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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Journal articles №4 2011
1. Vector systems of averaging on the graphs [№4 за 2011 год]Authors: ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: It considers the operators of function averaging which defined on vertexes of oriented graph with finite vertex number. The averaging occurred in every vertex by incident vertexes in the graph with weights determined on detected edges in graph. It researched necessary and decent condition for that operator has convertibility in form of power-mode row. If those conditions are not true then it builds the additional operators for getting convertibility vector operator, and that extension is minimal in any sing determine meaning.
Keywords: restore algorithm, , inversion formula, operator kernel, oriented graph, integral geometry
Visitors: 15520
2. Program for automatic creation and validation of source materials for design documentation [№4 за 2011 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The developed program allows for a few minutes to perform most operations that can not be automated using CAD, and thereby substantially reduce errors and time to generate documentation for the production of printed circuit board. Generator specification provides all necessary editing features specifications and test the relevance of the components used.
Keywords: list of components, specification, documentation generation, source material CD, design documentation, document workflow, automation
Visitors: 15215
3. Incremental replicating data for interaction information systems [№4 за 2011 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: The method of incremental replicating data is described in this article. It is used in such interaction of informational system, which requires fractional periodical transferring data from one system to another. Several problems are described, where the decision is based on this method. Approach of tracing the history changing user data is proposed.
Keywords: information systems, data verification, replicating data
Visitors: 10881
4. On some issues of the quantitative performance evaluation of edge detectors [№4 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; Zakharov A.V. ( - SRISA RAS; Koltsov P.P. ( - SRISA RAS, Ph.D; Kotovich N.V. ( - SRISA RAS; Kravchenko A.A. ( - SRISA RAS, Ph.D; Kutsaev A.S. ( - SRISA RAS, Ph.D; Osipov A.S. ( - SRISA RAS, Ph.D;
Abstract: In the present paper the main approaches to performance evaluation of edge detectors are considered. We focused on the methods of quantitative evaluation which use the ground truth images and discrepancy measures. The advantages and disadvantages of the most usable discrepancy measures and the peculiarities of their joint application are analyzed. The evaluation methods based on the fuzzy set theory are considered.
Keywords: fuzzy sets, discrepancy measure, comparative study, edge detectors
Visitors: 15675
5. Validation of routing scheme in RapidiO system [№4 за 2011 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: An algorithm is proposed for validating feasibility of a routing scheme in specified RapidIO system. Algorithm execution time linearly depends on the number of routes in the scheme.
Keywords: feasibility, algorithm, routing, RapidIO
Visitors: 16096
6. Integrated circuits elements optimization for single-event prevention [№4 за 2011 год]
Author: ( - ;
Abstract: Schematic optimization-based methods for single event mitigation are presented. Efficiency of proposed methods for important applications is proven by modeling and experimental results.
Keywords: heavy ions, heavy charged particles, single event effects
Visitors: 15168
7. Determining of conserved hydrophobic cores in protein domains [№4 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - ; ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D;
Abstract: An algorithm and its realization as the program Conclus for analysis of data on protein structures are described. The program selects parts of a molecule that are evolutionary conserved hydrophobic clusters. Also the article contains a minimal information necessary for understanding biochemical and biophysical aspects of the algorithm. The program Conclus was tested on a number of families of protein domains and is equipped with a web interface publicly available via Internet.
Keywords: hydrophobic cluster, analysis of molecular structure, web interface
Visitors: 14322
8. Method of developing data flows in complex software-hardware systems [№4 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; ( - , Ph.D; ( - ;
Abstract: The paper deals with problems arising during the development of complex hardware – software systems. Propose a method for organizing software engineering systems which can reduce the complexity in the modification of data flow within the complex. Are considered integral parts of the Software specified the ideology of its construction. Given the benefits achieved by using the proposed method.
Keywords: functional software, system software, database, communication channel, automatic software generation, data flow
Visitors: 15283
9. Algorithm for identify trends for large noisy time series [№4 за 2011 год]
Authors: Bakhmutsky, M.L. (; ) - Federal State Institution (Associate Professor), Ph.D;
Abstract: In this work efficient and accurate method for identify trends, denoising and smoothing for large nonstationary time series are provided. It is shown that the trends such large series can be determined the wavelet – packet transformation in combination with singular-spectrum analysis.
Keywords: singular-spectrum analysis, wavelet, time series, identify trend, algorithm
Visitors: 22921
10. Application of small digit capacity numbers in binary optimization problem [№4 за 2011 год]
Authors: ( - , Ph.D; Malsagov M.Yu. ( - Center of Optical Neural Technologies, SRISA RAS, Ph.D;
Abstract: The problem of neural network minimization of quadratic functional in binary space is considered in this paper. To solve problem modified minimization algorithm is proposed and researched, based on discretization procedure. It is shown, that it applying decrease calculation volume.
Keywords: , minimization, discretization, singular-spectrum analysis, neural network
Visitors: 11668
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