ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

Journal articles №1 2018

11. Software system for research a measurement error of a laser experimental roundness measurement instrument [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: V.N. Belopukhov ( - Institute of Complex Systems Control RAS (Senior Researcher), Ph.D; O.A. Zayakin ( - Samara National Research University (Assistant Professor), Ph.D; A.V. Manukhin ( - Samara National Research University; A.A. Rostov ( - Samara National Research University;
Abstract: The purpose of the work is to develop a software system for assistance in experimental research on a new out-of-roundness measurement method. One of the important aims of the research is to learn the main measurement error of this method. The Samara branch of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences has developed a laboratory layout of the device. Now the Samara University uses it in the training process and updates it further. The method assumes that a focused laser beam scans the controlled surface, while a mirrored laser beam position is determined (Patent RF 2109250). Its practical application is controlling the deviation of a bearing inner ring tread form. The functions of the research software system are the following: acquiring pre-processed data from external files; calculating a radial profile, out-of-roundness and waviness after a single scan; statistical analysis of these measurement results by rescans series data and estimation of the coordinate measurement error in each point of a profile. According to the preliminary results of the measurement series analysis, its estimated basic error is 0.07 m for out-of-roundness and 0.05 m for waviness without considering the cinematic error during scanning. These results compare well with ones that currently used instruments give, such as interferometers and contact circular meters, in the practical application considered here. Measurement error is mainly caused by kinematic inaccuracies during operating a turning sub-unit for the controlled object. The conclusion implies that the device laboratory layout still needs updating and its metrological characteristics can be improved. Taking into account the lack of funding in the research, it is suggested to acquize and pre-process data in places where it is possible to do, whereas perform further calculating in the cloud.
Keywords: deflectometry, triangulation, three-dimensional scanner, roundness, waviness, bearing ring, mathematical model, statistical data processing, cloud computing, geometric variable measurement
Visitors: 7964

12. A multy-agent simulation of infecting objects dissemination and interaction [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: K.E. Klimentev ( - Samara National Research University (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article discusses the main approaches to multi-agent simulation of infection processes typical of technical networks and wildlife. The examples of such processes are: the epidemics of pathogenic organisms among living creatures; dissemination of computer viruses and worms; expansion of forest fires; message transfer in technical and social networks, etc. The paper briefly describes traditional approaches to solving this problem and related problems. The article describes a general model of "universe". It also introduces the basic sets of objects and their attributes, considers relations between them typical of simulated processes and phenomena. It analyzes space graph models, such as: a full graph, a scale-free graph, a geometric graph and various grids. The paper describes basic states of agents. It also considers different models of state transitions, including SI, SIS, SIR, SEIR, SIDR, etc. It discusses various methods for target scanning, such as: sequential scan, random scan, list scan, counterattack and so on. It describes the method for setting the temporal characteristics of individual agents. One of the important features that distinguishes this development from its analogues is the possibility of modeling epidemics in changing universes. For example, it is possible to change the topology of graphs, object numerical attributes and agent behavior algorithms during the run. The use of such models would allow obtaining results that are more adequate. The paper also examines the architecture of a modeling system that supports of aspects discussed above. There is an example of a particular software implementation.
Keywords: scale-free graph, computer virus, computer virus, firestorm, biological infections, spread, eipdemic, multi-agent simulation, simulation, discrete-event simulation, network, random graph, rado graph,
Visitors: 10500

13. Mathematical model of software user activity [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: A.A. Sytnik ( - Yury Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Professor), Ph.D; T.E. Shulga ( - Yury Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Associate Professor, Professor), Ph.D; N.A. Danilov ( - Yury Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov; I.V. Gvozdyuk ( - Yury Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov;
Abstract: The article describes software usability problems. According to ISO 9241-11:1998, usability is one of the main criteria of software quality. There are different approaches and methods to analyze the software usability. However, most of them are based on the heuristic approach that is on the previously collected recommendations and hypotheses about how a user interacts with a software interface. According to the authors, one of the main problems in the development of formal methods of usability evaluation is the lack of formalized data representation. The aim of the research is to develop a software user activity mathematical model. The research is based on the idea, which is popular in modern scientific literature, that indicator of usability problems is oft-repeated similar sequences and patterns. The paper briefly describes the approaches used in software usability evaluation. It’s shown that the task of repeated pattern searching might be represented as the task of sequential pattern mining from the data mining area. The paper introduces a number of formal definitions for user activity data. The authors suggest a software user activity mathematical model based on the sequential patterns theory for a usability evaluation subject area. This model can be used for automatic usability efficiency evaluation of user interfaces.
Keywords: mathematical model of software user activity, sequential patterns, user interface, usability efficiency, usability
Visitors: 6147

14. A universal data model as a data storage tool when solving applied problems of crystal chemistry [№1 за 2018 год]
Author: D.E. Yablokov ( - Samara National Research University (Leading Engineer);
Abstract: Any information system functions properly if its data model adequately represents real aspects of the subject domain it was developed for. The problem of a correct choice of a data modeling strategy, which will allow representing the information context, is very important. The main point of the article is that data modeling, as well as the choice of a data model, is a key stage in database development. It creates a basis of a conceptual framework with terms to work with a storage system. At the same time, a data model is considered as a concept that in the context of concrete data allows users and developers to consider these data as useful information, which re-flects objects states and their relationships within a concrete subject domain. A concept here is a combination of views based on complete and systematized representations, which allows defining a certain way of understanding or interpretation of any objects, events, processes or phenomena that are of information value. The paper gives an example of a simplified universal data model. It is quite general. It can be supported by many applications and provides the addition of any kind of data without specifying the names of tables or fields associated with the abstractions representing real world objects, which are necessary when a using relational data model. When using universal model, it is possible to input information with an undefined structure beforehand. The changing of structural relations such as “entity-attribute”, “entity-entity” or “relationship-attribute” can be made in a runtime mode.
Keywords: object oriented approach, data storage concept, objects, relations, attributes, object attributes, relationship attributes, crystal chemistry data, relational database, universal data model
Visitors: 6776

15. Multi-agent approximation of social media users’ behavior [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: Ivaschenko A.V. ( - Samara State Aerospace University, Ph.D; A.A. Khorina ( - Samara National Research University; A.R. Diyazitdinova ( - Volga State University of Telecommunication and Informatics (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: Nowadays social media are becoming one of the major Big Data providers for analyzing users’ behavior. At the same time each Internet user activity appears to be an interesting and complex object for formalization and study. One person can be presented in several social networks using various avatars, have several parallel interests, have own specific strategy to publish and process data in the form of posts, messages and comments and interact with the others by means of data exchange. Considering the specifics of social media users activity, who are relatively independent and self-organized, this paper proposes a model of such a behavior implementing the multi-agent approach. The paper describes the problem, solution architecture and technical details of its implementation supported by the results of simulation and real data analysis for a number of popular social networks. It is the first time when it is proposed to use the definition of “behavior multi-agent approximation”. The term introduces an approximate description of real use cases of the integrated information space users via multi-agent simulation. Within the framework of the solution is it proposed to represent the interest of social media users as a combination of a context and focus. Such approach allows formalizing deviations of user interest under the pressure of incoming events considering a combination of time and human factors. The proposed approach gives a possibility to describe and implement the patterns of typical Internet social media users behavior for simulation and analysis in order to detect trends and deviations.
Keywords: multi-agent technology, big data, social networks
Visitors: 6634

16. The open cube concept for analysing social media big data [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: Ivaschenko A.V. ( - Samara State Aerospace University, Ph.D; N.M. Shlychkova ( - Samara National Research University; V.A. Isayko ( - “Otkryty kod” LLC (Engineer); P.V. Sitniko ( - “Otkryty kod” LLC (Director), Ph.D;
Abstract: Modern social media can be treated as an important source of Big Data describing users’ behavior during informational exchange. Understanding the basic trends at this level can help to determine the main behavior features, identify informational influence and analyze deviations of users’ interest to various informational objects and events, etc. On a practical level, this kind of analytics allows implementing an effective context-based advertising, increasing the efficiency of social networks functionality and solving various problems of information security. Analysis of Big Data that characterize social media users’ interaction appear to become a complex technical problem. The reasons are: it is required to integrate with several social networks for data import, to associate independent profiles of the same users at different networks, to correlate the facts of their interaction with real events and determine basic trends and deviations. To solve the problem the authors propose to implement a technology of “open cube” based on an orthogonal indicators system describing the data change dynamics in time depending on different factors. It is proposed to analyze distribution of incoming user interaction events, dynamics of their interest evolution in time, reaction to incoming events, etc. using cross-correlation analysis of time series using interval-based functions. The paper describes the basic problems of Big Data analysis in social media, the proposed abstract model of the open cube and the data analysis algorithm that allows identification of users’ activity at social media. The described model and its implementation were tested using a typical data set derived from a number of social networks. In addition to a real regular data set of social media users’ negotiation there was also introduced a series of messages generated by a bot, which was successfully identified using the proposed approach.
Keywords: open cube, analysis, big data, social networks
Visitors: 6502

17. Regularized orthogonal models of probabilistic characteristics with the condition of its basic properties execution [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: Prokhorov S.A. ( - Samara State Aerospace University, Ph.D; Kulikovskikh I.M. ( - Samara State Aerospace University, Ph.D;
Abstract: The representation of a probabilistic characteristic model as Fourier series is one of the most effective methods for model complexity reduction. The orthogonal function systems are widely used to solve the problems of identification, filtering, and analysis of dynamic systems. This success is often connected to the ability of presenting long time series as a more compact model. There are different methods to guarantee stability and validity of such probabilistic characteristic orthogonal model. They include: optimizing orthogonal model parameters, using numerically stable schemes for computing Fourier coefficients, designing weighted models that allow taking into consideration the aspects of dynamic system behavior, in particular, non-stationary systems, delayed system and so on. Nevertheless, the primary focus of the paper is on the method that takes into account the requirement of executing basic probabilistic characteristics property by an orthogonal model. This method is based on the need of computing the corrections for Fourier coefficients, which are determined with regard to the basic properties of both probabilistic characteristics and basic functions. As a result, a set of orthogonal models requires different implementations depending on a problem statement and a dynamic system. This paper generalizes the previously proposed mathematical models to implement the method that allows the following: to propose a general description of modifying factors in order to take into account basic properties of functional characteristics in a matrix form; to show that the proposed estimates are identical to the estimates regularized with L2-norm; to introduce a kernel function for describing basic properties of functional characteristics. The findings of the present study prove the stability of the proposed regularized estimates. The generalized mathematical models reduce the method of computing the corrected estimates for various functional characteristics to a unique algorithm. Therefore, this significantly improves the computational efficiency of further software implementation.
Keywords: probabilistic characteristics, orthogonal models, kernel functions, regularization
Visitors: 3572

18. An enterprise as a purposeful system [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: Yu.M. Lisetskiy ( - S&T Ukraine Company (Director General), Ph.D;
Abstract: The article considers an enterprise as a purposeful system. It gives general information on an organization and a scientific apparatus describing its building and functioning. The paper describes a hierarchical structure of the enterprise as an organization with the main purpose in an economic sphere, as well as its functional model. The author analyzes characteristic features of the enterprise in the context of general principles of system building and functioning. There are some approaches and methods to studying an enterprise as a complex production system based on the system approach. The system approach enables complex estimation of any production and economic activity as well as the management system according to specific characteristics. This approach also enables analysis of a specific situation within a separate system, identification of input, process and output issues. The system approach enables best possible organization of a decision making process at all enterprise management system levels.
Keywords: complex production system, systemic approach, structure, enterprise, organization, purposeful system
Visitors: 7719

19. Principles of creating hybrid integrated automated systems of technological process design and control [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: G.B. Burdo ( - Tver State Technical University (Head of Chair), Ph.D; N.A. Semenov ( - Tver State Technical University (Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: It is known that domestic and foreign machine building industry have been affected by serious structural changes over the past few years. Their main point is that the part of single piece and small-lot machinery production (multiproduct engineering manufacture, MM) is up to 25–30 per cent in the total amount of machine building industry products. However, the problems of automated technological process design and automated production control are solved in the indicated production types. This is due to the fact that multiproduct machinery production systems stand out for high acceleration capacity. Moreover, transfer of batch production experience leads to significant delay of a control action and its incorrectness, and designed technologies don’t count a production system state. The bailout plan is possible in the case of information integration of technological process design automation systems and automated technological process control systems. In this regard automated technological process control systems must provide a possibility to correct production plans at all levels quickly. The paper shows relevance of the proposed concept of information integration of automated systems of technological process design and control in a multiproduct manufacture. The research is based on the system theory framework and the product life cycle methodology. The authors examine the hierarchy of the systems and explain the principles of creating integrated systems and their subsystems. They also suggest the decision-making method for technological process design and control in hybrid systems.
Keywords: , , ,
Visitors: 4710

20. Multilingual thesaurus development framework [№1 за 2018 год]
Authors: A.V. Kirillovich ( - Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (Junior Researcher, Assistant); A.M. Bashirov ( - Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, TemirTech LLC (Engineer-Programmer, Deputy Director); A.R. Gatiatullin ( - Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan (Head of Department), Ph.D;
Abstract: The paper describes a new tool for creating a bilingual Russian-Tatar thesaurus. The paper lists the requirements for the implementation of the tool: support for selected formalism of thesaurus knowledge representation, support for multilingual thesauri, teamwork support; publishing a thesaurus in the Linking Open Data cloud (LOD); cross-platform and free licensing. The paper gives a detailed analysis of the existing editors of general purpose ontologies and specialized thesaurus editors based on SKOS, WordNet and RuThes models, which include: Protégé/WebProtégé, VocBench, PoolParty, iQvoc, SKOSEd, OMWEdit, WordNetLoom, GernEdiT, DEBVisDic, WordNet Editor, YARN and RuThes editors. It also describes the advantages and disadvantages of these editors and, therefore, it explains the choice of the RuThes model, and the reasons of developing an own tool that meets all the initial requirements. The new tool for developing a bilingual thesaurus is implemented as a web application with support for teamwork and publishing the thesaurus data in LOD. The paper describes the user interface (UI) both for the end-user, and the database editor modes. It is stressed that the software can be used not only for developing a Russian-Tatar thesaurus, but also for other languages. The goals for the further development are: UI refining, including advanced graphical visualization; integration with electronic cases and additional dictionaries; LOD publication module finalization; a universal tool for Lemon ontology-based lexical resources development; individual lexical units detailed description module development.
Keywords: Tatar language, linking open data, ruthes, wordnet, skos, information retrieval thesaurus
Visitors: 9112

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