicomponent elastomeric composites using non-linear parameters of models. There are quality criteria of the obtained models, as well as the methods of visualization of the main indicators of the multicomponent elastomeric composite structuring process using modern software products. It is shown that analytical instruments are an essential part of the integrated intellectual information management system for complex chemical-technological processes of multi-component elastomeric composite structuring.
Keywords: response surface, contour plot, elastomeric composite, visualization of rheographic information, mathematical model, rheogram state, information architecture, intelligent control system
Visitors: 8460

34. Building a unified architecture for production data integration in a mining company [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: I.O. Temkin ( - National University of Scince Research Technological "MISIS" (Professor, Head of Chair), Ph.D; I.S. Konov ( - National University of Scince Research Technological "MISIS"; A.L. Kubenova ( - Kazakhmys Corporation LLC (Professional Employee); L.G. Zartenova ( - Kazakhmys Corporation LLC (Manager of the Project);
Abstract: The article analyzes existing approaches to organizing information systems, such as point-to-point integration, implementation using a general database, creation of a universal data bus, as well as their modifications. It considers use of existing solutions based on ERP system, as well as custom written applications developed in mining companies in terms of mining production. The paper analyzes methods of integrating various information systems, which provide a unified information base of companies. It also considers typical mining business processes that cover the whole production and economy cycle, as well as tasks for these processes showing key features and limitations for created systems. The paper describes general data flows typical for mining companies and ways for information interaction of systems on different functional levels. The authors introduce a problem related to the necessity of changing the existing data integration architectures. They also assess the existing approaches to organizing information systems and give their pros and cons. A solution is based on a service-oriented architecture. The authors consider a possibility of creating a united corporate integration bus that allows integrating new systems into an existing information system efficiently with minimal labor costs considering limitations and specific tasks of the research field. The paper describes basic mechanisms, considers pros and cons of the approach and introduces a generalized way of it’s implementation for mining companies.
Keywords: integration, mining industry, systems, information environment
Visitors: 10441

35. A service model for military computer simulators [№4 за 2017 год]
Author: A.V. Vus ( - Military Institute of Continuing Professional Education of the VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy" (Adjunct);
Abstract: The article considers the issues of servicing computer simulators for training military specialists. Due to active re-equipment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it is important to use computer simulators to train military specialists. The paper determines a general model of a computer simulator life cycle and a model of the existing service system. The analysis of the existing service system for military computer simulators and its place in the life cycle of a simulator has revealed its disadvantages. The paper determines indicators of computer simulator relevancy that affect the effectiveness of using a computer simulator to train military specialists in educational organizations and institutions and their connection with service maintenance. It also considers the expediency of modernization works and works using bulletins for updating a computer simulator. The authors explain the necessity of creating a new service model for computer simulators, which will allow taking into account questions of actualization and adjustments of special software. They also focus on a role of an organization-developer in actualization of a computer simulator. Finally, the paper proposes a service model that allows both maintaining a computer simulator in good repair and updating it.
Keywords: , computer simulator, service maintenance, updating, finalization, maintenance service, technical condition, actualization, adaptation, special software, training of specialists, armament, military and special equipment, mathematical model, life cycle
Visitors: 9426

36. Analysis of the features of requirements management processes in information systems of state structures [№4 за 2017 год]
Authors: I.I. Grib ( - Federal Research Center for Computer Science and Control of RAS (Research Engineer); Yu.S. Vischnyakov () - Federal Research Center for Computer Science and Control of RAS (Chief Researcher), Ph.D; A.B. Zhizhchenko () - Federal Research Center for Computer Science and Control of RAS (Head of Department), Ph.D; S.A. Polikarpov () - Federal Research Center for Computer Science and Control of RAS (Leading Researcher), Ph.D; A.N. Sotnikov ( - Joint Supercomputer Center of RAS (Professor), Ph.D; N.V. Tabachenko ( - Federal Research Center for Computer Science and Control of RAS (Senior Researcher), Ph.D;
Abstract: The work is devoted to study of control requirements for enterprise-level information systems at different stages of their life cycle. There are many methods and notations describing the process of managing software requirements. A great number of scientific studies consider the processes of creation and implementation of corporate information systems es-pecially for a business environment. However, there is a significant gap in the research and practical recommendations for information systems of public institutions taking into account their specifics and peculiarities. When informatization throughout the country has become widespread, there are a lot of information systems that are created, implemented and developed. For the effective development, implementation and maintenance of corporate information systems (especially state information systems), it is necessary to ensure the requirements control process for such systems and their basic components.
Keywords: requirements management, software product, information system
Visitors: 7960

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